
时间:2016-07-28 23:00:19

标签: arrays node.js node-red



1)当第一个环境压力数组到达时,我检索t0,pr0,计算初始海拔 hInit ~t0 / PR0;

2)之后,将从t1,pr1,t2,pr2 ...... tN,prN计算出的进一步高度 hChecked 将与初始高度进行比较,初始高度将给出实际高度h。 h = hChecked - hInitial ;

3)如果h < 0我们需要选择另一个初始高度,即检索并存储新的t0,pr0;

4)如果h> 3我们需要检查皮带的状态。如果1 - 状态是安全的;如果0 - 锁定腰带;


if(ambient !== null && pressure !== null && lockerState != null) {

    var hInit;
    var hChecked;
    var h;

    //p0 is the hardcoded pressure on the level of the sea
    //for the current area
    var p0 = 1019;

    //assing new variables for initital pressure and temp
    var tInit = ambient[0];
    var pInit = pressure[0];

    //variables for the checked pressure and temp
    var tChecked = ambient[1];
    var pChecked = pressure[1];

    //altitude hInit (hInit) is measure when the testbest is turned on

    hInit = (((Math.pow((p0/pInit), (1/5.257)))-1)*(tInit + 273.15))/0.0065;
    //hChecked is the measured altitude afterwards
    hChecked = (((Math.pow((p0/pChecked), (1/5.257)))-1)*(tChecked + 273.15))/0.0065;

    //h is the actual altitude the worker is working on
    h = hChecked - hInit;

    //in the case if a worker turned the testbed on 
    //when he was operating on the altitude he then
    //might go down so altitude can reduce.
    //therefore if the altitude h is < 0 we need to
    //calculate a new reference 

    if (h < 0) {
        var tInit = ambient[0];
        var pInit = pressure[0];
        var tChecked = ambient[1];
        var pChecked = pressure[1];

        hInit = (((Math.pow((p0/pInit), (1/5.257)))-1)*(tInit + 273.15))/0.0065;
        hChecked = (((Math.pow((p0/pChecked), (1/5.257)))-1)*(tChecked + 273.15))/0.0065;
        h = hChecked - hInit;        
    //check current altitude
    while (h>=0) {
        if (h>2) {   
            if (lockerState == 1) {
                msg.payload = "safe";
                return msg;
            } else if (lockerState === 0) {
                msg.payload = "lock your belt!";
                //basically i want to send a 1 signal
                //to the buzzer which is a pin on the RPI3
                //so probably msg.payload = 1;
                return msg;
} else return msg;



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