
时间:2016-08-03 11:40:52

标签: c linux uart

我正在尝试编写一个函数来读取通过UART发送的一大块数据。我在RaspberryPi模型B上运行Raspbian Jessie但是我想在openwrt上使用这个C代码(带有任何必要的修订)。到目前为止,这就是我写的。


#ifndef __UART_LIB__
#define __UART_LIB__

#include <stdlib.h>     //Errors, etc
#include <unistd.h>     //Used for UART
#include <fcntl.h>      //Used for UART
#include <termios.h>    //Used for UART

#include <sys/types.h>  //These includes are for timeout
#include <sys/stat.h>   
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/select.h> //
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#define BITS_PER_PACKAGE_ 11

//Some values used by default, left for the user to change if needed
unsigned int BAUD_ ;
unsigned int NUM_BITS_  ;
char *UART_PATH_ ;
unsigned int MAX_SIZE_ ;
unsigned int OPEN_FLAG_ ;
time_t TIMEOUT_SEC_ ;
suseconds_t TIMEOUT_USEC_ ;
struct timeval WAIT_CONSTANT_ ;

int open_conf_UART_() ;
int read_UART_(int uart_filestream, char** dest, int max_len) ;



#include "uartlib.h"

unsigned int BAUD_ = B115200 ;
unsigned int NUM_BITS_ = CS8 ;
char *UART_PATH_ = "/dev/ttyAMA0" ;
unsigned int MAX_SIZE_ = 128 ;
unsigned int OPEN_FLAG_ = O_RDWR ;
time_t TIMEOUT_SEC_ = 5 ;
suseconds_t TIMEOUT_USEC_ = 0 ;

int open_conf_UART_()
    int indicator, old_fl;
    int uart_filestream ;
    struct termios options ;

    // Opening the port in a read/write mode
    uart_filestream = open(UART_PATH_, OPEN_FLAG_ | O_NOCTTY );
    if (uart_filestream < 0)
        // Unable to open the serial port, so produce an error and halt
        return -1;

    // Configuring the options for UART

    // Retrieve the options and modify them. 
    indicator = tcgetattr(uart_filestream, &options);
    if(indicator < 0)
        // Unable to get the attributes
        return -1;

    // I found a question on stackoverlow where the answer said that VTIME and VMIN will be ignored unless I 
    // switch the FNDELAY flag off
    old_fl = fcntl(uart_filestream, F_GETFL);
    if(old_fl < 0)
        return -1;
    old_fl &= ~FNDELAY;
    fcntl(uart_filestream, old_fl);

    //Setting the options
    options.c_cflag = CRTSCTS | BAUD_ | NUM_BITS_ | CLOCAL | CREAD ;
    options.c_iflag = 0;
    options.c_oflag = 0;
    options.c_lflag = 0;

    //I want the uart to wait 1/10 of a second between bytes at most
    options.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
    options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;

    // Flushing the file stream (the input and the output area)
    indicator = tcflush(uart_filestream, TCIOFLUSH);
    if(indicator < 0)
        // Unable to flush
        return -1;

    // Setting the options for the file stream. 
    indicator = tcsetattr(uart_filestream, TCSANOW, &options);
    if(indicator < 0)
        // Unable to set the attributes
        return -1;
    return uart_filestream;

int read_UART_(int uart_filestream, char** dest, int max_len)
    int indicator;
    int buffer_length;

    indicator = tcflush(uart_filestream, TCIFLUSH);
    if(indicator < 0)
        // Unable to flush
        return -1;

    //Do the actual reading
    buffer_length = read(uart_filestream, (void*)(*dest), max_len);
    if(indicator < 0)
        return -1;
        // Returning number of read bytes
        return buffer_length;
    // Both branches of the if statement above have return, so this will not be reached

因此,当我尝试读取超过8个字节时,消息被截断为8个字节。 在我阅读时,将VTIME设置为某个值允许两个字节之间的时间间隔最多为该长度。 我不确定发生了什么,但我怀疑read()调用在接收数据完成之前读取缓冲区。 我的愿望是读取一块未定义大小的数据。我还在读取之前使用select()超时,以确保程序不会完全阻塞。 我在这个主题上阅读了很多论坛主题,stackoverflow问题,指南等,似乎没有人帮我解决问题。 那么,任何人都可以解释这里发生了什么吗?可以做我想做的事吗?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

所以,我解决了我的问题。我仍然无法刷新(当系统刚刚启动并且我打开程序之前有一个信号时,缓冲区中有一些旧内容,就像在我看来)。 我使用了这个假设:包将以较小的突发时间到达,它们将以TIMEOUT_BYTE_时间间隔分开。如果到期,我认为包已经结束。 此外,我有一个超时初始等待数据,但我认为这是情境。


