互联网上是否有可用的资源,我可以找到XML格式的表情符号/ unicodes的完整列表,以便我可以将它们作为我项目的一部分来实现:
<key name="soccer_ball">⚽</key>
<key name="basket_ball"></key>
<key name="soccer_ball">0x26bd</key>
<key name="basket_ball">0x1f3c0</key>
答案 0 :(得分:2)
可以在http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/emoji-data.txt以文本格式找到Unicode表情符号的官方列表。在撰写本文时,最新版本为3.0。还有http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/4.0/版本4.0的草稿数据草稿。另请参阅Unicode Technical Report #51: Unicode Emoji。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
对于 flag 表情符号,您可以从here复制xml列表,然后通过粘贴here
中的符号将以下国家/地区列表转换为表情符号 <item><key>Afghanistan</key><value></value></item>
答案 2 :(得分:0)
const emojis={ "2049": ["interrobang"],
"2122": ["tm"],
"2139": ["information source"],
"2194": ["left right arrow"],
"2195": ["arrow up down"],
"2196": ["arrow upper left"],
"2197": ["arrow upper right"],
"2198": ["arrow lower right"],
"2199": ["arrow lower left"],
"2328": ["keyboard"],
"2600": ["sunny"],
"2601": ["cloud"],
"2602": ["umbrella"],
"2603": ["showman"],
"2604": ["comet"],
"2611": ["ballot box with check"],
"2614": ["umbrella"],
"2615": ["coffee"],
"2618": ["shamrock"],
"2620": ["skull and crossbones"],
"2622": ["radioactive sign"],
"2623": ["biohazard sign"],
"2626": ["orthodox cross"],
"2638": ["wheel of dharma"],
"2639": ["white frowning face"],
"2648": ["aries"],
"2649": ["taurus"],
"2650": ["sagittarius"],
"2651": ["capricorn"],
"2652": ["aquarius"],
"2653": ["pisces"],
"2660": ["spades"],
"2663": ["clubs"],
"2665": ["hearts"],
"2666": ["diamonds"],
"2668": ["hotsprings"],
"2692": ["hammer and pick"],
"2693": ["anchor"],
"2694": ["crossed swords"],
"2696": ["scales"],
"2697": ["alembic"],
"2699": ["gear"],
"2702": ["scissors"],
"2705": ["white check mark"],
"2708": ["airplane"],
"2709": ["email","envelope"],
"2712": ["black nib"],
"2714": ["heavy check mark"],
"2716": ["heavy multiplication x"],
"2721": ["star of david"],
"2728": ["sparkles"],
"2733": ["eight spoked asterisk"],
"2734": ["eight pointed black star"],
"2744": ["snowflake"],
"2747": ["sparkle"],
"2753": ["question"],
"2754": ["grey question"],
"2755": ["grey exclamation"],
"2757": ["exclamation","heavy exclamation mark"],
"2763": ["heavy heart exclamation mark ornament"],
"2764": ["heart"],
"2795": ["heavy plus sign"],
"2796": ["heavy minus sign"],
"2797": ["heavy division sign"],
"2934": ["arrow heading up"],
"2935": ["arrow heading down"],
"3030": ["wavy dash"],
"3297": ["congratulations"],
"3299": ["secret"],
"00a9": ["copyright"],
"00ae": ["registered"],
"203c": ["bangbang"],
"21a9": ["leftwards arrow with hook"],
"21aa": ["arrow right hook"],
"231a": ["watch"],
"231b": ["hourglass"],
"23e9": ["fast forward"],
"23ea": ["rewind"],
"23eb": ["arrow double up"],
"23ec": ["arrow double down"],
"23ed": ["black right pointing double triangle with vertical bar"],
