如何使用C#从Same Server中的多个数据库获取数据?

时间:2016-08-03 16:46:21

标签: c# sql-server

同一服务器(SQL Server)中有多个数据库。我的要求是当在C#Windows窗体应用程序中给出GUID输入时,我必须在所有数据库中查询与该GUID相对应的详细信息并在应用程序中显示它。表名在所有数据库中都相同。也就是说,如果在一个数据库中找不到详细信息,那么我必须检入另一个数据库(在同一服务器内)并且必须遍历循环。但是,由于有超过10个数据库,因此会达到性能。那么,有没有办法以有效的方式获取细节?我已经广泛搜索但找不到任何解决方案



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


    public Form1()
        string textThatWouldBeInATextBoxOnTheUserInterface = "1234,4567,789";//lets pretend this is the textbox value entered by the user
        string[] GUIDs = textThatWouldBeInATextBoxOnTheUserInterface.Split(',').ToArray();//split that string into a string[]
        List<string> listOfResults = new List<string>();//create something to hold your results

        //iterate through each string
        foreach (string item in GUIDs)
            listOfResults.Add(getTheData(item));//add results to your list

    private string getTheData(string incomingID)
        List<string> dbConnStrings = new List<string>();
        dbConnStrings.Add(@"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=ServerName\Schema;Database=dbName1;User Id=uid;Password=pwd;");
        dbConnStrings.Add(@"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=ServerName\Schema;Database=dbName2;User Id=uid;Password=pwd;");
        string sqlQuery = "select whatever from TheTable where MyRestriction = " + incomingID;
        bool HaveYouFoundItYet = false;
        int TrackMyPositionInTheList = 0;
        string queryResults = string.Empty;

        while (!HaveYouFoundItYet && TrackMyPositionInTheList < dbConnStrings.Count)//while you haven't found it and there are still DBs to look into
            using (OleDbConnection currentConnection = new OleDbConnection(dbConnStrings[TrackMyPositionInTheList]))//look into the DB determined by the PositionTracker
                OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, currentConnection);

                if (command.ExecuteScalar() != null)//if you found what you're looking for
                    queryResults = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString();//do whatever with your pulled data
                    HaveYouFoundItYet = true;//make the while loop stop
                    TrackMyPositionInTheList++;//Lets increment the PositionTracker by 1 and look again.

        return queryResults;

修改的 这可能是更快的方式

    /// <summary>
    /// this way should be faster than the previous one
    /// because we won't connect to the same DB more than once.
    /// </summary>
    public Form1()
        //string textThatWouldBeInATextBoxOnTheUserInterface = "30439,30447,32273,32270";//lets pretend this is the textbox value entered by the user
        string textThatWouldBeInATextBoxOnTheUserInterface = "30439,30447,32273";//lets pretend this is the textbox value entered by the user

        Dictionary<string, string> DictionaryOfResults = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        DictionaryOfResults = getTheDataLoopingThroughIDs(textThatWouldBeInATextBoxOnTheUserInterface);

    private Dictionary<string, string> getTheDataLoopingThroughIDs(string incomingIDs)
        Dictionary<string, string> incomingIDsTracker = new Dictionary<string, string>();//something to keep track of the incomingIDs
        foreach (string item in incomingIDs.Replace(" ", "").Split(','))
            incomingIDsTracker.Add(item, null);//add all the ids(keys) to the dictionary, and give them a null value to start

        //lets build the list of DBs we can connect to
        List<string> dbConnStrings = new List<string>();
        dbConnStrings.Add(@"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=Server\Schema;Database=dbName1;User Id=uid;Password=pwd;");
        dbConnStrings.Add(@"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=Server\Schema;Database=dbName2;User Id=uid;Password=pwd;");
        int TrackMyPositionInTheList = 0;//keep track of how many DBs you connected to

        while (incomingIDsTracker.ContainsValue(null) && TrackMyPositionInTheList < dbConnStrings.Count)//while there are values we haven't found yet, and while there are still DBs to connect to
            using (OleDbConnection currentConnection = new OleDbConnection(dbConnStrings[TrackMyPositionInTheList]))//look into the DB determined by the PositionTracker
                Dictionary<string, string> tempdict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                tempdict = incomingIDsTracker.Where(p => p.Value == null).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);//make a temp dictionary of only the keys with null values
                string idstolookfor = string.Join(",", tempdict.Keys);//make that into a comma separated list that we can use in our sql query
                string sqlQuery = "select dialid, docid from dial where dialid in (" + idstolookfor + ")";
                OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, currentConnection);

                if (command.ExecuteScalar() != null)//if you found something
                    OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        incomingIDsTracker[reader["DialId"].ToString()] = reader["docid"].ToString();
                TrackMyPositionInTheList++;//Lets increment the PositionTracker by 1 and look again.
        return incomingIDsTracker;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可以对CancellationToken使用async / await。 启动多个同时发生的异步请求,当一个返回结果时取消其他请求。 例如:

Sub CheckWord()

Dim arrVar As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strCheck As Range

Set arrVar = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
'MsgBox (arrVar)

For Each ws In arrVar
   If ws.Range("C9:G20").Value = "Word" Then
    MsgBox (True)
   End If
Next ws

End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Select col from db1.dbo.table2 where guid = 'xxx'
Select col from db2.dbo.table2 where guid = 'xxx'