
时间:2016-08-14 16:49:34

标签: go range indexof panic

this is the error description im getting, i cant really understand what is the problem在这个程序中,我试图根据骑士的动作计算棋盘上任意两个方格之间的最短路径,我检查了几个网站,他们说了一些关于查找长度的信息,我ddint安静了解如何使用。我遇到一个错误说“恐慌:索引超出范围”任何人都可以帮助我.. !!请

package main

import (

var heightcurrstack int
var currentSource string
var currentDest string
var currentDestn int
var PosMoves [8]int

func main() {

    file, err := os.Open("chessin.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer file.Close()
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
    for scanner.Scan() {
        strs := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), ",")

        currentSource = strs[0]
        currentDest = strs[1]
        currentDestn = toNumber(currentDest)

func IsValid(b string) bool {

    if b[0] <= 'H' && b[0] >= 'A' && b[1] <= '8' && b[1] >= '1' {
        return true
    return false

func toNumber(s string) int {
    var Number int

    if len(s) != 2 {
        fmt.Println("Invalid Input", s, ".")
    Number = int(s[0]-'A')*8 + int(s[1]-'0')
    return Number

func ToString(n int) string {
    return string((n/8)+65) + string((n%8)+49)


func PossibleMoves(n int) [8]int {

    a := ToString(n)
    isval := IsValid(a)

    if isval == true {
        if IsValid(string(a[0]+1) + string(a[1]+2)) {
            PosMoves[0] = toNumber(string(a[0]+1) + string(a[1]+2))
        if IsValid(string(a[0]+1) + string(a[1]-2)) {
            PosMoves[1] = toNumber(string(a[0]+1) + string(a[1]-2))
        if IsValid(string(a[0]-1) + string(a[1]+2)) {
            PosMoves[2] = toNumber(string(a[0]-1) + string(a[1]+2))
        if IsValid(string(a[0]-1) + string(a[1]-2)) {
            PosMoves[3] = toNumber(string(a[0]-1) + string(a[1]-2))
        if IsValid(string(a[0]+2) + string(a[1]+1)) {
            PosMoves[4] = toNumber(string(a[0]+2) + string(a[1]+1))
        if IsValid(string(a[0]+2) + string(a[1]-1)) {
            PosMoves[5] = toNumber(string(a[0]+2) + string(a[1]-1))
        if IsValid(string(a[0]-2) + string(a[1]+1)) {
            PosMoves[6] = toNumber(string(a[0]-2) + string(a[1]+1))
        if IsValid(string(a[0]-2) + string(a[1]-1)) {
            PosMoves[7] = toNumber(string(a[0]-2) + string(a[1]-1))

    return PosMoves
var visithistory [64]bool

func IsvisitedNode(currentSource int) bool {

    visithistory[currentSource] = true

    if visithistory[currentSource] == true {

        return false

    return true


type stack []int

func (s stack) Push(currentSource int) stack {
    return append(s, currentSource)

func (s stack) Pop() ([]int) {
    heightcurrstack := len(s)

    return s[0:heightcurrstack]

func dfstraversal(currentSource int) {

    var currentchildren [8]int
    copy(PosMoves[:], currentchildren[:])
    s := make(stack, 0)

   if IsvisitedNode(currentSource) == true {

        var j int = 0
        for j < len(currentchildren) {
            currentchildren[j+1] = currentSource
 } else  if IsvisitedNode(currentSource) == false { //condition 1:previously not visited
        if heightcurrstack > 6 { //condition 2: if the number of moves are more than 6

        if currentSource == currentDestn { //condition 3 : if the destination  posititon is found
        s = s.Push(currentSource)

        s = s.Push(currentchildren[0])

        currentchildren[0] = currentSource

        if currentSource == currentDestn {




func tracesuccessfulpath() {

    s := make(stack, 0)

var Path []string 

for _,x := range s {
    Path := append(Path, ToString(x))



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您将0或1个char字符串传递给“toNumber(s string)”函数。这就是恐慌的原因。

这可能是因为您在chessin.txt中没有正确的信息。当你在strs := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), ",")中拆分它时,找不到你想要的东西