"23ee": ["black left pointing double triangle with vertical bar"],
"23ef": ["black right pointing triangle with double vertical bar"],
"23f0": ["alarm clock"],
"23f1": ["stopwatch"],
"23f2": ["timer clock"],
"23f3": ["hourglass flowing sand"],
"23f8": ["double vertical bar"],
"23f9": ["black square for stop"],
"23fa": ["black circle for record"],
"24c2": ["m"],
"25aa": ["black small square"],
"25ab": ["white small square"],
"25b6": ["arrow forward"],
"25c0": ["arrow backward"],
"25fb": ["white medium square"],
"25fc": ["black medium square"],
"25fd": ["white medium small square"],
"25fe": ["black medium small square"],
"260e": ["phone","telephone"],
"261d": ["point up"],
"262a": ["star and crescent"],
"262e": ["peace symbol"],
"262f": ["yin yang"],
"263a": ["relaxed"],
"264a": ["gemini"],
"264b": ["cancer"],
"264c": ["leo"],
"264d": ["virgo"],
"264e": ["libra"],
"264f": ["scorpius"],
"267b": ["recycle"],
"267f": ["wheelchair"],
"269b": ["atom symbol"],
"269c": ["fleur de lis"],
"26a0": ["warning"],
"26a1": ["zap"],
"26aa": ["white circle"],
"26ab": ["black circle"],
"26b0": ["coffin"],
"26b1": ["funeral urn"],
"26bd": ["soccer"],
"26be": ["baseball"],
"26c4": ["snowman"],
"26c5": ["partly sunny"],
"26c8": ["thunder cloud and rain"],
"26ce": ["ophiuchus"],
"26cf": ["pick"],
"26d1": ["helmet with white cross"],
"26d3": ["chains"],
"26d4": ["no entry"],
"26e9": ["shinto shrine"],
"26ea": ["church"],
"26f0": ["mountain"],
"26f1": ["umbrella on ground"],
"26f2": ["fountain"],
"26f3": ["golf"],
"26f4": ["ferry"],
"26f5": ["boat","sailboat"],
"26f7": ["skier"],
"26f8": ["ice skate"],
"26f9": ["person with ball"],
"26fa": ["tent"],
"26fd": ["fuelpump"],
"270a": ["fist"],
"270b": ["hand","raised hand"],
"270c": ["v"],
"270d": ["writing hand"],
"270f": ["pencil2"],
"271d": ["latin cross"],
"274c": ["x"],
"274e": ["negative squared cross mark"],
"27a1": ["arrow right"],
"27b0": ["curly loop"],
"27bf": ["loop"],
"2b05": ["arrow left"],
"2b06": ["arrow up"],
"2b07": ["arrow down"],
"2b1b": ["black large square"],
"2b1c": ["white large square"],
"2b50": ["star"],
"2b55": ["o"],
"303d": ["part alternation mark"],
"1f004": ["mahjong"],
"1f0cf": ["black joker"],
"1f170": ["a"],
"1f171": ["b"],
"1f17e": ["o2"],
"1f17f": ["parking"],
"1f18e": ["ab"],
"1f191": ["cl"],
"1f192": ["cool"],
"1f193": ["free"],
"1f194": ["id"],
"1f195": ["new"],
"1f196": ["ng"],
"1f197": ["ok"],
"1f198": ["sos"],
"1f199": ["up"],
"1f19a": ["vs"],
"1f201": ["koko"],
"1f202": ["sa"],
"1f21a": ["chinese character"],
"1f22f": ["chinese character"],
"1f232": ["chinese character"],
"1f233": ["chinese character"],
"1f234": ["chinese character"],
"1f235": ["chinese character"],
"1f236": ["chinese character"],
"1f237": ["chinese character"],
"1f238": ["chinese character"],
"1f239": ["chinese character"],
"1f23a": ["chinese character"],
