在Rails中使用Twilio 4 - A' To'电话号码是必需的

时间:2016-08-11 14:51:08

标签: ruby-on-rails ruby api model-view-controller twilio

我正在按照Twilio教程(HERE)将语音和短信添加到我的导轨4并继续收到相同的错误... A' To'电话号码是必需的。我想我有一个数字定义...不?我在下面列出了所有相关代码。先感谢您。还要注意,client_phone是表格中的一列......用户输入了client_phone,然后点击该按钮进行分享。


Vector3[] defaultPos;
Vector3[] defaultScale;
Quaternion[] defaultRot;

Transform[] models;

//Attach Button from the Editor
public Button resetButton;

void Start()
    //Call to back up the Transform before moving, scaling or rotating the GameObject

void backUpTransform()
    //Find GameObjects with Model tag
    GameObject[] tempModels = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Model");

    //Create pos, scale and rot, Transform array size based on sixe of Objects found
    defaultPos = new Vector3[tempModels.Length];
    defaultScale = new Vector3[tempModels.Length];
    defaultRot = new Quaternion[tempModels.Length];

    models = new Transform[tempModels.Length];

    //Get original the pos, scale and rot of each Object on the transform
    for (int i = 0; i < tempModels.Length; i++)
        models[i] = tempModels[i].GetComponent<Transform>();

        defaultPos[i] = models[i].position;
        defaultScale[i] = models[i].localScale;
        defaultRot[i] = models[i].rotation;

//Called when Button is clicked
void resetTransform()
    //Restore the all the original pos, scale and rot  of each GameOBject
    for (int i = 0; i < models.Length; i++)
        models[i].position = defaultPos[i];
        models[i].localScale = defaultScale[i];
        models[i].rotation = defaultRot[i];

void OnEnable()
    //Register Button Events
    resetButton.onClick.AddListener(() => resetTransform());


void OnDisable()
    //Un-Register Button Events


def share_over_sms

   twilio_sid = ENV["TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"]
   twilio_token = ENV["TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"]
   twilio_phone_number = ENV["TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER"]

   @twilio_client = Twilio::REST::Client.new twilio_sid, twilio_token

     :from => "+1#{twilio_phone_number}",
     :to => @client_phone,
     :body => "This is a test."


get "share_over_sms"


enter image description here

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我还建议您查看来自this one等教程的生产就绪代码示例,以比较Rails设置。