
时间:2016-08-10 17:33:28

标签: elm



The type annotation for `update` does not match its definition.

The type annotation is saying:
     Main.Msg -> Main.Model -> ( Main.Model, Cmd Main.Msg )
 But I am inferring that the definition has this type:
     Main.Msg -> Main.Model -> ( Main.Model, Cmd Decoder.Msg )at line 100 col 10


    bla bla bla

    import Components.Decoder as Decoder exposing (..)

    type alias Item =
        { name : String
        , qty : Int

    type alias Model =
        { name : String
        , items : List Item
        , images : Images

    type Msg
        = Save
        | Input String
        | Delete Item
        | Clear
        | Sum Item Int
        | NoOp

    bla bla bla

    update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
         update msg model =
          case msg of
              Save ->
              --( add model, Cmd.none )
              ( add model, fetchCmd )

              Input name ->
                ( { model | name = name }, Cmd.none )

               Sum item number ->
                 ( sum model item number, Cmd.none )

              Delete item ->
                ( delete model item, Cmd.none )

               Clear ->
                 ( { model | name = "" }, Cmd.none )

               NoOp ->
               ( model, Cmd.none )


module Components.Decoder exposing (..)

import Http exposing (..)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, (:=))
import String
import Task exposing (Task)

type Msg
    = Fetch
    | FetchSucceed Images
    | FetchFail Http.Error

type alias Model =
    { id : Int
    , albumId : Int
    , title : String
    , url : String
    , thumbnailUrl : String

type alias Images =
    List Model

url : String
url =

stringToInt : Decoder String -> Decoder Int
stringToInt d =
    Decode.customDecoder d String.toInt

decoder : Decoder Model
decoder =
    Decode.object5 Model
        ("id" := Decode.string |> stringToInt)
        ("albumId" := Decode.string |> stringToInt)
        ("title" := Decode.string)
        ("url" := Decode.string)
        ("thumbnailUrl" := Decode.string)

decoderAll : Decoder Images
decoderAll =
    Decode.list decoder

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Fetch ->
            ( model, fetchCmd )

        FetchSucceed images ->
            ( model, Cmd.none )

        FetchFail _ ->
            ( model, Cmd.none )

fetchTask : Task Http.Error Images
fetchTask =
    Http.get decoderAll url

fetchCmd : Cmd Msg
fetchCmd =
    Task.perform FetchFail FetchSucceed fetchTask

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





  • Decoder.updateMain.Msg
  • 合并
  • Decoder.MsgDecoder.Model
  • 合并
  • Main.Model必须是update
  • 的一部分
  • 在单个Http.get函数
  • 中处理整个事情



如果您真的想要一个可重复使用的组件来发送update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Save -> -- Map Decoder.msg to Main.DecoderMsg ( add model, Cmd.map DecoderMsg fetchCmd ) DecoderMsg msg -> let -- Pass the message and handle the update. ( fetchedAlbumList, decoderCmd ) = Decoder.update msg model.albumList in -- Put retrieved data in the application state { model | albumList = fetchedAlbumList } ,您将需要执行以下操作:

(Board[i][j] == 0) ? "  " : "\u2588\u2588";