
时间:2016-07-30 01:11:57

标签: sql vba listbox access

我有以下vba在测试Access数据库中创建查询。我有两个多选列表框。问题是,我希望能够从" Me![State]"中选择多个项目。并且没有来自"我![动物]"并能够运行查询。但是,这是不可能的,因为查询语言未设置为处理该问题。它让我选择了一些来自"我![动物]"。


Private Sub Command6_Click()

  Dim Q As QueryDef, DB As Database
   Dim Criteria As String
   Dim ctl As Control
   Dim Itm As Variant
   Dim ctl2 As Control
   Dim ctl3 As Control
   ' Build a list of the selections.

   Set ctl = Me![Animal]
   For Each Itm In ctl.ItemsSelected
      If Len(Criteria) = 0 Then
         Criteria = Chr(34) & ctl.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34)
         Criteria = Criteria & "," & Chr(34) & ctl.ItemData(Itm) _
          & Chr(34)
      End If
   Next Itm
   If Len(Criteria) = 0 Then
      Itm = MsgBox("You must select one or more items in the" & _
        " list box!", 0, "No Selection Made")
      Exit Sub
   End If

      Set ctl2 = Me![State]
   For Each Itm In ctl2.ItemsSelected
      If Len(Criteria2) = 0 Then
         Criteria2 = Chr(34) & ctl2.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34)
         Criteria2 = Criteria2 & "," & Chr(34) & ctl2.ItemData(Itm) _
          & Chr(34)
      End If
   Next Itm
   If Len(Criteria2) = 0 Then
      Itm = MsgBox("You must select one or more items in the" & _
        " list box!", 0, "No Selection Made")
      Exit Sub
   End If

   ' Modify the Query.
   Set DB = CurrentDb()
   Set Q = DB.QueryDefs("animalquery")
   ' Modify the Query.
   Set DB = CurrentDb()
   Set Q = DB.QueryDefs("animalquery")
   Q.SQL = "Select * From [table1] Where [table1].[type] In (" & "'Animal'" & _
     ")" & " and [table1].[animal] in (" & Criteria & _
     ")" & " and [table1].[state] in (" & Criteria2 & _
     ")" & ";"

   ' Run the query.
   DoCmd.OpenQuery "animalquery"
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


编辑 - 根据评论修复比较

您可以通过简单检查您的Criteria vaiables来完成此操作。

您已经进行了长度检查 - 稍后在构建动态SQL时使用它。


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