
时间:2016-08-06 13:12:25

标签: angularjs


$scope.initialize = function() {

  if ($cookies.token) {
    $http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Token ' + $cookies.token;

  var url = "";
  var memory_url = "";

    url: memory_url,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      'X-CSRFToken': $cookies['csrftoken'],
      'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

  .success(function(response) {
    alert("suc 1")
    $scope.initial_data_memory = response;

    angular.forEach($scope.initial_data_memory, function(item) {

      $scope.game_type = item.game_type;

      //check the exercise date  
      $scope.current_date_memory = item.current_date;

      $scope.days = Plan.all();
      //Iterate over the list
      angular.forEach($scope.days, function(value1, key) {

        //iterate over the list of exercises
        angular.forEach(value1.exercises, function(value2, key) {

          // Check if the fetched exercise id is same as current exercise from the frontend list and check if the fetched date is today 
          if ( == $scope.game_type && $ === $scope.current_date_memory) {
            // If the fetched date is todat i.e. exercise was rated today: set the flag for watchedTodat to true 
            value2.watchedToday = true;





    url: url,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      'X-CSRFToken': $cookies['csrftoken'],
      'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

  .success(function(response) {
    alert("suc 2")
    $scope.initial_data = response;

    angular.forEach($scope.initial_data, function(item) {

      $scope.exercise_type = item.exercise_type;

      //check the exercise date  
      $scope.current_date = item.current_date;

      $scope.days = Plan.all();
      //Iterate over the list
      angular.forEach($scope.days, function(value1, key) {

        //iterate over the list of exercises
        angular.forEach(value1.exercises, function(value2, key) {
          // Check if the fetched exercise id is same as current exercise from the frontend list and check if the fetched date is today 
          if ( == $scope.exercise_type && $ === $scope.current_date) {
            // If the fetched date is today i.e. exercise was rated today: set the flag for watchedTodat to true 
            value2.watchedToday = true;








更新 我在两个成功部分都设置了警报:两个都进行了HTTP调用,但最后一个语句value2.watchedToday = true;设置了一个布尔值以启用复选标记,仅设置第二个http调用。见图像波纹管(理想情况下应该有复选标记Best Stretch和Buttterfly反向):

enter image description here


  <div ng-repeat="day in days"><br>
    <div class="item item-icon-left"  ng-click="toggleGroup(day)" ng-class="{active: isGroupShown(day)}">
      <i class="icon icon-accessory" ng-class="isGroupShown(day) ? 'ion-minus' : 'ion-plus'"></i>
    <a class="item item-icon-left item-accordion" ng-show="isGroupShown(day)" ng-repeat="exercise in day.exercises" type="item-text-wrap"

      <!-- Trial LED -->

        <span style="float:right;"><i ng-show="{{exercise.watchedToday}}==true" class="ion-checkmark-round"></i></span>



.state('tab.plan', {
    url: '/plan',
    resolve: {
      authenticated: ['djangoAuth', function(djangoAuth){
        return djangoAuth.authenticationStatus();
    views: {
      'tab-plan': {
        templateUrl: '/templates/tab-plan.html',
        controller: 'planCtrl'
    cache: false

  .state('tab.simon', {
    url: '/plan/8', 
    resolve: {
      authenticated: ['djangoAuth', function(djangoAuth){
        return djangoAuth.authenticationStatus();
    views: {
      'tab-plan': {
        templateUrl: '/templates/simon.html',
        controller: 'simonCtrl',
        data: {
          css: '/css/simon.css'
    cache: false
.state('tab.exercise', {
    url: '/plan/:exerciseId', 
    resolve: {
      authenticated: ['djangoAuth', function(djangoAuth){
        return djangoAuth.authenticationStatus();
    views: {
      'tab-plan': {
        templateUrl: '/templates/video.html',
        controller: 'videoCtrl'
    cache: false

Best Stretch,Butterfly,Squat,Plank,Push up,Side plank共享控制器(videoCtrl + video.html)以及所有其他控制器和模板。

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