
时间:2016-08-11 23:21:55

标签: python imgur

我正在使用their APIs及其python library为Imgur更新/重建一个简单的应用程序。

我正在尽最大努力实施一些速率限制,以确保我保持their rate limits。为此,我偶尔会检查应用程序在任何给定时间的剩余配额,并在配额低于某个限制时减少选项/操作。为了监控我的配额,我有一个简单的命令来打印剩余的配额:

def printQuota():

    client = authAsUser()#check you\'re authorized as a user. 

    timeTillUserReset = client.credits['UserReset']#Grabs the time the user quota will reset in Unix Epoch
    timeString = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(float(timeTillUserReset)))#Formats the Unix Epoch to something readable
    print ('User Limit: ' + str(client.credits['UserLimit']))#Print the Total credits that can be allocated.
    print ('User Remaining: ' + str(client.credits['UserRemaining']))#Print Total credits available.
    print ('User Reset: ' + str(timeString)) #Timestamp for when the credits will be reset.
    print ('User Client Limit: ' + str(client.credits['ClientLimit'])) #Total credits that can be allocated for the application in a day.
    print ('User Client Remaining: ' + str(client.credits['ClientRemaining'])) #Total credits remaining for the application in a day.



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