
时间:2016-08-08 21:36:34

标签: javascript regex vbscript quotes parentheses

我的最终目标是开发一个函数,将Access IIF()语句转换为T-SQL(2008)CASE WHEN语句。我已经有一个VBA例程,即使它在引号之外,它也能找到IIF和匹配的右括号。它是递归的,并且在不使用RegEx的情况下找到嵌套的IIF()语句。当我缩小到IIF括号内的文本时,我需要识别分隔三个参数的两个逗号分隔符。当括号在引号内时,我遇到了麻烦。在处理表达式的其余部分之前,如何设置RegEx以忽略引号中的任何内容?

我正在尝试创建一个表达式组,它可以在单引号和括号内的任何内容中找到任何内容,然后排除与该组匹配的任何内容,并找到逗号。 (请原谅我,如果我没有正确说出这一点,因为'捕捉小组'和'非捕获小组'有时会给我与我期望的相反)。


condition,true,false< - 这是我的IIF解析函数在尝试拆分为3个部分之前返回的字符串。




a=1, nz(b,0), Left('xy,z',2)


a=1, '1st)', '(2nd)' 
left(right(a,5),1)='b', '1st)', '(2nd)'
a=1, Left('a,bc',1) , 'xy,z'



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


我希望你找到这个答案,因为你需要一个函数将IIF()语句转换为CASE WHEN ,而不是我复杂的RegEx查询。我对此函数的主要用例是将Access SQL转换为SQL Server 2008及更早版本的T-SQL。 SQL Server 2012及更高版本支持IIF()函数。您可以在任何VBA编辑器中使用此VBA功能。如果访问不方便,您可以使用Excel。

这是一个VBA函数,用于将Access IIF()语句转换为T-SQL CASE WHEN语句

Public Function ReplaceIIFwithCASE(ByVal strInput As String) As String
' Parse the passed string and find the first "IIF(" and parse it into
' a standard T-SQL CASE WHEN statement.  If a nested IIF is found,
' recurse and call this function again.
' Ben Sacherich - May 2016-Feb 2017
' This supports:
'   IIF() embedded anywhere in the input string.
'   Nested IIF() statements.
'   The input string containing multiple IIF() statements on the same level.
'   Strings between open and close IIF parenthesis that contains literal commas or commas for other functions.
'       Example:  IIF(a=1, nz(b,0) , Left('xy,z',2))
' Be aware:
'   This does not optimize the CASE statement in places where a nested IIF could
'     be written as a single CASE statement.
'   It will fail if text inside IIF() containes the pipe character |. If you
'     need to process statements with this character, modify this routine
'     to use another temporary character for |.
' Try these in the Immediate window:
'   ? ReplaceIIFwithCASE("IIF(a=1, nz(b,0) , Left('xy,z',2))")
'   ? ReplaceIIFwithCASE("IIf(x='one',IIf(Abs(Z)=1,2,3),'three')")
'   ? ReplaceIIFwithCASE("IIF(a=1,'1st)', '2nd)')")
'   ? ReplaceIIFwithCASE("SELECT Name, IIF(Gender='M', 'Boy', 'Girl') FROM Students")
' How this works:
'   Find "IIF(" in the passed string.  Return original string if not found.
'   Search for the matching closing parenthesis.
'   When the match is found, recurse and make sure an "IIF(" is not nested.
'   After recursing, replace the IIF with a CASE statement.
'       - Once I find the inner part of an IIF this will use the Split function
'         to delimit by commas "," into an array.
'       - Then it looks at each array element. If it contains an odd number of
'         single or double quote characters or different number of opening and
'         closing parenthesis, it combines the array element part with the next
'         part and tests again.
'       - When there are matched single/double quotes and equivalent number of
'         parenthesis it holds that part and appends the "|" character.  This
'         means that it has identified one of the 3 parameters that is passed
'         to the IIF function.
'       - Then it splits the string by the "|" character into three pieces
'         and builds the CASE statement.
'   Continue searching the passed string for another occurrence of "IIF(" (not nested).

    Dim lngFuncStart    As Long
    Dim lngPosition     As Long
    Dim intStack        As Integer
    Dim strFunction     As String
    Dim strChar         As String
    Dim strQuoteChar    As String
    Dim bolInQuotes     As Boolean
    Dim strSplit()      As String
    Dim ReturnValue     As String

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    strFunction = "IIF("
    strQuoteChar = "'"      ' Define the style of quotes to look for and exclude.
    bolInQuotes = False     ' We are currently not inside quotes.

    lngFuncStart = InStr(1, strInput, strFunction, vbTextCompare)

    If lngFuncStart > 0 Then
        lngFuncStart = lngFuncStart + Len(strFunction)
        intStack = 1
        lngPosition = lngFuncStart

        Do While lngPosition <= Len(strInput)
        ' Use a WHILE loop instead of a FOR loop because the current and end positions will change inside the loop.

            strChar = Mid(strInput, lngPosition, 1)

            If strChar = strQuoteChar Then
                bolInQuotes = Not bolInQuotes
                ' Move on to the next character

            ElseIf bolInQuotes = False Then
                ' We are currently not inside quotes.

