
时间:2016-08-12 22:42:45

标签: python csv


row    name                  city                          amount
1      frank | john | dave   toronto | new york | anaheim  10
2      george | joe | fred   fresno | kansas city | reno   20


row    name    city          amount
1      frank   toronto       10
2      john    new york      10
3      dave    anaheim       10
4      george  fresno        20
5      joe     kansas city   20
6      fred    reno          20

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

也许不是最好但有效的解决方案: (不使用管道线和不同的管道长度)

df = pd.read_csv('<your_data>.csv')
str_split = ' | '

# Calculate maximum length of piped (' | ') values
df['max_len'] = df[['name', 'city']].apply(lambda x: max(len(x[0].split(str_split)),
    len(x[0].split(str_split))), axis=1)
max_len = df['max_len'].max()

# Split '|' piped cell values into columns (needed at unpivot step)
# Create as many new 'name_<x>' & 'city_<x>' columns as 'max_len'
df[['name_{}'.format(i) for i in range(max_len)]] = df['name'].apply(lambda x: \
df[['city_{}'.format(i) for i in range(max_len)]] = df['city'].apply(lambda x: \

# Unpivot 'name_<x>' & 'city_<x>' columns into rows
df_pv_name = pd.melt(df, value_vars=['name_{}'.format(i) for i in range(max_len)],
df_pv_city = pd.melt(df, value_vars=['city_{}'.format(i) for i in range(max_len)],

# Rename upivoted columns (these are the final columns)
df_pv_name = df_pv_name.rename(columns={'value':'name'})
df_pv_city = df_pv_city.rename(columns={'value':'city'})

# Rename 'city_<x>' values (rows) to be 'key' for join (merge)
df_pv_city['variable'] = df_pv_city['variable'].map({'city_{}'.format(i):'name_{}'\
    .format(i) for i in range(max_len)})

# Join unpivoted 'name' & 'city' dataframes
df_res = df_pv_name.merge(df_pv_city, on=['variable', 'amount'])

# Drop 'variable' column and NULL rows if you have not equal pipe-length in original rows
# If you want to drop any NULL rows then replace 'all' to 'any'
df_res = df_res.drop(['variable'], axis=1).dropna(subset=['name', 'city'], how='all',


   amount    name         city
0      10   frank      toronto
1      20  george       fresno
2      10    john     new york
3      20     joe  kansas city
4      10    dave      anaheim
5      20    fred         reno


                               name                                                  city  amount
0  frank | john | dave | joe | bill  toronto | new york | anaheim | los angeles | caracas      10
1               george | joe | fred                                  fresno | kansas city      20
2                             danny                                                 miami      30


   amount    name         city
0      10   frank      toronto
1      20  george       fresno
2      30   danny        miami
3      10    john     new york
4      20     joe  kansas city
5      10    dave      anaheim
6      20    fred          NaN
7      10     joe  los angeles
8      10    bill      caracas

答案 1 :(得分:1)


['1','frank|joe|dave', 'toronto|new york|anaheim', '20']


itertools.izip_longest(*[value.split('|') for value in row])


[('1', 'frank', 'toronto', '20'),
 (None, 'joe', 'new york', None),
 (None, 'dave', 'anaheim', None)]



import itertools 

def flatten_tsv(lines):
    result = []
    for line in lines:
        flat_lines = itertools.izip_longest(*[value.split('|') for value in line])
        for flat_line in flat_lines:
            result.append([result[-1][i] if v is None else v 
                           for i, v in enumerate(flat_line)])
    return result