我需要使用以下格式将double值(厘米)转换为分数值:3 1/64(英寸)。在阅读了很多关于这个并找到转换成分数的算法之后,我认为它们对我所需要的不好,因为我的分数应该是以下格式:?/ 2,?/ 4,?/ 8,?/ 16, ?/ 32,?/ 64。我见过这样的转换表:table。我认为我最好的解决方案是创建一个包含表格中所有值的键值列表,并为每个数字找到列表中的最佳近似值。
例如:3.21厘米。 = 1.26378 in = 1 in + 0.26378。所以,根据表格链接,0.26378 = 17/64。最终结果应为1 17/64英寸。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
private static string ToFraction64(double value) {
// denominator is fixed
int denominator = 64;
// integer part, can be signed: 1, 0, -3,...
int integer = (int) value;
// numerator: always unsigned (the sign belongs to the integer part)
// + 0.5 - rounding, nearest one: 37.9 / 64 -> 38 / 64; 38.01 / 64 -> 38 / 64
int numerator = (int) ((Math.Abs(value) - Math.Abs(integer)) * denominator + 0.5);
// some fractions, e.g. 24 / 64 can be simplified:
// both numerator and denominator can be divided by the same number
// since 64 = 2 ** 6 we can try 2 powers only
// 24/64 -> 12/32 -> 6/16 -> 3/8
// In general case (arbitrary denominator) use gcd (Greatest Common Divisor):
// double factor = gcd(denominator, numerator);
// denominator /= factor;
// numerator /= factor;
while ((numerator % 2 == 0) && (denominator % 2 == 0)) {
numerator /= 2;
denominator /= 2;
// The longest part is formatting out
// if we have an actual, not degenerated fraction (not, say, 4 0/1)
if (denominator > 1)
if (integer != 0) // all three: integer + numerator + denominator
return string.Format("{0} {1}/{2}", integer, numerator, denominator);
else if (value < 0) // negative numerator/denominator, e.g. -1/4
return string.Format("-{0}/{1}", numerator, denominator);
else // positive numerator/denominator, e.g. 3/8
return string.Format("{0}/{1}", numerator, denominator);
return integer.ToString(); // just an integer value, e.g. 0, -3, 12...
const double cmInInch = 2.54;
// 1 17/64
Console.Write(ToFraction64(3.21 / cmInInch));
// -1 17/64
// 3 1/4
// 3 1/4
// 5
// -1/8
// 1/8
答案 1 :(得分:0)
采用德米特里·拜琴科(Dmitry Bychenko)的代码,如果分数等于1,则需要添加大小写“ else if(分母==分子)”;如果值是正数,则添加1;如果值是负,则删除1(如果分母) / numerator = 64/64)
private static string ToFraction64(double value)
// denominator is fixed
int denominator = 64;
// integer part, can be signed: 1, 0, -3,...
int integer = (int)value;
// numerator: always unsigned (the sign belongs to the integer part)
// + 0.5 - rounding, nearest one: 37.9 / 64 -> 38 / 64; 38.01 / 64 -> 38 / 64
int numerator = (int)((Math.Abs(value) - Math.Abs(integer)) * denominator + 0.5);
// some fractions, e.g. 24 / 64 can be simplified:
// both numerator and denominator can be divided by the same number
// since 64 = 2 ** 6 we can try 2 powers only
// 24/64 -> 12/32 -> 6/16 -> 3/8
// In general case (arbitrary denominator) use gcd (Greatest Common Divisor):
// double factor = gcd(denominator, numerator);
// denominator /= factor;
// numerator /= factor;
while ((numerator % 2 == 0) && (denominator % 2 == 0))
numerator /= 2;
denominator /= 2;
// The longest part is formatting out
// if we have an actual, not degenerated fraction (not, say, 4 0/1)
if (denominator > 1)
if (integer != 0) // all three: integer + numerator + denominator
return string.Format("{0} {1}/{2}", integer, numerator, denominator);
else if (value < 0) // negative numerator/denominator, e.g. -1/4
return string.Format("-{0}/{1}", numerator, denominator);
else // positive numerator/denominator, e.g. 3/8
return string.Format("{0}/{1}", numerator, denominator);
//if fraction equals to 1 we add 1 if the value is positive or remove 1 if the value is negative (ex denominator/numerator = 64/64)
else if (denominator == numerator)
if (value < 0) // negative numerator/denominator, e.g. -1/4
else // positive numerator/denominator, e.g. 3/8
return integer.ToString();
return integer.ToString(); // just an integer value, e.g. 0, -3, 12...
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我的功能更简单更简单.. 它从十进制值返回一个包含三个整数 {Inches, Numerator, Denominator} 的数组,fracBase 参数表示精度为 16、32、64、128 ... .
public static int[] GetImpFractions(decimal value, int fracBase = 32)
int[] result = { 0, 0, 0 };
result[0] = (int)Math.Truncate(value);
decimal num = (value - (decimal)result[0]);
num *= fracBase;
decimal denom = fracBase;
if (num > 0)
while (num % 2 == 0)
num /= 2;
denom /= 2;
if (num == 1 && denom == 1)
result[0] += 1;
num = 0;
denom = 0;
result[1] = (int)Math.Truncate(num);
result[2] = (int)Math.Truncate(denom);
return result;