从Window Reference获取窗口的ClassName

时间:2016-08-09 21:30:55

标签: wpf window classname


public partial class MyWindow : Window
   // this is just a WPF window

   // I have in XAML Closing event like Closing="Window_Closing"
   // and here is the event definition
   public void Window_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
      SaveWindowState(this); // just passes reference to itself


public static void SaveWindowState(Window window)
    // Since I can call this from many windows, I need a way to get
    // the class name of my window in here.  Basically, for MyWindow
    // above, I need to get "MyWindow" and for other windows, I need
    // to get thier class name from the passed in "window" parameter.


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