
时间:2016-07-29 05:19:29

标签: c tree

我无法在特定索引处从二叉树中获取元素。我遇到问题的函数是泛型tree_get_at_index(tree_node * t,int index){ 赋值要求我在二叉树中的特定索引处找到该元素。例如,0索引应该返回二叉树中的最低元素,index = treesize应该返回树中最大的元素。我的树中有一个大小函数,它可以正常工作,但由于某些原因我无法使索引工作。任何帮助,将不胜感激。谢谢


  #include "tree.h"

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
    /* Memory Management */

/* This constructor returns a pointer to a new tree node that contains the
 *  given element.*/
tree_node* new_tree_node(generic e) {
    /*TODO: Complete this function!*/
    tree_node* to_return = malloc(sizeof(tree_node));
    to_return->element = e;
    to_return->left = NULL;
    to_return->right = NULL;
    return to_return;

/* This function is expected to free the memory associated with a node and all
 *  of its descendants.*/
void free_tree(tree_node* t) {
    /*TODO: Complete this function!*/
    if (t != NULL){
    /* End Memory Management */

    /* Tree Storage and Access */

bool tree_contains(tree_node* t, generic e) {
    /*TODO: Complete this function!*/
    if (t == NULL || t->element != e) {
        return false;
    else if (t->element == e) {
        return true;
    return tree_contains(t,e);
    if(t == NULL )
        return false;
    else if(t->element == e)
        return true;
    else if (e<t->element)
         return tree_contains(t->left,e);
        return tree_contains(t->right,e);


tree_node* tree_add(tree_node* t, generic e) {
    /*TODO: Complete this function!*/

    t = new_tree_node(e);
    else if(e == t->element)
        return t;
    else if(e > (t->element))
            t->right = tree_add(t->right,e);
    else if(e < (t->element))
            t->left = tree_add(t->left,e);
    return t;

tree_node* tree_remove(tree_node* t, generic e) {
    /*TODO: Complete this function!*/
    if (t == NULL) return t;

    else if (e < t->element)
        t->left = tree_remove(t->left, e);
    else if (e > t->element)
        t->right = tree_remove(t->right, e);

        if (t->left == NULL)
            tree_node *temp = t->right;
            return temp;
        else if (t->right == NULL)
            tree_node *temp = t->left;
            return temp;
    else {
            tree_node* current = t->right;
            tree_node* temp = t->right;

        while (current->left != NULL)
            current = current->left;
        t->element = current->element;
        while (temp->left->left != NULL)
            temp = temp->left;
        temp->left = current->right;

    return t;
    /* End Tree Storage and Access */

    /* Size and Index */

/* Return the size of the tree rooted at the given node.
 *  The size of a tree is the number of nodes it contains.
 *  This function should work on subtrees, not just the root.
 *  If t is NULL, it is to be treated as an empty tree and you should
 *  return 0.
 *  A single node is a tree of size 1.*/
int tree_size(tree_node* t) {
    /*TODO: Complete this function!*/
    if (t==NULL) 
        return 0;
        return(tree_size(t->left) + 1 + tree_size(t->right));

/* Return the element at the given index in the given tree.
 *  To be clear, imagine the tree is a sorted array, and you are
 *  to return the element at the given index.
 *  Assume indexing is zero based; if index is zero then the minimum
 *  element should be returned, for example. If index is one then
 *  the second smallest element should bereturned, and so on.*/
generic tree_get_at_index(tree_node* t, int index) {
    //assert(index >=0 && index < tree_size(t));
    /*TODO: Complete this function!*/
    //tree_node* new_node = t;
//  int min = 0;
//  int max = tree_size(t);
//  int current = (min+max)/2;
int current = index;
printf("tree size: %d \n", tree_size(t));

    //while( new_node != NULL){
        if(current == (tree_size(t)-1)){
            return t->element;
            printf("index = tree size \n");

        else if(index < (tree_size(t->left))){
        return tree_get_at_index(t->left, index); 
        printf("index < tree size  \n");        //= new_node->right;

        else if(index > (tree_size(t->left))){
        return tree_get_at_index(t->right, index);
        printf("index > tree size  \n");
        return t->element;
    //return (generic)0;

    /* End Size and Index */

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

generic tree_get_at_index(tree_node* t, int index) {
assert(index >=0 && index <= tree_size(t));//I don't know how you define the tree_size function,but,according to the "if" below,you need to add equal mark
printf("tree size: %d \n", tree_size(t));

//while( new_node != NULL){
    if(index == tree_size(t)){
        return t->element;

    else if(index <= tree_size(t->left)){//I think you miss the equal situation here
    return tree_get_at_index(t->left, index);   //= new_node->right;

    else /*if(index > tree_size(t->left))*/{//do not need any condition here
    return tree_get_at_index(t->right, index);
//    return t->element;    //unnecessary
//return (generic)0;


答案 1 :(得分:0)


generic tree_get_at_index(tree_node* t, int index) {
    // sanity check
    assert(index > 0);

    int leftCount=tree_size(t->left);
    if(index < leftCount ) {
        // good chance that the node we seek is in the left children
        return tree_get_at_index(t->left, index);
    if(index==leftCount) { 
        // looking at the "middle" of the sub tree
        return t->element;
    // else look at the right sub tree as it was its own array
    return tree_get_at_index(t->right, index - leftCount - 1);