我阅读并尝试了我找到的解决方案,但它对我不起作用。 我有用于预订事件的表单,我将一些数据传递给用于向用户发送短信的php文件,并提供一些信息。
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
// $() will work as an alias for jQuery() inside of this function
// old form action is #em-booking
$(".em-booking-form").submit(function( event ) {
// show/hide messages.
$('#messageBeforeSubmit').removeClass('showMessage').addClass('hideMessge');//remove message
$('#messageAfterSubmit').removeClass('hideMessge').addClass('showMessage');//show message
$('#orderBeforeSubmit').removeClass('showMessage').addClass('hideMessge');//remove messge
var get_training = $('#training').text();
var get_date = $('#date').text();
var get_time = $('#time').text();
var get_phone = $('#dbem_phone').val();
var dataString = 'training='+escape(get_training)+'&date='+escape(get_date)+'&time='+escape(get_time)+'&phone='+escape(get_phone);
type: 'POST',
url: 'send-samir.php',
data: {
'phone': get_phone,
'training': get_training,
'date': get_date,
'time': get_time
我尝试了所有标记为评论的内容,但对我来说都没有用, JavaScript采用我想要的值,我用警报
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$training = $_POST['training'];
$date = $_POST['date'];
$time = $_POST['time'];
$message .= $training;
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= "date: ";
$message .= $date;
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= "time: ";
$message .= $time;
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= "Thank you";
$message .= "\r\n";
send_sms($message, $phone);
echo "ok";
function send_sms($msg, $recepients)
$msg = str_replace('<', '%26lt;', $msg); // "Cleans" the message from unsafe notes
$msg = str_replace('>', '%26gt;', $msg); // "Cleans" the message from unsafe notes
$msg = str_replace('\"', '%26quot;', $msg); // "Cleans" the message from unsafe notes
$msg = str_replace("\'", '%26apos;', $msg); // "Cleans" the message from unsafe notes
$msg = str_replace("&", '%26amp;', $msg); // "Cleans" the message from unsafe notes
$msg = str_replace("\r\n", '%0D%0A', $msg); // "Cleans" the message from enter
$message_text = $msg;
$sms_host = "api.inforu.co.il"; // Application server's URL;
$sms_port = 80; // Application server's PORT;
$sms_path = "/SendMessageXml.ashx"; // Application server's PATH;
$sms_user = "username"; // User Name (Provided by Inforu) ; $sms_user = "USERNAME";
$sms_password = "password"; // Password (Provided by Inforu) ; $sms_password = "PASSWORD";
$sms_sender = "my company"; // The SMS sender's (Optional, only English characters, 11 max. ); $sms_sender = "MyCompany";
$message_text = str_replace (" ", "%20", $message_text); // Encodes spaces into "%20" in the URL;
$query = 'InforuXML=' . urlencode('<Inforu><User><Username>'.
$sms_password.'</Password></User><Content Type="sms"><Message>').
$fp = fsockopen("$sms_host", $sms_port, $errno, $errstr, 30); // Opens a socket to the Application server
if (!$fp){ // Verifies that the socket has been opened and sending the message;
echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
$out = "GET $sms_path?$query HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $sms_host\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $out);
while (!feof($fp)){
echo fgets($fp, 128); // Echos the respond from application server (you may replace this line with an "Message has been sent" message);
我通过向url添加变量来检查代码,例如 send-samir.php?date = date_vale&amp; time =“time_value包含所有变量 它有效。
我还在表单代码中添加了action =“send-samir.php”,认为它有所帮助,但它没有帮助。 你还需要形成代码吗?