PHPPresentation - 折线图阴影

时间:2016-08-05 09:47:09

标签: php laravel phppresentation

我想要阴影线图,阴影线区域的方法是什么。 我使用过这段代码

     $seriesData = array(
        'Monday' => 12,
        'Tuesday' => 15,
        'Wednesday' => 13,
        'Thursday' => 17,
        'Friday' => 14,
        'Saturday' => 9,
        'Sunday' => 7

    $seriesData1 = array(
        'Monday' => 22,
        'Tuesday' => 25,
        'Wednesday' => 23,
        'Thursday' => 27,
        'Friday' => 24,
        'Saturday' => 19,
        'Sunday' => 17

    $oFill = new Fill();
    $oFill->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color('FFE06B99'));
    $oShadow = new Shadow();

    $lineChart = new Line();
    $series = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData);
    $series->setFill(new Fill(new Color('FFE06B99')));

    $series1 = new Series('Downloads', $seriesData1);

    $shape = $currentSlide->createChartShape();
    $shape->setName('PHPPresentation Daily Downloads')->setResizeProportional(false)->setHeight(550)->setWidth(700)->setOffsetX(120)->setOffsetY(80);
    $shape->getTitle()->setText('PHPPresentation Daily Downloads');

是否有适用于Series类或Line类的方法,有助于填充阴影颜色。 请让我知道如何为折线图区域划线


enter image description here

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How do I customize the line in a line chart with PHPPowerpoint/PHPPresentation?
