扫描端口9922 VBNet上运行的内容的IP内部范围

时间:2016-08-05 15:14:46

标签: vb.net basic



Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Text
Module Module1
    Dim portStart As Integer
    Dim portEnd As Integer
    Dim lngPort As Long
    Dim lngRange As Long
    Dim txtHost1 As String
    Dim txtHost2 As String
    Dim txtHost As String
    Dim openPorts As Integer
    Dim closedPorts As Integer
    Dim range As String
    Dim lgnRange2 As Long
    Sub Main()
        Console.Write("Range Start: (For example = 192.168.1. ")
        range = Console.ReadLine()

        Console.Write("Host to: Example 1 ")
        txtHost1 = Console.ReadLine()

        Console.Write("Host from: Example 254 ")
        txtHost2 = Console.ReadLine()

        Console.Write("Port: (9922 for Face Rec By default)")
        portEnd = Console.ReadLine()
        For lngRange = txtHost1 To txtHost2

        For lgnRange2 = range + lngRange
            Dim myTcpClient As New TcpClient()
                myTcpClient.Connect(lngPort, portEnd)
                Console.WriteLine("Host: " + txtHost + " : ")
                Console.WriteLine("  Port " + lngPort.ToString() + " : Open :")
                openPorts += 1
            Catch ex As SocketException
                Console.WriteLine("Host: " + txtHost + " : ")
                Console.WriteLine("  Port " + lngPort.ToString() + " : Closed :")
                ' Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)
                closedPorts += 1
                Console.Write("    " & openPorts.ToString & " open port(s) : ")
                Console.Write("     " & closedPorts.ToString & " closed port(s) : ")

                Console.Write(txtHost + " : " + portStart.ToString + " - " + portEnd.ToString + " : Scanned Sucessfully")

            End Try
    End Sub
    Public Class psAPP
        Public Shared Sub Main()

        End Sub
    End Class
End Module

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

For循环需要数字的开头和结尾,因此您需要将txtHost1txtHost2变量转换为整数。 TcpClient.Connect调用将需要IPAddress或根据您的硬编码前缀和当前主机号构建的主机名。所以,你的循环看起来像(未经测试):

Option Strict On
Option Infer On
For i = Integer.Parse(txtHost1) To Integer.Parse(txtHost2)
    Dim remoteAddr = IPAddress.Parse("192.168.1." & i)
        Using myTcpClient = New TcpClient()
            myTcpClient.Connect(remoteAddr, Integer.Parse(portEnd))
        End Using
        Console.WriteLine("Host: " + txtHost + " : ")
        Console.WriteLine("  Port " + lngPort.ToString() + " : Open :")
        openPorts += 1
    Catch ex As SocketException
        Console.WriteLine("Host: " + txtHost + " : ")
        Console.WriteLine("  Port " + lngPort.ToString() + " : Closed :")
        closedPorts += 1
    End Try
Console.Write("    " & openPorts.ToString & " open port(s) : ")
Console.Write("     " & closedPorts.ToString & " closed port(s) : ")