"1f250": ["ideograph advantage"],
"1f251": ["accept"],
"1f300": ["cyclone"],
"1f301": ["foggy"],
"1f302": ["closed umbrella"],
"1f303": ["night with stars"],
"1f304": ["sunrise over mountains"],
"1f305": ["sunrise"],
"1f306": ["city sunset"],
"1f307": ["city sunrise"],
"1f308": ["rainbow"],
"1f309": ["bridge at night"],
"1f30a": ["ocean"],
"1f30b": ["volcano"],
"1f30c": ["milky way"],
"1f30d": ["earth africa"],
"1f30e": ["earth americas"],
"1f30f": ["earth asia"],
"1f310": ["globe with meridians"],
"1f311": ["new moon"],
"1f312": ["waxing crescent moon"],
"1f313": ["first quarter moon"],
"1f314": ["moon","waxing gibbous moon"],
"1f315": ["full moon"],
"1f316": ["waning gibbous moon"],
"1f317": ["last quarter moon"],
"1f318": ["waning crescent moon"],
"1f319": ["crescent moon"],
"1f31a": ["new moon with face"],
"1f31b": ["first quarter moon with face"],
"1f31c": ["last quarter moon with face"],
"1f31d": ["full moon with face"],
"1f31e": ["sun with face"],
"1f31f": ["star2"],
"1f320": ["stars"],
"1f321": ["thermometer"],
"1f324": ["mostly sunny","sun small cloud"],
"1f325": ["barely sunny","sun behind cloud"],
"1f326": ["partly sunny rain","sun behind rain cloud"],
"1f327": ["rain cloud"],
"1f328": ["snow cloud"],
"1f329": ["lightning","lightning cloud"],
"1f32a": ["tornado","tornado cloud"],
"1f32b": ["fog"],
"1f32c": ["wind blowing face"],
"1f32d": ["hotdog"],
"1f32e": ["taco"],
"1f32f": ["burrito"],
"1f330": ["chestnut"],
"1f331": ["seedling"],
"1f332": ["evergreen tree"],
"1f333": ["deciduous tree"],
"1f334": ["palm tree"],
"1f335": ["cactus"],
"1f336": ["hot pepper"],
"1f337": ["tulip"],
"1f338": ["cherry blossom"],
"1f339": ["rose"],
"1f33a": ["hibiscus"],
"1f33b": ["sunflower"],
"1f33c": ["blossom"],
"1f33d": ["corn"],
"1f33e": ["ear of rice"],
"1f33f": ["herb"],
"1f340": ["four leaf clover"],
"1f341": ["maple leaf"],
"1f342": ["fallen leaf"],
"1f343": ["leaves"],
"1f344": ["mushroom"],
"1f345": ["tomato"],
"1f346": ["eggplant"],
"1f347": ["grapes"],
"1f348": ["melon"],
"1f349": ["watermelon"],
"1f34a": ["tangerine"],
"1f34b": ["lemon"],
"1f34c": ["banana"],
"1f34d": ["pineapple"],
"1f34e": ["apple"],
"1f34f": ["green apple"],
"1f350": ["pear"],
"1f351": ["peach"],
"1f352": ["cherries"],
"1f353": ["strawberry"],
"1f354": ["hamburger"],
"1f355": ["pizza"],
"1f356": ["meat on bone"],
"1f357": ["poultry leg"],
"1f358": ["rice cracker"],
"1f359": ["rice ball"],
"1f35a": ["rice"],
"1f35b": ["curry"],
"1f35c": ["ramen"],
"1f35d": ["spaghetti"],
"1f35e": ["bread"],
"1f35f": ["fries"],
"1f360": ["sweet potato"],
"1f361": ["dango"],
"1f362": ["oden"],
"1f363": ["sushi"],
"1f364": ["fried shrimp"],
"1f365": ["fish cake"],
"1f366": ["icecream"],
"1f367": ["shaved ice"],
"1f368": ["ice cream"],
"1f369": ["doughnut"],
"1f36a": ["cookie"],
"1f36b": ["chocolate bar"],
"1f36c": ["candy"],
