天儿真好。我试图将最初为Bohemia Interactives语言SQF制作的函数转换为C#。该脚本旨在使用加密方法RC4加密字符串,但是,由于arma3引擎的限制,它与传统方式的工作方式略有不同。这样做的全部意义是我可以使用C#程序加密字符串,并通过游戏中的Arma 3解密。
Function: ALiVE_fnc_crypt
Author(s): Naught
Version: 1.0
Encrypts or decrypts a string with a specified encryption key.
0 - Decrypt (0) or encrypt (1) [number]
1 - Encryption method name [string]
2 - Encrypted or plain data [string]
3 - Encryption key [string]
Encrypted or decrypted data or nothing on failure [string:nil]
1. Current encryption method names:
- "rc4" // Rivest Cipher 4 Stream Encryption Algorithm
// Constants
private ["_method", "_key"];
_encText = _this select 0;
_key = _this select 1;
private ["_fnc_intToBin"];
_fnc_intToBin = {
private ["_int", "_bin", "_pwr", "_bool"];
_int = _this select 0;
_bin = if ((count _this) > 1) then {_this select 1} else {[]};
for "_i" from (MAX_CHAR_SIZE - 1) to 0 step (-1) do
_pwr = 2^(_i);
_bool = _pwr <= _int;
_bin set [(count _bin), _bool];
if (_bool) then {_int = _int - _pwr};
private ["_bin"];
_bin = [];
// Convert string to UTF-8 binary
{ // count (faster than forEach)
[(if (_x == CHAR_ZERO_REP) then {0} else {_x}), _bin] call _fnc_intToBin;
} count toArray(_encText);
systemChat str _bin;
// Encrypt & decrypt methods
_key = toArray(_key);
private ["_keyLen", "_state", "_temp", "_j"];
_keyLen = count _key;
_state = [];
_temp = 0;
_j = 0;
// Key-Scheduling Algorithm
for "_i" from 0 to 255 do {_state set [_i,_i]};
for "_i" from 0 to 255 do
_temp = _state select _i;
_j = (_j + _temp + (_key select (_i mod _keyLen))) mod 256;
_state set [_i, (_state select _j)];
_state set [_j, _temp];
private ["_temp1", "_temp2", "_rand", "_i", "_mod", "_rbit"];
_temp1 = 0;
_temp2 = 0;
_rand = [];
_i = 0;
_j = 0;
hint str _bin;
// Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm
_mod = _forEachIndex % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_mod == 0) then
_i = (_i + 1) mod 256;
_j = (_j + (_state select _i)) mod 256;
_temp1 = _state select _i;
_temp2 = _state select _j;
_state set [_i, _temp2];
_state set [_j, _temp1];
_rand = [(_state select ((_temp1 + _temp2) mod 256))] call _fnc_intToBin;
_rbit = _rand select _mod;
_bin set [_forEachIndex, (_x && !_rbit) || {!_x && _rbit}]; // XOR
} forEach _bin;
private ["_dec", "_buf", "_mod"];
_dec = 0;
_buf = [];
// Convert binary array to UTF-8 string
_mod = _forEachIndex % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_x) then {_dec = _dec + 2^((MAX_CHAR_SIZE - 1) - _mod)};
if (_mod == 7) then
if (_dec == 0) then {_dec = CHAR_ZERO_REP};
_buf set [(count _buf), _dec];
_dec = 0;
} forEach _bin;
我对这段代码做了一些调整,但在Arma 3中它仍能正常工作。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace encrypt
class Program
static public int MAX_CHAR_SIZE = 8;
static public int CHAR_ZERO_REP = 256;
static public int _keyLen;
static void Main()
string[] args = new string[2];
args[0] = "Some Random Code";
args[1] = "4tuIc9tai";
string text = args[0];
// Convert the text to an array of decimal unicode || Same as toArray in arma 3
string[] txtArray = new string[text.Length];
txtArray = text.ToCharArray().Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();
int[] utf = getUni(txtArray);
// Convert the key to an array of decimal unicode || Same as toArray in arma 3
string[] keyArray = new string[args[1].Length];
keyArray = args[1].ToCharArray().Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();
int[] key = getUni(keyArray);
// Debug the output
//foreach (int i in utf){Console.Write(i); Console.Write(",");} Console.WriteLine();foreach (int i in key){Console.Write(i);Console.Write(","); }
// Convert string to UTF-8 binary
Dictionary<int, bool> _bin = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
foreach (int i in utf)
int _num;
if (i == CHAR_ZERO_REP)
_num = 0;
_num = i;
_bin = intToBin(_num, _bin);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, bool> i in _bin)
Console.Write(", ");
// Encrypt & decrypt methods
_keyLen = key.Length;
int[] _state = new int[1024];
int _temp = 0;
int _j = 0;
// Key-Scheduling Algorithm
for (int _i = 0; _i < 255; _i++)
_state.SetValue(_i, _i);
for (int _i = 0; _i < 255; _i++)
_temp = _state[_i];
_j = (_j + _temp + key[_i % _keyLen]) % 256;
_state.SetValue(_i, _state[_j]);
_state.SetValue(_j, _temp);
// Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm
int _temp1 = 0;
int _temp2 = 0;
Dictionary<int, bool> _rand = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
int __i = 0;
int __j = 0;
int indx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _bin.Count-1; i++)
int _mod = indx % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_mod == 0)
__i = (__i + 1) % 256;
__j = (__j + _state[__i]) % 256;
_temp1 = _state[__i];
_temp2 = _state[__j];
_state.SetValue(__i, _temp2);
_state.SetValue(__j, _temp1);
_rand = intToBin(_state[_temp1 + _temp2] % 256, _rand);
bool _rbit = _rand[_mod];
bool _bit = _bin[i];
if (_bin.ContainsKey(indx))
_bin.Add(indx, (_bit && !_rbit) || (!_bit && _rbit));
// Convert binary array to UTF-8 string
int _dec = 0;
int[] _buf = new int[_bin.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < _bin.Count-1; i++)
int _mod = i % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_bin[i])
_dec = _dec + 2 ^ ((MAX_CHAR_SIZE - 1) - _mod);
if (_mod == 7)
if (_dec == 0)
_buf.SetValue(_dec, _buf.Length-1);
_dec = 0;
_buf.SetValue(_dec, _buf.Length - 1);
static int[] getUni(string[] txtArray)
int[] ret = new int[txtArray.Length];
int idx = 0;
foreach (string i in txtArray)
ret.SetValue(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(i)[0], idx);
return ret;
static Dictionary<int, bool> intToBin(int val, Dictionary<int, bool> bin)
for (int i = MAX_CHAR_SIZE-1; i > 0; i--)
int _pwr = 2 ^ i;
bool _bool = _pwr <= val;
int cc = bin.Count;
if (bin.ContainsKey(cc))
bin.Add(cc, _bool);
if (_bool)
val = val - _pwr;
return bin;