公共成员' ToCSVValue'在类型'整数'找不到VB扩展方法

时间:2016-08-17 00:50:20

标签: vb.net extension-methods

我正在尝试基于Scott Hanselman's blog在VB中编写ToCSV()扩展名。可能是我的C#到VB不正确,但一切看起来都是正确的。 我添加了一个模块:

Public Function ToCSV(Of T)(items As IEnumerable(Of T)) As String

        Dim csvBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        Dim properties = GetType(T).GetProperties()

        For Each item As T In items

            '' Test Code
            Dim newline As String = ""
            For Each l2 As Reflection.PropertyInfo In properties

                ' This works
                newline &= l2.GetValue(item, Nothing)

                ' This works too
                Dim int As Integer = 1234
                Dim s As String = int.ToCSVValue()

                'This works
                Dim nl = l2.GetValue(item, Nothing)

                ' This blows up with "Public member 'ToCSVValue' on type 'Integer' not found."  
                ' The Debugger type shows "Object {Integer}" which I assume to mean that the debugger interprets the object as an integer.
                nl = nl.ToCSVValue()

            ' Original code
            Dim line As String = String.Join(",", properties.Select(Function(p) p.GetValue(item, Nothing).ToCSVValue()).ToArray())

        Return csvBuilder.ToString()

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

End Function

Private Function ToCSVValue(Of T)(item As T) As String

    If item Is Nothing Then
        Return """"""
    End If

    If TypeOf item Is String Then
        Return String.Format("""{0}""", item.ToString().Replace("""", "\"""))
    End If
    Dim dummy As Double
    If Double.TryParse(item.ToString(), dummy) Then
        Return String.Format("{0}", item)
    End If
    Return String.Format("""{0}""", item)

End Function


Dim s As String = ctx.Customers.Where(Function(x) x.CustomerID = 123456).Select(Function(x) New With {.CustomerID = x.CustomerID, .CustomerName = x.CustomerName}).ToCSV()



如果我创建一个静态整数并在其上调用ToCSVValue,它可以正常工作。 如果我创建一个静态字符串并在其上调用ToCSVValue,它可以正常工作。

当我在GetValue()上调用ToCSVValue时,我得到: 公共成员&#39; ToCSVValue&#39;在类型&#39;整数&#39;没找到。

同样,如果我在数据集中只有字符串,我得到: 公共成员&#39; ToCSVValue&#39;在类型&#39;字符串&#39;没找到。


任何人都可以告诉我发生了什么以及为什么&#34;(Of T)&#34;是不是使用get getValue()类型,但是它适用于直接转换类型?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您需要选择“推断”&#39;。 当我使用Option Infer On时,它可以正常工作。



Public Function ToCSV(Of T As Class)(items As IEnumerable(Of T)) As String

答案 1 :(得分:0)

简短的回答是,将其称为方法ToCSVValue(p.GetValue(item, Nothing))将与C#版本一样。


<Extension()> Function toStr(Of T)(item As T) As String
    Return item.ToString
End Function

然后这将导致编译时警告&#34; Late bound resolution; runtime errors could occur.&#34;和运行时错误&#34; Public member 'toStr' on type 'Integer' not found.&#34;,但它可以在C#中工作:

Dim i As Object = 123
Dim s = i.toStr