使用Play Framework 2.5进行ReactiveMongo数据库转储

时间:2016-08-05 08:43:50

标签: scala reactivemongo




def databaseDump(prom : Promise[JsObject]) = {
      dbUsers <- getUsers
    } yield dbUsers

var rebuiltJson = Json.obj()
var array = JsArray()
res.map{ users =>
  users.map{ userNames =>
    if(userNames.size == 0){
      prom failure new Throwable("Empty database")
    var counter = 0
    userNames.foreach { username =>
      getUserTables(username).map { tables =>
         /* Add data to array*/
        counter += 1
        if(counter == userNames.size){
          /*Add data to new json*/
          prom success rebuiltJson



有没有办法循环遍历所有用户,查询数据库并等待所有数据恢复,然后才能成功触发承诺?我试图用于理解,但没有找到办法。有没有办法将整个mongo DB转储到一个Json:{ username : data, username : data ..}

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


// helper function to find all documents inside a collection c
// and return them as a single JsArray
def getDocs(c: JSONCollection)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = c.find(Json.obj()).cursor[JsObject]().jsArray()

def dumpToJsObject(db: DefaultDB)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsObject] = {
  // get a list of all collections in the db
  val collectionNames = db.collectionNames
  val collections = collectionNames.map(_.map(db.collection[JSONCollection](_)))

  // each entry is a tuple collectionName -> content (as JsArray)
  val namesToDocs = collections.flatMap {
    colls => Future.sequence(colls.map(c => getDocs(c).map(c.name -> _)))

  // convert to a single JsObject


答案 1 :(得分:0)


import java.util.Stack;

public class GetTripletPair {

    /** Set a value for target sum */
    public static final int TARGET_SUM = 32;

    private Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();

    /** Store the sum of current elements stored in stack */
    private int sumInStack = 0;
    private int count =0 ;

    public void populateSubset(int[] data, int fromIndex, int endIndex) {

        * Check if sum of elements stored in Stack is equal to the expected
        * target sum.
        * If so, call print method to print the candidate satisfied result.
        if (sumInStack == TARGET_SUM) {

        for (int currentIndex = fromIndex; currentIndex < endIndex; currentIndex++) {

            if (sumInStack + data[currentIndex] <= TARGET_SUM) {
                sumInStack += data[currentIndex];

                * Make the currentIndex +1, and then use recursion to proceed
                * further.
                populateSubset(data, currentIndex + 1, endIndex);
                sumInStack -= (Integer) stack.pop();

    * Print satisfied result. i.e. 15 = 4+6+5

    private void print(Stack<Integer> stack) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(TARGET_SUM).append(" = ");
        for (Integer i : stack) {
        System.out.println(sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1).toString());

    private static final int[] DATA = {4,13,14,15,17};

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GetAllSubsetByStack get = new GetAllSubsetByStack();
        get.populateSubset(DATA, 0, DATA.length);

如果使用JSON序列化包,只需将import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocument import reactivemongo.api.{ Cursor, MongoDriver, MongoConnection } val mongoUri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/my_db" val driver = new MongoDriver val maxDocs = Int.MaxValue // max per collection // Requires to have an ExecutionContext in the scope // (e.g. `import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global`) def dump()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = for { uri <- Future.fromTry(MongoConnection.parseURI(mongoUri)) con = driver.connection(uri) dn <- Future(uri.db.get) db <- con.database(dn) cn <- db.collectionNames _ <- Future.sequence(cn.map { collName => println(s"Collection: $collName") db.collection(collName).find(BSONDocument.empty). // findAll cursor[BSONDocument]().foldWhile({}, maxDocs) { (_, doc) => // Replace println by appropriate side-effect Cursor.Cont(println(s"- ${BSONDocument pretty doc}")) } }) } yield () 替换为BSONDocument(例如JsObject〜&gt; BSONDocument.empty)。

如果从Scala REPL进行测试,粘贴前面的代码后,可以执行以下操作。