#ifndef UART_LIB_
#define UART_LIB_

#include <stdlib.h>     //Errors, etc
#include <unistd.h>     //Used for UART
#include <fcntl.h>      //Used for UART
#include <termios.h>    //Used for UART
#include <sys/types.h>  //These includes are for timeout
#include <sys/select.h> //Used for select(), etc

//Some values used by default, left for the user to change if needed

//Used to set up the baud rate
unsigned int BAUD_ ;

//Used to indicate number of bits in one backage 
unsigned int NUM_BITS_  ;

//Path to the UART device
char *UART_PATH_ ;

//Flag for opening the device
unsigned int OPEN_FLAG_ ;

//Timeout for answer from the other side
time_t TIMEOUT_SEC_ ;
suseconds_t TIMEOUT_USEC_ ;

//Time interval between two bursts of data inside the package
suseconds_t TIMEOUT_BYTE_ ;

int open_conf_UART_(void) ;
int read_UART_(int uart_filestream, char* dest, int max_len) ;



#include <errno.h>
#include "uartlib.h"

unsigned int BAUD_ = B38400 ;
unsigned int NUM_BITS_ = CS8 ;
char *UART_PATH_ = "/dev/ttyAMA0" ;
unsigned int OPEN_FLAG_ = O_RDWR ;
time_t TIMEOUT_SEC_ = 2 ;
suseconds_t TIMEOUT_USEC_ = 0 ;

// This needs to be finely tuned
suseconds_t TIMEOUT_BYTE_ = 5000;

int open_conf_UART_()
    // Variable section
    int indicator;
    int uart_filestream ;
    struct termios options ;

    // Opening the port in a read/write mode
    uart_filestream = open(UART_PATH_, OPEN_FLAG_ | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
    if (uart_filestream < 0)
        // Unable to open the serial port, so produce an error and halt
        return -1;

    // Configuring the options for UART

    // Flushing the file stream (the input and the output area)
    indicator = tcflush(uart_filestream, TCIOFLUSH);
    if(indicator < 0)
        // Unable to flush
        return -1;

    // Retrieve the options and modify them. 
    indicator = tcgetattr(uart_filestream, &options);
    if(indicator < 0)
        // Unable to get the attributes
        return -1;

    // Setting the options
    options.c_cflag |= BAUD_ | NUM_BITS_ | CREAD;

    // Setting the options for the file stream. 
    indicator = tcsetattr(uart_filestream, TCSANOW, &options);
    if(indicator < 0)
        // Unable to set the attributes
        return -1;
    return uart_filestream;

int read_UART_(int uart_filestream, char* dest, int max_len)
    // Variable section
    int indicator;
    int buffer_length;
    char *tmp_dest;
    fd_set set;
    struct timeval timeout, init_timeout;

        // Reseting the set and inserting the uart_filestream in it
        FD_SET(uart_filestream, &set);

        // Setting the time for initial contact
        init_timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT_SEC_ ;
        init_timeout.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_USEC_ ;

        // Waiting for the first contact. If this times out, we assume no contact.
        indicator = select(uart_filestream + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &init_timeout);
        if(indicator < 0)
            if(errno == EINTR)
                // Try again
            return -1;
        else if(indicator == 0)
        {   // Timeout has occurred
            return -2;

    // This section means that there is something to be read in the file descriptor
    buffer_length = 0 ;
    tmp_dest = dest ;

    // The first select is redundant but it is easier to loop this way.
    while(buffer_length < max_len)
        // select changes the timeval structure so it is reset here
        timeout.tv_sec = 0;
        timeout.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_BYTE_;

        // Reinitialize the sets for reading
        FD_SET(uart_filestream, &set);

        // Wait for the file descriptor to be available or for timeout
        indicator = select(uart_filestream+1, &set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);

        if(indicator < 0)
            if(errno == EINTR)
                // Try again

            // This indicates an error
            return -1;
        else if(indicator == 0)
            // This indicates a timeout; We assume that the transmission is over once first timeout is reached
            return buffer_length;

        // There's been a select that didn't time out before this read
        indicator = read(uart_filestream, (void*)tmp_dest, max_len - buffer_length);
        if(indicator < 0)
            if(errno == EINTR)
                // If the call was interrupted, try again

            // If it was any other condition, the read is corrupt.
            return -1;
        else if(indicator == 0)
            // If, somehow, EOF was reached

        // Change the necessary values
        buffer_length += indicator ;
        tmp_dest += indicator; 

    // Both branches of the if statement above have return, so this will not be reached
    // but a warning is generated 
    return buffer_length;

void flush_buffer_UART_(int uart_filestream)
    char c;
    while(read(uart_filestream, &c, 1) > 0);

我知道这不是主题,但如果有人知道如何解决同花顺问题,请回复。 此外,任何建设性的批评都是非常受欢迎的。

