
时间:2016-08-03 22:23:21

标签: excel vba excel-vba


  1. 我想在第一行获取文件名。 GetFileNames()适用于此(如评论中所指出的)
  2. Sub GetFileNames()
        Dim sPath As String
        Dim sFile As String
        Dim iRow As Integer
        Dim iCol As Integer
        Dim splitFile As Variant
        'specify directory to use - must end in "\"
        sPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
        iRow = 0
        sFile = Dir(sPath & "\Individual Reports\")
        Do While sFile <> ""
            iRow = iRow + 1
            splitFile = Split(sFile, ".txt")
            For iCol = 0 To UBound(splitFile)
                Sheet1.Cells(iRow, iCol + 1) = splitFile(iCol)
            Next iCol
            sFile = Dir     ' Get next filename
    End Sub

    这些txt文件中的每一个都有一列(在每个文本文件中位于第13个位置),称为&#34; EngagementId&#34;。我想只提取第一个&#34; Engagement Id&#34;,它来自第二行(因为第一行包含标题)。

    Sub Extractrec()
        Dim filename As String, nextrow As Long, MyFolder As String
        Dim MyFile As String, text As String, textline As String
        MyFolder = ActiveWorkbook.Path
        MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "\Individual Reports\*.txt")
        Do While MyFile <> ""
            Open (MyFolder & MyFile) For Input As #1
            Do Until EOF(1)
                Line Input #1, LineFromFile
                LineItems = Split(LineFromFile, "\t") 'second loop text is already stored 
                                                      '-> see reset text
                Sheet1.Cells(iRow, iCol + 2).Value = LineItems(13, 2)
            Close #1

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


 子示例()&# XA; On Error Resume Next&#xA; Dim rs As Object,f As Object,conn As Object&#xA; Dim FolderPath As String,FileName As String,FilterString As String&#xA; FolderPath =“C:\ Users \ best buy \ Downloads \ stackoverfow \ Sample Data File \”&#xA; FileName =“example.csv”&#xA; FilterString =“WHERE EngagementId = 20”&#xA;&#xA;设置rs = getDataset(FolderPath,FileName,FilterString)&#xA;&#xA;做的不是rs.BOF而不是rs.EOF&#xA; Debug.Print rs.Fields(“EngagementId”)&#xA; Debug.Print rs.Fields(“Company”)&#xA; Debug.Print rs.Fields(“City”)&#xA; Debug.Print rs.Fields(“State”)&#xA;&#xA; rs.MoveNext&#XA;环&#XA;&#XA;设置conn = rs.ActiveConnection&#xA; rs.Close&#XA; conn.Close&#XA;设rs = Nothing&#xA;设置conn = Nothing&#xA; End Sub&#xA;&#xA;函数getDataset(FolderPath As String,FileName As String,FilterString As String)As Object&#xA; Dim conn As Object,rs As Object&#xA;设置conn = CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)&#xA;设置rs = CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”)&#xA; conn.Open(“Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source =”&amp; FolderPath&amp;“;”&amp; _&#xA;“Extended Properties =”“text; HDR = Yes; FMT = Delimited; IMEX = 1; “”“)&#XA; rs.ActiveConnection = conn&#xA; rs.Source =“SELECT * FROM”&amp; FileName&amp; “”&amp; FilterString&#XA; rs.Open&#XA;设置getDataset = rs&#xA;结束函数&#xA;  

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    Open (MyFolder & MyFile) For Input As #1 'MyFolder & MyFile won't be the correct name (probably should be MyFolder & "\Individual Reports\" & MyFile)
    Line Input #1, LineFromFile 'line to discard
    Line Input #1, LineFromFile 'line to use
    LineItems = Split(LineFromFile, vbTab)
    Sheet1.Cells(someplace).Value = LineItems(13) ' replace some place with the correct value that we don't know
    Close #1