
时间:2016-08-03 04:45:11

标签: ios swift uiscrollview sprite-kit


我的 scrollViewHorizontal = CustomScrollView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.frame.size.width, height: self.frame.size.height), scene: self, moveableNode: moveableNodeHorizontal, scrollDirection: .Horizontal) scrollViewHorizontal.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.frame.size.width * 4, self.frame.size.height) // * 4 makes it three times as wide as screen view?.addSubview(scrollViewHorizontal) scrollViewHorizontal.hidden = true addChild(moveableNodeHorizontal) moveableNodeHorizontal.hidden = true moveableNodeHorizontal.zPosition = 100000 scrollViewHorizontal.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0 + self.frame.size.width + self.frame.size.width * 2, y: 0), animated: false) let page1ScrollView = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.clearColor(), size: CGSizeMake(scrollViewHorizontal.frame.size.width, scrollViewHorizontal.frame.size.height)) page1ScrollView.zPosition = -1 page1ScrollView.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame) - (self.frame.size.width * 3.5), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame) - (self.frame.height / 2)) moveableNodeHorizontal.addChild(page1ScrollView) let page2ScrollView = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.clearColor(), size: CGSizeMake(scrollViewHorizontal.frame.size.width, scrollViewHorizontal.frame.size.height)) page2ScrollView.zPosition = -1 page2ScrollView.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame) - (self.frame.size.width * 2.5), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame) - (self.frame.height / 2)) moveableNodeHorizontal.addChild(page2ScrollView) Characters.append(generateCharacters(CGPointMake(0, 0), page:(page1ScrollView), tex: "YellowFrog")) Characters.append(generateCharacters(CGPointMake(100, 0), page:(page1ScrollView), tex: "Frog")) Characters.append(generateCharacters(CGPointMake(0, 0), page:(page2ScrollView), tex: "ball")) Characters.append(generateCharacters(CGPointMake(100, 0), page:(page2ScrollView), tex: "ball")) 有一个“可移动节点”,其中包含多个包含所有精灵的页面,如下所示:

  func scrollViewWillEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity targetContentOffset:(inout CGPoint *)targetContentOffset


/// Nodes touched
 var nodesTouched: [AnyObject] = [] // global

/// Scroll direction
enum ScrollDirection: Int {
   case None = 0
   case Vertical
   case Horizontal

/// Custom UIScrollView class
class CustomScrollView: UIScrollView {

// MARK: - Static Properties

/// Touches allowed
static var disabledTouches = false

/// Scroll view
private static var scrollView: UIScrollView!

// MARK: - Properties

/// Nodes touched. This will forward touches to node subclasses.
private var nodesTouched = [AnyObject]()

/// Current scene
private let currentScene: SKScene

/// Moveable node
private let moveableNode: SKNode

/// Scroll direction
private let scrollDirection: ScrollDirection

// MARK: - Init
init(frame: CGRect, scene: SKScene, moveableNode: SKNode, scrollDirection: ScrollDirection) {
    self.currentScene = scene
    self.moveableNode = moveableNode
    self.scrollDirection = scrollDirection
    super.init(frame: frame)

    CustomScrollView.scrollView = self
    self.frame = frame
    delegate = self
    indicatorStyle = .White
    scrollEnabled = true
    userInteractionEnabled = true
    //canCancelContentTouches = false
    //self.minimumZoomScale = 1
    //self.maximumZoomScale = 3

    if scrollDirection == .Horizontal {
        let flip = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1,-1)
        transform = flip

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

 // MARK: - Touches
 extension CustomScrollView {

/// Began
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    //super.touchesBegan(touches, withEvent: event)

    for touch in touches {
        let location = touch.locationInNode(currentScene)

        guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

        /// Call touches began in current scene
        currentScene.touchesBegan(touches, withEvent: event)

        /// Call touches began in all touched nodes in the current scene
        nodesTouched = currentScene.nodesAtPoint(location)
        for node in nodesTouched {
            node.touchesBegan(touches, withEvent: event)

/// Moved
override func touchesMoved(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    //super.touchesMoved(touches, withEvent: event)

    for touch in touches {
        let location = touch.locationInNode(currentScene)

        guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

        /// Call touches moved in current scene
        currentScene.touchesMoved(touches, withEvent: event)

        /// Call touches moved in all touched nodes in the current scene
        nodesTouched = currentScene.nodesAtPoint(location)
        for node in nodesTouched {
            node.touchesMoved(touches, withEvent: event)

/// Ended
override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    //super.touchesEnded(touches, withEvent: event)

    for touch in touches {
        let location = touch.locationInNode(currentScene)

        guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

        /// Call touches ended in current scene
        currentScene.touchesEnded(touches, withEvent: event)

        /// Call touches ended in all touched nodes in the current scene
        nodesTouched = currentScene.nodesAtPoint(location)
        for node in nodesTouched {
            node.touchesEnded(touches, withEvent: event)

/// Cancelled
override func touchesCancelled(touches: Set<UITouch>?, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    //super.touchesCancelled(touches, withEvent: event)

    for touch in touches! {
        let location = touch.locationInNode(currentScene)

        guard !CustomScrollView.disabledTouches else { return }

        /// Call touches cancelled in current scene
        currentScene.touchesCancelled(touches, withEvent: event)

        /// Call touches cancelled in all touched nodes in the current scene
        nodesTouched = currentScene.nodesAtPoint(location)
        for node in nodesTouched {
            node.touchesCancelled(touches, withEvent: event)

// MARK: - Touch Controls
extension CustomScrollView {

/// Disable
class func disable() {
    CustomScrollView.scrollView?.userInteractionEnabled = false
    CustomScrollView.disabledTouches = true

/// Enable
class func enable() {
    CustomScrollView.scrollView?.userInteractionEnabled = true
    CustomScrollView.disabledTouches = false

// MARK: - Delegates
extension CustomScrollView: UIScrollViewDelegate {

func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {

    if scrollDirection == .Horizontal {
        moveableNode.position.x = scrollView.contentOffset.x
    } else {
        moveableNode.position.y = scrollView.contentOffset.y


extension CustomScrollView: UIScrollViewDelegate {

  func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {

    if scrollDirection == .Horizontal {
        moveableNode.position.x = scrollView.contentOffset.x
    } else {
        moveableNode.position.y = scrollView.contentOffset.y


> xtabs(value~name+color, df)
name   blue green red yellow
  Dave    6     7   4      8
  John    2     1   1      3
  Mark    5     3   5      2

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
     self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("background") { node, _ in
         if node is SKSpriteNode {
            if let p = (node as! SKShapeNode).position { 
               // adjust your background positions to make the scroll


Apple在iOS 9中将SKCameraNode课程添加到sprite-kit,以便更轻松地滚动和放大sprite-kit场景。

var gameCamera = SKCameraNode()

override func touchesMoved(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    for touch in touches {
        let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
        let previousLocation = touch.previousLocationInNode(self)
        let deltaX = location.x - previousLocation.x
        gameCamera.position.x += deltaX



func scrollToPage(page:Int) {
        let totalPages : Int = (pages.count - 1)
        let reversedPage : Int = totalPages - page
        self.scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPointMake(round(self.frame.size.width*CGFloat(reversedPage)), scrollView.contentOffset.y),animated: true)


func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
     updateLayout() // call my method to update elements in scroll checking the current page 


extension UIScrollView {
    var currentPage: Int {
        return abs(Int(round((contentSize.width - self.contentOffset.x) / self.bounds.size.width))-1)