
时间:2016-08-09 00:06:42

标签: csv parsing f# encapsulation

我正在尝试学习F#,我觉得我可以编写/重写这段代码,以便更多地使用"惯用语" F#,但我无法弄清楚如何实现它。

我的简单程序将加载来自2个csv文件的值:天际药水效果列表和天际成分列表。一种成分有4种效果。一旦我有了这些成分,我就可以写一些东西来处理它们 - 现在,我只想以一种有意义的方式编写CSV加载。



type Effect(name:string, id, description, base_cost, base_mag, base_dur, gold_value) =
    member this.Name = name
    member this.Id = id
    member this.Description = description
    member this.Base_Cost = base_cost
    member this.Base_Mag = base_mag
    member this.Base_Dur = base_dur
    member this.GoldValue = gold_value

type Ingredient(name:string, id, primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, weight, value) =
    member this.Name = name
    member this.Id = id
    member this.Primary = primary
    member this.Secondary = secondary
    member this.Tertiary = tertiary
    member this.Quaternary = quaternary
    member this.Weight = weight
    member this.Value = value


let convertEffectDataRow (csvLine:string) =
    let cells = List.ofSeq(csvLine.Split(','))
    match cells with
    | name::id::effect::cost::mag::dur::value::_ ->            
        let effect = new Effect(name, id, effect, Decimal.Parse(cost), Int32.Parse(mag), Int32.Parse(dur), Int32.Parse(value))
        Success effect
    | _ -> Failure "Incorrect data format!"

let convertIngredientDataRow (csvLine:string) =
    let cells = List.ofSeq(csvLine.Split(','))
    match cells with
        | name::id::primary::secondary::tertiary::quaternary::weight::value::_ ->
            Success (new Ingredient(name, id, primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, Decimal.Parse(weight), Int32.Parse(value)))
        | _ -> Failure "Incorrect data format!"


type csvTypeEnum = effect=1 | ingredient=2        

let rec ProcessStuff lines (csvType:csvTypeEnum) =
    match csvType, lines with
        | csvTypeEnum.effect, [] -> []
        | csvTypeEnum.effect, currentLine::remaining ->
            let parsedLine = convertEffectDataRow2 currentLine
            let parsedRest = ProcessStuff remaining csvType
            parsedLine :: parsedRest
        | csvTypeEnum.ingredient, [] -> []
        | csvTypeEnum.ingredient, currentLine::remaining ->
            let parsedLine = convertIngredientDataRow2 currentLine
            let parsedRest = ProcessStuff remaining csvType
            parsedLine :: parsedRest
        | _, _ -> Failure "Error in pattern matching"

但是这个(可预见地)在第二个递归实例和最后一个模式上有编译错误。具体来说,第二次parsedLine :: parsedRest显示不编译。这是因为该函数试图同时返回EffectIngredient,显然不会这样做。




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

  1. (可选)将效果和成分转换为记录,如s952163建议的那样。
  2. 仔细考虑功能的返回类型。 ProcessStuff从一个案例中返回一个列表,但从另一个案例中返回一个项目(Failure)。因此编译错误。
  3. 您尚未显示SuccessFailure定义。您可以将结果定义为

    type Result = 
      | Effect of Effect 
      | Ingredient of Ingredient 
      | Failure of string
  4. 然后以下代码正确编译:

    let convertEffectDataRow (csvLine:string) =
        let cells = List.ofSeq(csvLine.Split(','))
        match cells with
        | name::id::effect::cost::mag::dur::value::_ ->            
            let effect = new Effect(name, id, effect, Decimal.Parse(cost), Int32.Parse(mag), Int32.Parse(dur), Int32.Parse(value))
            Effect effect
        | _ -> Failure "Incorrect data format!"
    let convertIngredientDataRow (csvLine:string) =
        let cells = List.ofSeq(csvLine.Split(','))
        match cells with
            | name::id::primary::secondary::tertiary::quaternary::weight::value::_ ->
                Ingredient (new Ingredient(name, id, primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, Decimal.Parse(weight), Int32.Parse(value)))
            | _ -> Failure "Incorrect data format!"
    type csvTypeEnum = effect=1 | ingredient=2        
    let rec ProcessStuff lines (csvType:csvTypeEnum) =
        match csvType, lines with
        | csvTypeEnum.effect, [] -> []
        | csvTypeEnum.effect, currentLine::remaining ->
            let parsedLine = convertEffectDataRow currentLine
            let parsedRest = ProcessStuff remaining csvType
            parsedLine :: parsedRest
        | csvTypeEnum.ingredient, [] -> []
        | csvTypeEnum.ingredient, currentLine::remaining ->
            let parsedLine = convertIngredientDataRow currentLine
            let parsedRest = ProcessStuff remaining csvType
            parsedLine :: parsedRest
        | _, _ -> [Failure "Error in pattern matching"]



答案 1 :(得分:2)

由于行类型没有交错到同一个文件中并且它们引用不同的csv文件格式,我可能不会选择Discriminated Union而是将处理函数传递给处理文件行的函数线。



type Effect = {
    Name : string; Id: string; Description : string; BaseCost : decimal; 
    BaseMag : int; BaseDuration : int; GoldValue : int

type Ingredient= {
    Name : string; Id: string; Primary: string; Secondary : string; Tertiary : string; 
    Quaternary : string; Weight : decimal; GoldValue : int


let convertEffectDataRow (csvLine:string) =
    let cells = List.ofSeq(csvLine.Split(','))
    match cells with
    | name::id::effect::cost::mag::dur::value::_ ->            
        Success  {Name = name; Id = id; Description = effect;  BaseCost = Decimal.Parse(cost); 
                  BaseMag = Int32.Parse(mag); BaseDuration = Int32.Parse(dur); GoldValue = Int32.Parse(value)}
    | _ -> Failure "Incorrect data format!"



let rec processStuff f lines  =
    match lines with
    |[] -> []
    |current::remaining -> f current :: processStuff f remaining

参数f只是一个应用于每个字符串行的函数。合适的f值是我们在上面创建的函数,例如convertEffectDataRow。因此,您只需调用processStuff convertEffectDataRow来处理效果文件,然后调用processStuff convertIngredientDataRow来处理和成分文件。

但是,现在我们已经简化了processStuff功能,我们可以看到它的类型为:f:('a -> 'b) -> lines:'a list -> 'b list。这与内置List.map function相同,因此我们实际上可以完全删除此自定义函数,只使用List.map

let processEffectLines lines = List.map convertEffectDataRow lines

let processIngredientLines lines = List.map convertIngredientDataRow lines

答案 2 :(得分:0)


type CsvWrapper =
    | CsvA of string
    | CsvB of int

let csvAfunc x =
    CsvA x

let csvBfunc x =
    CsvB x

let csvTopFun x  =

csvTopFun csvBfunc 5
csvTopFun csvAfunc "x"


type Effect = { 
    id: int 
    description: string
let eff = {name="X";id=9;description="blah"}