我想创建一个应用程序,它使用Apple Pencil(或只是一个手指)在iPad上的空白“工作表”上绘制/草图/书写。最后一个WWDC有一个会话,显示如何在应用程序内使用Apple Pencil。
以下是此会话的链接:https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2016/220/ (您可以在那里下载示例应用程序。)
Note: this is not a particularily efficient way to draw a great stroke path
with CoreGraphics. It is just a way to produce an interesting looking result.
For a real world example you would reuse and cache CGPaths and draw longer
paths instead of an aweful lot of tiny ones, etc. You would also respect the
draw rect to cull your draw requests. And you would use bezier paths to
interpolate between the points to get a smooother curve.
(PS:我应该提一下,这个示例应用程序仅在带有Swift 3.0的iOS10 Beta上运行)
编辑:我正在使用iOS10 Beta 5在iPad Pro(12.9英寸)上测试此应用。