
时间:2016-08-02 03:50:08

标签: c# algorithm linq optimization complexity-theory


class Mine
    public int Distance { get; set; } // from river
    public int Gold { get; set; } // in tons


    // helper function for cost of a move
    Func<Tuple<Mine,Mine>, int> MoveCost = (tuple) => 
        Math.Abs(tuple.Item1.Distance - tuple.Item2.Distance) * tuple.Item1.Gold;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

class Mine
    public int Distance { get; set; } // from river
    public int Gold { get; set; } // in tons

class Solution 
    static void Main(String[] args) 
        // helper function for reading lines
        Func<string, int[]> LineToIntArray = (line) => Array.ConvertAll(line.Split(' '), Int32.Parse);

        int[] line1 = LineToIntArray(Console.ReadLine());
        int N = line1[0], // # of mines
            K = line1[1]; // # of pickup locations

        // Populate mine info
        List<Mine> mines = new List<Mine>();
        for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            int[] line = LineToIntArray(Console.ReadLine());
            mines.Add(new Mine() { Distance = line[0], Gold = line[1] });

        // helper function for cost of a move
        Func<Tuple<Mine,Mine>, int> MoveCost = (tuple) => 
            Math.Abs(tuple.Item1.Distance - tuple.Item2.Distance) * tuple.Item1.Gold;

        // all move combinations
        var moves = from m1 in mines
                    from m2 in mines
                    where !m1.Equals(m2)
                    select Tuple.Create(m1,m2);

        // moves in ascending order of cost
        var ordered = from m in moves
                      orderby MoveCost(m)
                      select m;

        int sum = 0; // running total of move costs
        var spots = Enumerable.Repeat(1, N).ToArray(); // spots[i] = 1 if hasn't been consildated into other mine, 0 otherwise
        var iter = ordered.GetEnumerator();
        while(iter.MoveNext() && spots.Sum() != K)
            var move = iter.Current; // move with next smallest cost
            int i = mines.IndexOf(move.Item1), // index of source mine in move
                j = mines.IndexOf(move.Item2); // index of destination mine in move
            if((spots[i] & spots[j]) == 1) // if the source and destination mines are both unconsolidated
                sum += MoveCost(move); // add this consolidation to the total cost
                spots[i] = 0; // "remove" mine i from the list of unconsolidated mines 



3 1
11 3
12 2
13 1





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





    static void Main(String[] args)
        string input =
@"3 1
11 3
12 2
13 1";
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(input);

        // helper function for reading lines
        Func<string, int[]> LineToIntArray = (line) => Array.ConvertAll(line.Split(' '), Int32.Parse);

        int[] line1 = LineToIntArray(reader.ReadLine());
        int N = line1[0], // # of mines
            K = line1[1]; // # of pickup locations

        // Populate mine info
        List<Mine> mines = new List<Mine>();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            int[] line = LineToIntArray(reader.ReadLine());
            mines.Add(new Mine() { Distance = line[0], Gold = line[1] });

        // helper function for cost of a move
        Func<Tuple<Mine, Mine>, int> MoveCost = (tuple) =>
            Math.Abs(tuple.Item1.Distance - tuple.Item2.Distance) * tuple.Item1.Gold;

        // all move combinations
        var moves = (from m1 in mines
                    from m2 in mines
                    where !m1.Equals(m2)
                    select Tuple.Create(m1, m2)).ToList();

        int sum = 0, // running total of move costs
            unconsolidatedCount = N;
        while (moves.Count > 0 && unconsolidatedCount != K)
            var move = moves.Aggregate((a, m) => MoveCost(a) < MoveCost(m) ? a : m);

            sum += MoveCost(move); // add this consolidation to the total cost
            move.Item2.Gold += move.Item1.Gold;
            moves.RemoveAll(m => m.Item1 == move.Item1 || m.Item2 == move.Item1);

        Console.WriteLine("Moves: " + sum);

如果您的问题没有更多细节,我无法保证这实际符合规范。但它确实为4生成了值sum。 :)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

当你将我的 i 合并到我的 j 中时,我的 j 中的金币数量会增加。这使得从我的 j 到其他矿山的合并更加昂贵,可能会使移动成本无效。要解决此问题,您可以在while循环的每次迭代开始时重新排序地雷列表。