
时间:2010-10-06 15:51:58

标签: javascript jquery class




// Crockford's way of creating new objects
function F(){};
function _createObject(o) {
    F.prototype = o;
    return new F();

$.Class = function(){
        prototype = {}
        ,_super = {}
        ,requiredError = ''
        ,extendedInits = []
        ,fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;

    // copy properties/methods to prototype
    for (var i = 0, ln = arguments.length; i < ln; ++i){
        var obj = arguments[i];

        // if extending another class
        if ($.isFunction(obj)) _super = obj = obj.prototype;

        if (typeof obj == 'object'){
            for (var prop in obj){
                var objMethod = obj[prop];

                // Resig's Simple Javascript Inheritance
                // if method already exists, map old method to this._super()
                prototype[prop] = typeof objMethod == "function" && typeof _super[prop] == "function" && fnTest.test(obj[prop]) ?
                    (function(prop, fn){
                      return function() {
                        var tmp = this._super;

                        // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
                        // but on the super-class
                        this._super = _super[prop];

                        // The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
                        // remove it when we're done executing
                        var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
                        this._super = tmp;

                        return ret;
                    })(prop, objMethod) :
                    // or overwrite the method/property

                // if __init method is defined on any of the objects passed in, they will be automatically run at instantiation
                if (prop == '__init') extendedInits.push(obj[prop]);

    prototype.__initialize = function(){
            self = this
            ,dataNS = this.__dataNS
            ,requiredParams = this.__requiredParams;

        // check required parameters
        if (requiredParams){
            for (var i = 0, ln = requiredParams.length; i < ln; ++i){
                var param = requiredParams[i];
                if (arguments.length == 0 || !arguments[0][param]) requiredError = requiredError + param + ', ';

        // if all required params are passed in
        if (requiredError.length == 0){
            // set defaults
            this.cfg = $.extend(true, {}, this.__defaults, arguments[0]);
            this.$elem = this.cfg.$elem;

            // create bridge between dom and instance
            if (dataNS) this.$, this);

            // init class instance
            if (this.init) this.init.apply(this, arguments);

            // init objects instance was extended with
            if (extendedInits.length > 0){
                $.each(extendedInits, function(k, fn){
                    fn.apply(self, arguments);

            // init instance level 
            if (this.cfg.__init) this.cfg.__init.apply(this, arguments);
        else {
            // alert missing properties
            requiredError = requiredError.substring(0, requiredError.lastIndexOf(','));
            var str = 'Required Parameters: ' + requiredError;
            if (dataNS) str = dataNS + ' - ' + str;

    function _Class(){
        this.__initialize.apply(this, arguments);

    _Class.prototype = _createObject(prototype);
    _Class.constructor = _Class;

    return _Class;


$.Accordion = new $.Class({
__requiredParams: ['$elem']
,__defaults: {
    speed: 200,
    onlyOneOpen: true,
    classNames: {
        panel: 'panel', panelHeader: 'panelHeader', panelContent: 'panelContent'
,panels: {}
,init: function(opts){
    console.log('1st init');
    var self = this;

    // loop thru panels
    this.$elem.find('.' + this.cfg.classNames.panel).each(function(){
        var $this = $(this);
        var panelName = $this.attr('id');
        // uses panel dom element id as name
        self.panels[panelName] = new $.Panel({$elem: $this});

    // panel header on click
    this.$elem.find('.' + this.cfg.classNames.panelHeader).click(function(e){
        var panelName = $(this).parents('.' + self.cfg.classNames.panel).attr('id');
        var action = (self.panels[panelName].isOpen()) ? 'close' : 'open';
,closeAll: function(){
,openAll: function(){
,open: function(panelName){
    if (this.cfg.onlyOneOpen) this.closeAll();
    if (typeof this.panels[panelName] != 'undefined') $.dispatch('open.' + panelName + '.accordion');
,close: function(panelName){
    if (typeof this.panels[panelName] != 'undefined') $.dispatch('close.' + panelName + '.accordion');
}, $.ClassUtils);

注意:上面示例中的$ .ClassUtils是一组混合到$ .Accordion类中的公共方法

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

许多框架都会做你所做的。我对此的主要关注是它试图使javascript不是。 Javascript是原型继承语言。它不是一种经典的继承语言。


var myObj =  MyStuff.create({
   prop: prop,
   doSomething: function(){}
