我想每天向我的数据库的所有用户发送电子邮件。 我在后端使用Springboot和JHipster。
$(this).trigger( $.Event( 'keydown', { keyCode: 13, which: 13 } ));
* GET /users : get all users.
* @param pageable the pagination information
* @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body all users
* @throws URISyntaxException if the pagination headers couldnt be generated
@RequestMapping(value = "/users",
method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public ResponseEntity<List<ManagedUserDTO>> getAllUsers(Pageable pageable)
throws URISyntaxException {
Page<User> page = userRepository.findAll(pageable);
List<ManagedUserDTO> managedUserDTOs = page.getContent().stream()
HttpHeaders headers = PaginationUtil.generatePaginationHttpHeaders(page, "/api/users");
return new ResponseEntity<>(managedUserDTOs, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
* Service for sending e-mails.
* <p>
* We use the @Async annotation to send e-mails asynchronously.
* </p>
public class MailService {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MailService.class);
private static final String USER = "user";
private static final String BASE_URL = "baseUrl";
private JHipsterProperties jHipsterProperties;
private JavaMailSenderImpl javaMailSender;
private MessageSource messageSource;
private SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine;
public void sendEmail(String to, String subject, String content, boolean isMultipart, boolean isHtml) {
log.debug("Send e-mail[multipart '{}' and html '{}'] to '{}' with subject '{}' and content={}",
isMultipart, isHtml, to, subject, content);
// Prepare message using a Spring helper
MimeMessage mimeMessage = javaMailSender.createMimeMessage();
try {
MimeMessageHelper message = new MimeMessageHelper(mimeMessage, isMultipart, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
message.setText(content, isHtml);
log.debug("Sent e-mail to User '{}'", to);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("E-mail could not be sent to user '{}', exception is: {}", to, e.getMessage());
public void sendActivationEmail(User user, String baseUrl) {
log.debug("Sending activation e-mail to '{}'", user.getEmail());
Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(user.getLangKey());
Context context = new Context(locale);
context.setVariable(USER, user);
context.setVariable(BASE_URL, baseUrl);
String content = templateEngine.process("activationEmail", context);
String subject = messageSource.getMessage("email.activation.title", null, locale);
sendEmail(user.getEmail(), subject, content, false, true);
public void sendCreationEmail(User user, String baseUrl) {
log.debug("Sending creation e-mail to '{}'", user.getEmail());
Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(user.getLangKey());
Context context = new Context(locale);
context.setVariable(USER, user);
context.setVariable(BASE_URL, baseUrl);
String content = templateEngine.process("creationEmail", context);
String subject = messageSource.getMessage("email.activation.title", null, locale);
sendEmail(user.getEmail(), subject, content, false, true);
public void sendPasswordResetMail(User user, String baseUrl) {
log.debug("Sending password reset e-mail to '{}'", user.getEmail());
Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(user.getLangKey());
Context context = new Context(locale);
context.setVariable(USER, user);
context.setVariable(BASE_URL, baseUrl);
String content = templateEngine.process("passwordResetEmail", context);
String subject = messageSource.getMessage("email.reset.title", null, locale);
sendEmail(user.getEmail(), subject, content, false, true);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public class ScheduleService {
//send mails daily at 1am
@Scheduled(cron = "0 0 1 * * ?")
public void sendDailyMails{
//call userRepository.findAll
//create mail content or use a template (e.g. Velocity)
//for each user call MailService.sendMail
//passing content, to(user.getEmail()), from, etc;