
时间:2016-07-28 17:59:21

标签: f#



let ``black checker jumps to king``() =
    let redChecker = { RedChecker.Position= { X=1 ; Y=6 } }
    let target = (redChecker, [redChecker])

    { BlackChecker.Position= { X=0 ; Y=5 } } |> jumpRed target
                                             |> fst
                                             |> should equal (BlackKing { BlackKing.Position= { X=2 ; Y=7 } })


val redChecker : RedChecker = {Position = {X = 1;
                                           Y = 6;};}
val target : RedChecker * RedChecker list =
  ({Position = {X = 1;
                Y = 6;};}, [{Position = {X = 1;
                                         Y = 6;};}])
val it : Checker = BlackKing {Position = {X = 2;
                                          Y = 7;};}


我只是没看到我的测试失败的原因 有什么建议吗?


open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit

(* Types *)
type North = NorthEast | NorthWest
type South = SouthEast | SouthWest

type Direction = 
    | NorthEast 
    | NorthWest
    | SouthEast 
    | SouthWest

type Position =     { X:int; Y:int }

type BlackChecker = { Position:Position }
type RedChecker =   { Position:Position }
type BlackKing =    { Position:Position }
type RedKing =      { Position:Position }

type Checker =
    | BlackChecker of BlackChecker
    | RedChecker   of RedChecker
    | BlackKing    of BlackKing
    | RedKing      of RedKing

type King = 
    | BlackKing of BlackKing
    | RedKing of RedKing 

(* Functions *)
let rec remove item list = list |> List.filter (fun x -> x <> item)

let setRowPosition y1 y2 y3 index =
    match index with 
    | x when x < 4 -> { X=x; Y=y1 }
    | x when x < 8 -> { X=x-4; Y=y2 }
    | _            -> { X=index-8; Y=y3 }

let initializeBlack () =
    let setPosition index =
        index |> setRowPosition 7 6 5

    let blackCheckers = List.init 12 setPosition |> List.map (fun pos -> { BlackChecker.Position= { X=pos.X; Y=pos.Y } })

let initializeRed () =
    let setPosition index =
        index |> setRowPosition 0 1 2

    let redCheckers =   List.init 12 setPosition |> List.map (fun pos -> { RedChecker.Position= { X=pos.X; Y=pos.Y } })

let set (x, y) positions (position:Position) =
    match not (positions |> List.exists (fun pos -> pos = { X=x; Y=y })) with
    | true -> { X=x; Y=y }
    | false -> position

let moveBlack direction positions (checker:BlackChecker) =
    let position = checker.Position

    match direction with
    | North.NorthEast -> { BlackChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y + 1 )) } 
    | North.NorthWest -> { BlackChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y + 1 )) }

let moveRed direction positions (checker:RedChecker) =
    let position = checker.Position

    match direction with
    | South.SouthEast -> { RedChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y - 1 )) }
    | South.SouthWest -> { RedChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y - 1 )) }

let moveKing direction positions (king:King) =

    let position = match king with
                   | BlackKing bk -> bk.Position
                   | RedKing   rk -> rk.Position

    let result = match direction with
                 | NorthEast -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y + 1 ))
                 | NorthWest -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y + 1 ))
                 | SouthEast -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y - 1 ))
                 | SouthWest -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y - 1 ))

    match king with
    | BlackKing _ -> BlackKing { BlackKing.Position= result }
    | RedKing   _ -> RedKing   { RedKing.Position=   result }

let jump target yDirection source =
    let updateX value = { X=target.X + value
                          Y=target.Y + yDirection }
    match source with
    | position when position.Y + yDirection = target.Y &&
                    position.X + 1 = target.X -> updateX 1

    | position when position.Y + yDirection = target.Y &&
                    position.X - 1 = target.X -> updateX -1
    | _ -> source

let jumpRed ((redChecker:RedChecker), (redCheckers:RedChecker list)) (blackChecker:BlackChecker) =

    let yIncrementValue = 1
    let maxY = 7
    let position = blackChecker.Position |> jump redChecker.Position yIncrementValue

    match position with
    | pos when pos = blackChecker.Position -> BlackChecker { blackChecker with Position= position }, redCheckers
    | pos when pos.Y = maxY                -> Checker.BlackKing { BlackKing.Position=position }, redCheckers |> remove redChecker
    | _ -> BlackChecker { blackChecker with Position= position }, redCheckers |> remove redChecker

let jumpBlack ((blackChecker:BlackChecker),(blackCheckers:BlackChecker list))  (redChecker:RedChecker) =

    let yIncrementValue = -1
    let minY = 0
    let position = redChecker.Position |> jump blackChecker.Position yIncrementValue

    match position with
    | pos when pos = redChecker.Position -> RedChecker { redChecker with Position= position }, blackCheckers
    | pos when pos.Y = minY              -> Checker.RedKing { RedKing.Position=position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
    | _ -> RedChecker { redChecker with Position= position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


{ BlackChecker.Position= { X=0 ; Y=5 } } |> jumpRed target
                                         |> fst


val it : Checker = BlackKing {Position = {X = 2;
                                      Y = 7;};}


(BlackKing { BlackKing.Position= { X=2 ; Y=7 } })


val it : King = BlackKing {Position = {X = 2;
                                   Y = 7;};}

