答案 0 :(得分:6)
Sub ListAllCF()
Dim cf As FormatCondition
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For Each cf In ws.Cells.FormatConditions
Debug.Print cf.AppliesTo.Address, cf.Type, cf.Formula1, cf.Interior.Color, cf.Font.Name
Next cf
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:3)
Sub ListAllCF()
Dim cf As FormatCondition
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For Each cf In ws.Cells.FormatConditions
Debug.Print cf.AppliesTo.Address, cf.Type, cf.Operator, cf.Formula1, cf.Interior.Color, cf.Font.Name
Next cf
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:1)
使此代码起作用的主要区别是 cf 变量需要声明为 Object ,因为Cells.FormatConditions
Public Sub ListAllCF()
' List all conditional formatting on the current sheet. Use for troubleshooting.
Dim cf As Object ' This can multiple types such as FormatCondition/UniqueValues/Top10/AboveAverage/...
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Debug.Print "Applies To", "Type", "Formula", , "Bold", "Int. Color", "StopIfTrue"
For Each cf In ws.Cells.FormatConditions
Debug.Print cf.AppliesTo.Address,
Select Case cf.Type 'List of Types: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.xlformatconditiontype
Case 1, 2, xlExpression
Debug.Print "Expression", cf.Formula1, cf.Font.Bold, cf.Interior.Color, cf.StopIfTrue
Case 8, xlUniqueValues
Debug.Print "UniqueValues", IIf(cf.DupeUnique = xlUnique, "xlUnique", "xlDuplicate"), , cf.Font.Bold, cf.Interior.Color, cf.StopIfTrue
Case 5, xlTop10
Debug.Print "Top10", IIf(cf.TopBottom = xlTop10Top, "Top ", "Bottom ") & cf.Rank & IIf(cf.Percent, "%", ""), , cf.Font.Bold, cf.Interior.Color, cf.StopIfTrue
Case 12, xlAboveAverageCondition
Debug.Print "AboveAverage", IIf(cf.AboveBelow = xlAboveAverage, "Above Average", IIf(cf.AboveBelow = xlBelowAverage, "Below Average", "Other Average")), , cf.Font.Bold, cf.Interior.Color, cf.StopIfTrue
'--- Add your own code to support what you want to see for other types.
Case 3, xlColorScale
Debug.Print "ColorScale..."
Case 4, xlDatabar
Debug.Print "Databar..."
Case Else
Debug.Print "Other Type=" & cf.Type
End Select
Next cf
Debug.Print ws.Cells.FormatConditions.count & " rules on " & ws.Name
End Sub
Applies To Type Formula Bold Int. Color StopIfTrue
$A$1:$S$36 Expression =CELL("Protect",A1)=0 Null 16777215 False
$B:$B UniqueValues xlDuplicate True 13551615 False
$H:$H Top10 Top 10 Null 13551615 False
$I:$I Top10 Top 20% Null 13551615 False
$J:$J Top10 Bottom 13% Null 13561798 False
$K:$K AboveAverage Above Average Null 13551615 False
$L:$L AboveAverage Below Average Null 10284031 False
$H:$H ColorScale...
$I:$I Databar...
$M:$M Other Type=6
10 rules on Sheet1