我有一个将数据写入共享内存的发布者进程。几个订阅者从共享内存中读取数据。我正在使用如下所示的posix信号量(简化以保持最小化)。 发布商代码:
var structuredData = [
//These are your columns to add rows under, just add data to their arrays
//['row1, 'row2', 'row3'] instead of the single row like it is now.
var visibleData = {
list1: {
element: document.getElementById('list1'),
dataIndex: 0
list2: {
element: document.getElementById('list1'),
dataIndex: 1
list3: {
element: document.getElementById('list1'),
dataIndex: 2
function refreshView() {
var i;
for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { //using 1 intentionally.... coz it corresponds with the ID, loop however u want
document.getElementById('list' + i).innerHTML = structuredData[visibleData['list' + i].dataIndex][0];
//The 0 in the last bracket represents a ROW parameter,
//which since we are talking header is 0, same like
//with the structured data array, each array inside is a column,
//and the elements are row values, if you want to fill out a table,
//make another loop within this one and circle through rows.
function moveRight() {
var i;
for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
visibleData['list' + i].dataIndex = visibleData['list' + (i+1)].dataIndex;
visibleData['list3'].dataIndex = visibleData['list2'].dataIndex + 1;
if (!structuredData[visibleData['list3'].dataIndex]){
//newColumn needs to be added to the right
structuredData[visibleData['list3'].dataIndex] = ["cellNewAfter"];
function moveLeft() {
var i;
for (i = 3; i > 1; i--) {
visibleData['list' + i].dataIndex = visibleData['list' + (i-1)].dataIndex;
visibleData['list1'].dataIndex = visibleData['list2'].dataIndex - 1;
if (!structuredData[visibleData['list1'].dataIndex]){
//newColumn needs to be added to the right
structuredData[visibleData['list1'].dataIndex] = ["cellNewBefore"];
#include <fcntl.h> //for flag O_CREAT, O_EXCL..
#include <sys/stat.h> //for mode 0666
#include <semaphore.h> //for sem_open, sem_close, sem..
#include <stdio.h> //for printf
#define MAX_READERS 100
int main()
int i;
//create the semaphore
sem_t *sem = sem_open("AllHailMySemaphore", O_CREAT, 0666, MAX_READERS);
//lock all the semaphores
for(i=0; i<MAX_READERS; i++)
sem_wait(sem); //will this wait forever?
//write to shared memory (skipped)
//unlock all the semaphores
for(i=0; i<MAX_READERS; i++)
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
为了防止发布者进程出现饥饿,我可以使用另一个仅由发布者锁定的信号量。只有在发布者信号量解锁时,订阅者才会等待锁定。见下面的代码: 出版商:
#include <fcntl.h> //for flag O_CREAT, O_EXCL..
#include <sys/stat.h> //for mode 0666
#include <semaphore.h> //for sem_open, sem_close, sem..
#include <stdio.h> //for printf
#define MAX_READERS 100
int main()
int i;
//create the semaphore
sem_t *rsem = sem_open("ReaderSem", O_CREAT, 0666,
sem_t *wsem = sem_open("WriterSem", O_CREAT, 0644,
//lock the writer semaphore
printf("writer semaphore locked. press enter to continue:");
//lock all the reader semaphores
for(i=0; i<MAX_READERS; i++)
//unlock the writer semaphore
//write to shared memory (skipped)
//unlock all the reader semaphores
for(i=0; i<MAX_READERS; i++)
return 0;
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
sem_t *rsem = sem_open("ReaderSem", 0); //get the reader sem
sem_t *wsem = sem_open("WriterSem", 0); //get the writer sem
int wsem_val = 0;
while(wsem_val<1){ //writer sem is locked
sem_getvalue(wsem, &wsem_val);
printf("writer sem val = %d\n", wsem_val);
sem_wait(rsem); //consume 1 semaphore
//read shared memory
sem_post(rsem); //release 1 semaphore
return 0;
可能不推荐等待while循环。没有“等待零”&#39;在posix信号量中操作,但它有SystemV信号量。此外,SystemV信号量广泛可用。所以,我选择的是SystemV over Posix信号量。找到下面的systemV实现: 出版商:
#include <sys/sem.h> //for systemV semaphores
#include <stdio.h> //for printf and getchar
#include <stdlib.h> //for malloc
#define MAX_READERS 100
int main()
key_t key = (key_t)0xfeededdf; //any unique val. you could use ftok
int semid = semget(key, 2, //creates a semaphore set with 2 sems
//initialize the sem.. note: creation and init is not atomic
union semun {
int val;
struct semid_ds *buf;
ushort *array;
} arg;
arg.array = (ushort*)malloc(sizeof(ushort)*2);
arg.array[0] = 0;
arg.array[1] = MAX_READERS;
semctl(semid, 0, SETALL, arg);
//end init
printf("press enter to lock:");
//lock the writer semaphore
struct sembuf sb;
sb.sem_num = 0; //0th semaphore is writer
sb.sem_op = 1; //set it to 1
sb.sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT; //should not have to wait
semop(semid, &sb, 1);
//end lock writer semaphore
//lock all the reader semaphores
sb.sem_num = 1; //1th semaphore is reader
sb.sem_op = -MAX_READERS; //lock all together.. no loops
sb.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; //undo this change when process terminates
semop(semid, &sb, 1);
//unlock the writer semaphore
sb.sem_num = 0; //0th semaphore is writer
sb.sem_op = -1; //make it 0
sb.sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT; //should not have to wait
semop(semid, &sb, 1);
//end unlock writer
//Write to shared memory (skipped)
printf("press enter to unlock:");
//unlock all the reader semaphores
sb.sem_num = 1; //1th semaphore is reader
sb.sem_op = MAX_READERS; //unlock all together
sb.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; //undo this change when process terminates
semop(semid, &sb, 1);
printf("press enter to delete semaphore and exit:");
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h> //for printf and getchar
#include <sys/sem.h> //for systemV semaphores
int main()
key_t key = (key_t)0xfeededdf; //should use ftok instead
int semid = semget(key, 0, 0); //get the existing semaphore
printf("press enter to lock reader semaphore:");
struct sembuf sb[2]; //2 operations: 1.wait-for-writer 2.lock-reader
sb[0].sem_num = 0; //0th : writer semaphore
sb[0].sem_op = 0; //wait for zero
sb[0].sem_flg = 0; //don't need to undo
sb[1].sem_num = 1; //1th : reader semaphore
sb[1].sem_op = -1; //lock - decrement by 1
sb[1].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; //undo when process terminates
semop(semid, sb, 2); //2 denotes 2 operations (nsops=2)
//read shared memory (skipped)
printf("press enter to unlock reader semaphore and exit:");
sb[0].sem_num = 1; //1: reader sem. no need to wait for writer
sb[0].sem_op = 1; //unlock: increment by 1
sb[0].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; //it might feel weird to undo the unlocking. but
//it is necessary. read about semadj structure.
semop(semid, sb, 1); //sb[1] will be ignored as nsops=1
return 0;
来源:Stevens book