带有复选框的Telerik Kendo Grid - 可以从一页

时间:2016-08-09 16:21:44

标签: asp.net razor kendo-grid telerik-grid

我有一个带有UniqueId列的Kendo Grid,其中包含带有复选框的客户端模板:

          .DataSource(datasource => datasource                
                .Sort(sort => sort.Add("TimeOn").Descending())
                .Read(read => read.Action("GetRunSummaries", "PatientReport")))               

          .Columns(columns =>
                  columns.Bound(c => c.UniqueId).Title(ELSORegistry.Resources.Views.Home.HomeStrings.UniqueId)
                      .ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox'  class='primaryBox' id='#= UniqueId #' value='#= UniqueId #'>#= UniqueId #</input>");                        
                  columns.Bound(c => c.RunNo).Title(SharedStrings.Run);
                  columns.Bound(c => c.Birthdate).Title(SharedStrings.Birthdate).Format("{0:g}").Filterable(true);

                  columns.Bound(c => c.customAge).Title(SharedStrings.Age)
                             filterable => filterable
                                 .Operators(operators => operators
                                     .ForString(str => str.Clear().IsEqualTo("Is equal to"))



              columns.Bound(c => c.TimeOn).Title(PatientStrings.DateOn)
              columns.Bound(c => c.TimeOff).Title(PatientStrings.DateOff)
              columns.Bound(c => c.DischargedAlive).Title(PatientStrings.DischargedAlive).Filterable(true);
              columns.Bound(c => c.ShowSubmitted).Title(PatientStrings.Submitted).Filterable(true);
              columns.Bound(c => c.SupportTypeEnum).Title(PatientStrings.SupportType).Filterable(true);//.ClientTemplate("#= SupportType ? 'Yes' : 'No' #");
      .Pageable(p => p.PageSizes(new[] {10, 25, 50, 100}))
      .Filterable( )
      .Events( e => e.FilterMenuInit("FilterMenuFuncWithAge") ) // apply x [closing box] on pop up filter box


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


//grid definition
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
                dataSource: dataSource,
                pageable: true,
                height: 430,
                //define dataBound event handler
                dataBound: onDataBound,
                toolbar: ["create"],
                columns: [
                    //define template column with checkbox and attach click event handler
                    { field:"Discontinued", template: "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' #= Discontinued ? checked='checked' : '' # />",
          headerTemplate: "<input type='checkbox' id='chkSelectAll' onclick='checkAll(this)'/>"
                    "ProductName", {
                        field: "UnitPrice",
                        title: "Unit Price",
                        format: "{0:c}",
                        width: "100px"
                    }, {
                        field: "UnitsInStock",
                        title: "Units In Stock",
                        width: "100px"
                    }, {
                        field: "Discontinued",
                        width: "100px"
                    }, {
                        command: ["edit", "destroy"],
                        title: "&nbsp;",
                        width: "172px"
                editable: "inline"

            //bind click event to the checkbox
            grid.table.on("click", ".checkbox" , selectRow);


    //when check box is clicked
    function selectRow() {
        var checked = this.checked,
            row = $(this).closest("tr"),
            grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid"),
            dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);

        checkedIds[dataItem.id] = checked;
        if (checked) {
            //-select the row
        } else {
            //-remove selection

   //restore previous selected rows:
    function onDataBound(e) {
        var view = this.dataSource.view();
        for(var i = 0; i < view.length;i++){
                this.tbody.find("tr[data-uid='" + view[i].uid + "']")

 //for select all
 function checkAll(ele) {
    var state = $(ele).is(':checked');
    var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid');
    $.each(grid.dataSource.view(), function () {
       if (this['Discontinued'] != state) 
       this['Discontinued'] = state;


请参考下面给出的dojo作为工作样本 http://dojo.telerik.com/ukavA