"1f36d": ["lollipop"],
"1f36e": ["custard"],
"1f36f": ["honey pot"],
"1f370": ["cake"],
"1f371": ["bento"],
"1f372": ["stew"],
"1f373": ["egg"],
"1f374": ["fork and knife"],
"1f375": ["tea"],
"1f376": ["sake"],
"1f377": ["wine glass"],
"1f378": ["cocktail"],
"1f379": ["tropical drink"],
"1f37a": ["beer"],
"1f37b": ["beers"],
"1f37c": ["baby bottle"],
"1f37d": ["knife fork plate"],
"1f37e": ["champagne"],
"1f37f": ["popcorn"],
"1f380": ["ribbon"],
"1f381": ["gift"],
"1f382": ["birthday"],
"1f383": ["jack o lantern"],
"1f384": ["christmas tree"],
"1f385": ["santa"],
"1f386": ["fireworks"],
"1f387": ["sparkler"],
"1f388": ["balloon"],
"1f389": ["tada"],
"1f38a": ["confetti ball"],
"1f38b": ["tanabata tree"],
"1f38c": ["crossed flags"],
"1f38d": ["bamboo"],
"1f38e": ["dolls"],
"1f38f": ["flags"],
"1f390": ["wind chime"],
"1f391": ["rice scene"],
"1f392": ["school satchel"],
"1f393": ["mortar board"],
"1f396": ["medal"],
"1f397": ["reminder ribbon"],
"1f399": ["studio microphone"],
"1f39a": ["level slider"],
"1f39b": ["control knobs"],
"1f39e": ["film frames"],
"1f39f": ["admission tickets"],
"1f3a0": ["carousel horse"],
"1f3a1": ["ferris wheel"],
"1f3a2": ["roller coaster"],
"1f3a3": ["fishing pole and fish"],
"1f3a4": ["microphone"],
"1f3a5": ["movie camera"],
"1f3a6": ["cinema"],
"1f3a7": ["headphones"],
"1f3a8": ["art"],
"1f3a9": ["tophat"],
"1f3aa": ["circus tent"],
"1f3ab": ["ticket"],
"1f3ac": ["clapper"],
"1f3ad": ["performing arts"],
"1f3ae": ["video game"],
"1f3af": ["dart"],
"1f3b0": ["slot machine"],
"1f3b1": ["8ball"],
"1f3b2": ["game die"],
"1f3b3": ["bowling"],
"1f3b4": ["flower playing cards"],
"1f3b5": ["musical note"],
"1f3b6": ["notes"],
"1f3b7": ["saxophone"],
"1f3b8": ["guitar"],
"1f3b9": ["musical keyboard"],
"1f3ba": ["trumpet"],
"1f3bb": ["violin"],
"1f3bc": ["musical score"],
"1f3bd": ["running shirt with sash"],
"1f3be": ["tennis"],
"1f3bf": ["ski"],
"1f3c0": ["basketball"],
"1f3c1": ["checkered flag"],
"1f3c2": ["snowboarder"],
"1f3c3": ["runner","running"],
"1f3c4": ["surfer"],
"1f3c5": ["sports medal"],
"1f3c6": ["trophy"],
"1f3c7": ["horse racing"],
"1f3c8": ["football"],
"1f3c9": ["rugby football"],
"1f3ca": ["swimmer"],
"1f3cb": ["weight lifter"],
"1f3cc": ["golfer"],
"1f3cd": ["racing motorcycle"],
"1f3ce": ["racing car"],
"1f3cf": ["cricket bat and ball"],
"1f3d0": ["volleyball"],
"1f3d1": ["field hockey stick and ball"],
"1f3d2": ["ice hockey stick and puck"],
"1f3d3": ["table tennis paddle and ball"],
"1f3d4": ["snow capped mountain"],
"1f3d5": ["camping"],
"1f3d6": ["beach with umbrella"],
"1f3d7": ["building construction"],
"1f3d8": ["house buildings"],
"1f3d9": ["cityscape"],
"1f3da": ["derelict house building"],
"1f3db": ["classical building"],
"1f3dc": ["desert"],
"1f3dd": ["desert island"],
"1f3de": ["national park"],
"1f3df": ["stadium"],
