我正在使用Excel VBA。有没有人知道克服Application.Run()
的参数长度限制的方法? (或者请建议可以完成同样工作的其他功能。)
最终目标是启用以下电子表格功能,可以像=mySpreadSheetFn("calledFn", "para1=abc", "para2=2002", ...)
Function calledFn(Optional para1 As String = "P1", _
Optional para2 As Integer = 202, _
Optional para3 As Boolean = True)
Type paramInfo
Val As Variant
dataType As String 'can be Enum but let's forget it for this purpose
End Type
Function mySpreadSheetFunction(fnName As String, ParamArray otherParams())
Dim fnParams As Scripting.Dictionary
' getFnDefaultParams(fn): return the defaults and data types of fn's params
' as a Dictionary. Each item is of type paramInfo (see above)
Set fnParams = getFnParams(fnName)
' For each specified arg check whether it exists for the function.
' If so, replaces the default value with the input value.
' If not exist, then just ignore it
' The problem is really not with this part so just know
' we have all the parameters resolved after the for-loop
For i = LBound(otherParams) To UBound(otherParams)
Dim myKey As String
myKey = Split(otherParams(i), "=")(0)
If fnParams.Exists(myKey) Then
' parseParam() converts the input string into required data type
fnParams(myKey).Val = parseParam(Split(otherParams(i), "=", 2)(1), _
fnParams(myKey).DataType _
End If
' Here is the issue since the call cannot go beyond 30 args
Dim lb As Integer: lb = LBound(fnParams)
Select Case UBound(fnParams) - LBound(fnParams) + 1
Case 1: Application.Run fnName, fnParams(lb).Val
Case 2: Application.Run fnName, fnParams(lb).Val, fnParams(lb + 1).Val
' Omitted, goes until Case 30
' What to do with Case 31??
End Select
' Some other operations for each call
End Function
' An example of function that can be called by the above mySpreadSheetFn()
Function calledFn(Optional para1 As String = "P1", _
Optional para2 As Integer = 202, _
Optional para3 As Boolean = True)
' needs to return value
calledFn = para1 & para2 * 1000
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Public Sub IHaveTooManyArguments(ParamArray params())
Debug.Print "Refactor me!"
End Sub
Public Sub CallIHaveTooManyArguments(fnName As String, ParamArray params())
Dim o as new c1
CallByName o, fnName, VbMethod, params
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
调用超过30个参数的过程,则您需要一个蹦床程序才能匹配其功能签名。制作第二个prodecure,它接受数组(或其他一些包)中的参数,然后将其传递给 second 过程,该过程调用参数太多的过程:
Sub Test()
Dim args As Variant
args = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, _
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, _
31, 32)
Application.Run "ToManyArgsTrampoline", "fnName", args
End Sub
Sub ToManyArgsTrampoline(fnName As String, args() As Variant)
If UBound(args) = 31 Then
IHaveTooManyArguments fnName, args(0), args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4), args(5), _
args(6), args(7), args(8), args(9), args(10), args(11), _
args(12), args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16), args(17), _
args(18), args(19), args(20), args(21), args(22), args(23), _
args(24), args(25), args(26), args(27), args(28), args(29), _
args(30), args(31)
End If
End Sub
Sub IHaveTooManyArguments(fnName As String, ParamArray otherparams())
Debug.Print "Refactor me!"
End Sub