
时间:2010-10-07 05:48:52

标签: objective-c multithreading cocoa-touch background nsthread


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:39)


- (void)main
    [self doStuffInOperations];

- (void)doStuffInGCD
    dispatch_group_t d_group = dispatch_group_create();
    dispatch_queue_t bg_queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);

    dispatch_group_async(d_group, bg_queue, ^{
        [self doSomething:@"a"];

    dispatch_group_async(d_group, bg_queue, ^{
        [self doSomething:@"b"];

    dispatch_group_async(d_group, bg_queue, ^{
        [self doSomething:@"c"];

    // you can do this to synchronously wait on the current thread:
    dispatch_group_wait(d_group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    NSLog(@"All background tasks are done!!");

    // ****  OR  ****

    // this if you just want something to happen after those are all done:
    dispatch_group_notify(d_group, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSLog(@"All background tasks are done!!");        

- (void)doSomething:(id)arg
    // do whatever you want with the arg here 

答案 1 :(得分:9)

使用NSOperationQueue,就像这样 (从记忆中原谅任何小错误 - 你会得到基本的想法):

// ivars
NSOperationQueue *opQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
// count can be anything you like
[opQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:5];

- (void)main
    [self doStuffInOperations];

// method
- (void)doStuffInOperations
    // do parallel task A
    [opQueue addOperation:[[[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(doSomething:) object:@"a"] autorelease]];

    // do parallel task B
    [opQueue addOperation:[[[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(doSomething:) object:@"b"] autorelease]];

    // do parallel task C
    [opQueue addOperation:[[[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(doSomething:) object:@"c"] autorelease]];

    [opQueue waitUntilAllOperationsHaveFinished];

    // now, do stuff that requires A, B, and C to be finished, and they should be finished much faster because they are in parallel.

- (void)doSomething:(id)arg
    // do whatever you want with the arg here 
    // (which is in the background, 
    // because all NSOperations added to NSOperationQueues are.)

答案 2 :(得分:6)




答案 3 :(得分:5)


//this method executes in main thread/queue
- (void)waitForJob
    id __weak selfWeak = self;
    NSCondition *waitHandle = [NSCondition new];
    [waitHandle lock];
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{
        [selfWeak doSomethingLongtime];
        [waitHandle signal];
    //waiting for background thread finished
    [waitHandle waitUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:60]];

答案 4 :(得分:1)

同步多线程的几种技术方法,例如NSConditionLock(互斥锁),NSCondition(信号量)。但它们是其他语言(java ...)的常用编程知识Objective-C的。我更愿意介绍run loop(特别在Cocoa中)来实现线程连接:

NSThread *A; //global
A = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(runA) object:nil]; //create thread A
[A start];

- (void)runA    
  [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(runB) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; //create thread B    
  while (1)    
    if ([[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]) //join here, waiting for thread B    
      NSLog(@"thread B quit...");    

- (void)runB    
  [self performSelector:@selector(setData) onThread:A withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES modes:@[NSDefaultRunLoopMode]];    

答案 5 :(得分:0)


BOOL isThreadRunning = NO;
- (void)beginThread {   
    isThreadRunning = YES;

    [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(backgroundThread) withObject:nil];
- (void)backgroundThread {
    [myClass doLongTask];

    // Done!
    isThreadRunning = NO;
- (void)waitForThread {
    if (! isThreadRunning) {
        // Thread completed
        [self doSomething];

您希望如何处理等待取决于您:可能使用[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1]或类似方法进行轮询,或者每个运行循环向自己发送一条消息。

答案 6 :(得分:0)


- (void)doSomething
  if (/* is the other thread done yet? */) {
    double delayInSeconds = 2.0;
    dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
    dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
      [self doSomething];

  // do something