
时间:2016-08-03 18:12:12

标签: python python-2.7

我有python程序和函数,它从我的MySQL数据库返回一系列行。这些返回的行由元组中包含的一组ID过滤,然后我使用itertools和list comprehension来形成符合一组固定约束的“组合”(每个组合的属性必须是“全部相等”或“所有独特的“在这种组合中”。

我想为不同数量的ID使函数动态,但我不确定如何动态过滤返回的行(没有乱七八糟的嵌套IF语句)。有没有办法可以在下面的函数中重写if /和条件,使它们为len(tuple_of_ids)动态化?

在python /代码开发方面,我仍然是一个学习者,所以任何帮助都会受到赞赏!


import itertools

def get_valid_combinations(tuple_of_ids):

    data = get_filtered_data_from_database(valid_ids=tuple_of_ids)

    # (row1, row2, row3) assumes that the tuple_of_ids has len=3. If tuple_of_ids had 4 members I'd need (row1, row2, row3, row4) etc
    valid_combinations = [(row1, row2, row3) for row1, row2, row3 in list(itertools.combinations(data, 3))
                                if ((row1.Age == row2.Age)              # All items in combination have same Age
                                    and (row2.Age == row3.Age))

                                and ((row1.School != row2.School)
                                     and (row2.School != row3.School)
                                     and (row1.School != row3.School))      # All items in combination have different School
                # ...etc (i.e. there may be multiple filtering criteria, but always either ("all equal" or "all different")

    return valid_combinations

ids_to_search_for = ('C00001', 'C00002', 'C00003')
get_valid_combinations(tuple_of_ids = ids_to_search_for)

>>> [(<database_row_object_1>, <database_row_object_2>, <database_row_object_3>), (<database_row_object_x>, <database_row_object_y>, <database_row_object_z>),...]

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

正如Martijn在评论中所说,你可能会考虑在SQL中进行过滤,这可能会更有效率。如果过滤必须在Python中完成,那么<​​em>“all equal”或“all different”检查可以通过集合理解轻松完成:

length = len(tuple_of_ids)
valid_combinations = [tup for tup in itertools.combinations(data, length)
                              if len({r.Age for r in tup}) == 1
                              and len({r.School for r in tup}) == length]


在旁注中,您可以将{em>强制转换放到list itertools.combinations,因为您实际上并不需要该列表。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


#Just an example class
class Person(object):
    __slots__ = ["age","height","weight"]
    def __init__(self,age,height,weight):
        self.age = age
        self.height = height
        self.weight = weight
#Function to try all tests
def test_people(people,tests):
    test_results = [test(people) for test in tests]
    print "Passed all tests:",all(test_results)
    print "Passed at least one:",any(test_results)

#Testing functions to be passed into the test_people
def first_lighter_than_second(people):
    p1 = people[0]
    p2 = people[1]
    return True if p1.weight < p2.weight else False
def third_older_than_first(people):
    p1 = people[0]
    p3 = people[2]
    return True if p3.age > p1.age else False
#Building people list
p1 = Person(24,182.1,90.5)
p2 = Person(50,170.4,83)
p3 = Person(62,150.3,67)
people = [p1,p2,p3]
#Building list of test functions
tests = []
#Try all tests

Passed all tests: False
Passed at least one: True
