
时间:2016-08-03 22:37:40

标签: r r-caret




## Load packages
library(data.table); library(caret); library(xgboost); library(Metrics)

## Load data and convert dependent variable (Class) to factor
setDT(GermanCredit, keep.rownames=TRUE)
GermanCredit[, `:=`(rn=as.numeric(rn), Class=factor(Class, levels=c("Good", "Bad")))]

## Now we need to collapse a few columns...
##  - Columns containing purpose for getting loan
colsPurpose <- names(GermanCredit)[names(GermanCredit) %like% "Purpose."]

##  - Replace purpose columns with a single factor column
GermanCredit[, Purpose:=melt(GermanCredit, id.var="rn", measure.vars=colsPurpose)[
  value==1][order(rn), factor(sub("Purpose.", "", variable))]]

##  - Drop purpose columns
GermanCredit[, colsPurpose:=NULL, with=FALSE]

现在我们需要创建自定义指标功能。类似precision at k(其中k是我们想要在每个类别中提供的贷款数量)平均分组似乎是合适的,但我愿意接受建议。在任何情况下,该函数应如下所示:

twoClassGroup <- function (data, lev=NULL, model=NULL, k, ...) {
  if(length(levels(data$obs)) > 2)
    stop(paste("Your outcome has", length(levels(data$obs)),
               "levels. The twoClassGroup() function isn't appropriate."))
  if (!all(levels(data$pred) == levels(data$obs)))
    stop("levels of observed and predicted data do not match")

  [subset the data, probably using data$rowIndex]

  [calculate the metrics, based on data$pred and data$obs]

  [return a named vector of metrics]


## Train a model (just an example; may or may not be appropriate for this problem)
creditModel <- train(
  Class ~ . - Purpose, data=GermanCredit, method="xgbTree", 
    method="cv", number=6, returnResamp="none", summaryFunction=twoClassGroup,
    classProbs=TRUE, allowParallel=TRUE, verboseIter=TRUE),
  tuneGrid = expand.grid(
    nrounds=500, max_depth=6, eta=0.02, gamma=0, colsample_bytree=1, min_child_weight=6),
  metric="someCustomMetric", preProc=c("center", "scale"))

## Add predictions
GermanCredit[, `:=`(pred=predict(creditModel, GermanCredit, type="raw"),
                    prob=predict(creditModel, GermanCredit, type="prob")[[levels(creditModel)[1]]])]


  • 如何从twoClassGroup来电中将k的值传递给train?在主函数参数中添加它不起作用,也不在trControltuneGrid中添加它。
  • 如何在twoClassGroup中对数据进行子集化,以便计算Purpose每个值中前k个值的模型精度? data函数中的twoClassGroup对象与传递给原始train函数的对象不同。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这种尝试大多有效,但我希望有人可以分享更好的方法。它们不是从for v in sys.modules.values(): if getattr(v, '__warningregistry__', None): v.__warningregistry__ = {} 传递dtk个参数,而是在train中“硬编码”。此外,twoClassGroup的值似乎非常低,尽管最终的模型似乎确实选择了最佳的贷款前景。


在原始帖子的library(Metrics) twoClassGroup <- function (data, lev=NULL, model=NULL, dt=GermanCredit, k=10) { if(length(levels(data$obs)) > 2) stop(paste("Your outcome has", length(levels(data$obs)), "levels. The twoClassGroup() function isn't appropriate.")) if (!all(levels(data$pred) == levels(data$obs))) stop("levels of observed and predicted data do not match") data <- data.table(data, group=dt[data$rowIndex, Purpose]) ## You can ignore these extra metrics... ## <----- sens <- sensitivity(data$pred, data$obs, positive=lev[1]) spec <- specificity(data$pred, data$obs, positive=lev[1]) precision <- posPredValue(data$pred, data$obs) recall <- sens Fbeta <- function(precision, recall, beta=1) { val <- (1+beta^2)*(precision*recall)/(precision*beta^2 + recall) if(is.nan(val)) val <- 0 return(val) } F0.5 <- Fbeta(precision, recall, beta=0.5) F1 <- Fbeta(precision, recall, beta=1) F2 <- Fbeta(precision, recall, beta=2) ## -----> ## This is the important one... mapk <- data[, .(obs=list(obs), pred=list(pred)), by=group][, mapk(k, obs, pred)] return(c(sensitivity=sens, specificity=spec, F0.5=F0.5, F1=F1, F2=F2, mapk=mapk)) } 来电中,train的值为“mapk”而不是“someCustomMetric”。