                Select Case strChar
                    Case ")"
                        ' Closing a group
                        intStack = intStack - 1
                    Case "("
                        ' Starting new group
                        intStack = intStack + 1
                End Select

                If intStack = 0 Then ' Found closing parenthesis.

                    ' See if there is a nested match.  ### Recursive ###
                    ReturnValue = ReplaceIIFwithCASE(Mid(strInput, lngFuncStart, lngPosition - lngFuncStart))

                    ' Begin parsing commas.
                    strSplit() = Split(ReturnValue, ",")

                    Dim strPart         As String
                    Dim strRebuilt      As String
                    Dim i               As Integer

                    strRebuilt = ""
                    If UBound(strSplit()) > 2 Then ' There are more than 2 commas.  Piece together the parts.

                        strPart = strSplit(0)
                        For i = 1 To UBound(strSplit)

                            If UBound(Split(strPart, "'")) Mod 2 = 0 _
                              And UBound(Split(strPart, """")) Mod 2 = 0 _
                              And UBound(Split(strPart, "(")) = UBound(Split(strPart, ")")) Then
                                ' Number of single quotes is Even or Zero (matched)
                                ' Number of double quotes is Even or Zero (matched)
                                ' Number of parenthesis is matched

                                ' Add the "|" symbol where the IIF should have commas.
                                strRebuilt = strRebuilt & "|" & strPart
                                strPart = strSplit(i)
                                strPart = strPart & "," & strSplit(i)
                            End If
                        ReturnValue = Mid(strRebuilt & "|" & strPart, 2)

                        strSplit() = Split(ReturnValue, "|")
                    End If

                    If UBound(strSplit) = 2 Then
                        ' IIF has 3 parameters and is the normal case.
                        '--- Replace the IIF statement with CASE WHEN ---
                        ' CASE statement help:  https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181765.aspx
                        ReturnValue = "(CASE WHEN " & Trim(strSplit(0)) & " THEN " & Trim(strSplit(1)) & " ELSE " & Trim(strSplit(2)) & " END)"
                        'ReturnValue = "(CASE WHEN...)"
                        If Right(Mid(strInput, 1, lngFuncStart - Len(strFunction) - 1), 2) = vbCrLf Then
                            ' Don't bother to add a CrLf
                            ' Add a CrLf before the CASE statement to make identification easier.
                            ' Comment this out if you don't want it added.
                            ReturnValue = vbCrLf & ReturnValue
                        End If
                        strInput = Mid(strInput, 1, lngFuncStart - Len(strFunction) - 1) & ReturnValue & Mid(strInput, lngPosition + 1)
                        ' Something is wrong.  Return the original IIF statement.
                        ' Known issues:
                        '       Text inside IIF() contained pipe character |
                        '       Text contained unmatched parenthesis, maybe inside of a literal string like '1st)'
                        ReturnValue = "IIF(" & ReturnValue & ") /*### Unable to parse IIF() ###*/ "
                        strInput = Mid(strInput, 1, lngFuncStart - Len(strFunction) - 1) & ReturnValue & Mid(strInput, lngPosition + 1)

                    End If

                    '--- Check to see if there is another function call following the one just addressed. ---
                    lngFuncStart = InStr(lngFuncStart + Len(ReturnValue) - Len(strFunction), strInput, strFunction, vbTextCompare)
                    If lngFuncStart > 0 Then
                        ' Another IIF function call is at the same level as the one just processed.
                        lngFuncStart = lngFuncStart + Len(strFunction)
                        intStack = 1
                        lngPosition = lngFuncStart
                        ReturnValue = strInput
                        Exit Do
                    End If

                End If
            End If
            lngPosition = lngPosition + 1

        ' Function not found in passed string.
        ReturnValue = strInput
    End If

    ReplaceIIFwithCASE = ReturnValue

    Exit Function


    MsgBox "Error #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "in procedure ReplaceIIFwithCASE()" _
        & vbCrLf & "Input:  " & strInput, vbExclamation, "Error"

End Function

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
  Dim dictionary As Dictionary(Of Integer, Double) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, Double)()
  For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvWASPAS.Rows
    If row.Cells(0).Value IsNot Nothing Then
      dictionary.Add(row.Index, CType(row.Cells(0).Value, Double))
    End If
  Dim sorted = From keyValuePair In dictionary
               Order By keyValuePair.Value Descending
  Dim targetValue = 0.69
  For index = 0 To 2
    If sorted(index).Value > targetValue Then
      dgvWASPAS.Rows(sorted(index).Key).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkGreen
      dgvWASPAS.Rows(sorted(index).Key).DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White
    End If
End Sub

外部匹配允许重复(?>(?>\([^()]*(?R)?[^()]*\))|(?>'[^']*')|(?>[^()' ,]+))+ 。在里面,有三个选项。第一个匹配平衡(?>...)+


第二个匹配单引号 (?>\([^()]*(?R)?[^()]*\) 之间的任何内容:


第三个匹配除 (?>'[^']*') ()、逗号或空格之外的任何内容:
