
时间:2016-08-04 16:08:35

标签: c# procedural-generation map-projections



512x256 Generated Terrain Array

Desired output


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




public static double MapCoordinate(double i1, double i2, double w1,
    double w2, double p)
    return ((p - i1) / (i2 - i1)) * (w2 - w1) + w1;


System.Drawing.Image image1 = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath(
Bitmap imgBitmap = new Bitmap(image1);


public static void RotX(double angle, ref double y, ref double z)
     double y1 = y * System.Math.Cos(angle) - z * System.Math.Sin(angle);
     double z1 = y * System.Math.Sin(angle) + z * System.Math.Cos(angle);
     y = y1;
     z = z1;
public static void RotY(double angle, ref double x, ref double z)
     double x1 = x * System.Math.Cos(angle) - z * System.Math.Sin(angle);
     double z1 = x * System.Math.Sin(angle) + z * System.Math.Cos(angle);
     x = x1;
     z = z1;
public static void RotZ(double angle, ref double x, ref double y)
     double x1 = x * System.Math.Cos(angle) - y * System.Math.Sin(angle);
     double y1 = x * System.Math.Sin(angle) + y * System.Math.Cos(angle);
     x = x1;
     y = y1;


for (int i = 0; i < imgBitmap.Width; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < imgBitmap.Height; j++)
          // map the angles from image coordinates
          double theta = Algebra.MapCoordinate(0.0, imgBitmap.Width - 1,
              theta1, theta0, i);
          double phi = Algebra.MapCoordinate( 0.0, imgBitmap.Height - 1,phi0,
              phi1, j);
          // find the cartesian coordinates
          double x = radius * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Cos(theta);
          double y = radius * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Sin(theta);
          double z = radius * Math.Cos(phi);
          // apply rotation around X and Y axis to reposition the sphere
          RotX(1.5, ref y, ref z);
          RotY(-2.5, ref x, ref z);
          // plot only positive points
          if (z > 0)
               Color color = imgBitmap.GetPixel(i, j);
               Brush brs = new SolidBrush(color);
               int ix = (int)x + 100;
               int iy = (int)y + 100;
               graphics.FillRectangle(brs, ix, iy, 1, 1);