"1f3e0": ["house"],
"1f3e1": ["house with garden"],
"1f3e2": ["office"],
"1f3e3": ["post office"],
"1f3e4": ["european post office"],
"1f3e5": ["hospital"],
"1f3e6": ["bank"],
"1f3e7": ["atm"],
"1f3e8": ["hotel"],
"1f3e9": ["love hotel"],
"1f3ea": ["convenience store"],
"1f3eb": ["school"],
"1f3ec": ["department store"],
"1f3ed": ["factory"],
"1f3ee": ["izakaya lantern","lantern"],
"1f3ef": ["japanese castle"],
"1f3f0": ["european castle"],
"1f3f3": ["waving white flag"],
"1f3f4": ["waving black flag"],
"1f3f5": ["rosette"],
"1f3f7": ["label"],
"1f3f8": ["badminton racquet and shuttlecock"],
"1f3f9": ["bow and arrow"],
"1f3fa": ["amphora"],
"1f3fb": ["skin-tone-2"],
"1f3fc": ["skin-tone-3"],
"1f3fd": ["skin-tone-4"],
"1f3fe": ["skin-tone-5"],
"1f3ff": ["skin-tone-6"],
"1f400": ["rat"],
"1f401": ["mouse2"],
"1f402": ["ox"],
"1f403": ["water buffalo"],
"1f404": ["cow2"],
"1f405": ["tiger2"],
"1f406": ["leopard"],
"1f407": ["rabbit2"],
"1f408": ["cat2"],
"1f409": ["dragon"],
"1f40a": ["crocodile"],
"1f40b": ["whale2"],
"1f40c": ["snail"],
"1f40d": ["snake"],
"1f40e": ["racehorse"],
"1f40f": ["ram"],
"1f410": ["goat"],
"1f411": ["sheep"],
"1f412": ["monkey"],
"1f413": ["rooster"],
"1f414": ["chicken"],
"1f415": ["dog2"],
"1f416": ["pig2"],
"1f417": ["boar"],
"1f418": ["elephant"],
"1f419": ["octopus"],
"1f41a": ["shell"],
"1f41b": ["bug"],
"1f41c": ["ant"],
"1f41d": ["bee","honeybee"],
"1f41e": ["beetle"],
"1f41f": ["fish"],
"1f420": ["tropical fish"],
"1f421": ["blowfish"],
"1f422": ["turtle"],
"1f423": ["hatching chick"],
"1f424": ["baby chick"],
"1f425": ["hatched chick"],
"1f426": ["bird"],
"1f427": ["penguin"],
"1f428": ["koala"],
"1f429": ["poodle"],
"1f42a": ["dromedary camel"],
"1f42b": ["camel"],
"1f42c": ["dolphin","flipper"],
"1f42d": ["mouse"],
"1f42e": ["cow"],
"1f42f": ["tiger"],
"1f430": ["rabbit"],
"1f431": ["cat"],
"1f432": ["dragon face"],
"1f433": ["whale"],
"1f434": ["horse"],
"1f435": ["monkey face"],
"1f436": ["dog"],
"1f437": ["pig"],
"1f438": ["frog"],
"1f439": ["hamster"],
"1f43a": ["wolf"],
"1f43b": ["bear"],
"1f43c": ["panda face"],
"1f43d": ["pig nose"],
"1f43e": ["feet","paw prints"],
"1f43f": ["chipmunk"],
"1f440": ["eyes"],
"1f441": ["eye"],
"1f442": ["ear"],
"1f443": ["nose"],
"1f444": ["lips"],
"1f445": ["tongue"],
"1f446": ["point up 2"],
"1f447": ["point down"],
"1f448": ["point left"],
"1f449": ["point right"],
"1f44a": ["facepunch","punch"],
"1f44b": ["wave"],
"1f44c": ["ok hand"],
"1f44d": ["+1","thumbsup"],
"1f44e": ["-1","thumbsdown"],
"1f44f": ["clap"],
"1f450": ["open hands"],
"1f451": ["crown"],
"1f452": ["womans hat"],
"1f453": ["eyeglasses"],
"1f454": ["necktie"],
"1f455": ["shirt","tshirt"],
"1f456": ["jeans"],
"1f457": ["dress"],
"1f458": ["kimono"],
"1f459": ["bikini"]
答案 3 :(得分:0)
我一直在寻找相同的东西,而我刚刚发现this NPM package-尽情享受! ?