
时间:2016-08-11 10:45:56

标签: batch-file

我每次运行时都会尝试编写一个批处理文件来增加版本号,但是我很担心"对于/ f"以及使用命令提示符测试批处理文件时的行为。请帮我解决一下这个。 这是我的批处理文件

for /f "tokens=2,3 " %%i in (version.h) do (
    set /a number=%%j+1
    echo %%i
    echo %%j
    echo %number%
    if %%i==REVISION (
        echo line1
        echo #define %%i "%number%" >> temp.file
    ) else (
        echo line2
        echo #define %%i %%j >> temp.file
del /q version.h
ren temp.file version.h


#define MAJOR "1" 
#define MINOR "0" 
#define REVISION "242" 

批处理文件只能在第一次运行时产生正确的结果(#define REVISION" 243"),并且在第二次运行时产生奇怪的结果(#define REVISION" 0" )。第三次跑步的结果是正确的(" #define REVISION" 244"),但第四次跑步再次变得奇怪(#define REVISION" 1"),等等。 似乎我没有解析正确的字符串,所以每次都无法得到正确的结果。 我键入"表示/?"在命令提示符下阅读帮助信息,但仍然无法理解,请帮我这个。任何回复都会很感激!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


所以这里是代码 - 引用它的工作原理的解释性说明:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define constants here:
set "FILE=%~1" & rem // (provide the target file as command line argument)
set "DIRECTIVE=#define" & rem // (name of the directive to search)
set "DEFINITION=REVISION" & rem // (name of the definition to search)
set "CASESENS=" & rem // (set to non-empty for case-sensitive searches)
set "QUOTED="^" & rem // (set to non-empty for quoting returned number)

rem // Resolve arguments and options:
if not defined FILE ((>&2 echo ERROR: no file specified!) & exit /B 1)
if defined CASESENS (set "CASESENS=") else (set "CASESENS=/I")
if defined QUOTED (set "QUOTED="^") else (set "QUOTED=")

rem // Loop through all lines in the target file:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F delims^=^ eol^= %%L in ('
    rem/ /* Prefix lines with line numbers to not lose empty ones; ^& ^
    rem/    after having read file, deplete its entire content: */ ^& ^
    findstr /N /R "^^" "!FILE!" ^& ^> "!FILE!" break
') do (
    set "FLAG="
    set "LINE=%%L"
    rem // Split line into three tokens:
    for /F "tokens=1-3 eol= " %%I in ("%%L") do (
        set "FIELD1=%%I"
        set "FIELD2=%%J"
        set "NUMBER=%%~K"
        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        rem // Check first token for matching directive name:
        if %CASESENS% "!FIELD1:*:=!"=="!DIRECTIVE!" (
        rem // Check second token for matching definition name:
            if %CASESENS% "!FIELD2!"=="!DEFINITION!" (
                rem // Increment number of third token:
                set /A "NUMBER+=1"
                set "FLAG=#"
                setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    rem // Write output line into target file:
    >> "!FILE!" (
        rem // Check whether dirctive and definition matched:
        if defined FLAG (
            rem // Match found, so write new line with incremented number:
        ) else (
            rem // No match found, so write original line:

exit /B