
时间:2016-07-28 15:35:47

标签: java netty



我是从客户端发送Json请求到Netty服务器,故意不使用Netty实现。目前它只是一个简单的Java套接字,但目的是让Flask客户端向Netty服务器发送请求。请求到达(使用Java套接字和使用Python Flask),并在管道中得到正确处理,但我想向客户端发送响应,虽然我怀疑代码中的哪个位置发送响应但我明确因为我没有得到任何回应而错过了某些事情。有什么建议吗?

Java Socket客户端(请注意,这里的json1和json2字符串已从代码段中省略,因为它们相当长,但格式正确)。使用Socket和相关输出流发布请求。响应部分(使用相同套接字的输入流)只是我怀疑的一些测试,但不知道如何做到这一点(这就是为什么我把它保存在这里)。我已经看到很多客户端实现Netty接口的例子,这似乎工作得很好,但正如我所说,我希望不使用Netty的客户端能够收到响应(如果可以的话)所有)。

String serverResponse;

for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        try {
            Socket s = new Socket("localhost", 12000);
            PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true);
            out.write(json1 + i + json2);

            // Testing only - trying to get the response back from the server
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
            while(true) {
                if ((serverResponse = in.readLine()) != null) {
                    log.info("server says", serverResponse);


        } catch (Exception ex) {


 * Abstract TCP Server class. this class should be implemented in the subclass to implement an actual server.
 * @param <R> The data to be read from the socket.
 * @param <W> data to be written (in case of duplex) from the socket.

public abstract class MFTcpServer<R, W> {

    protected final AtomicBoolean started;

    protected MFTcpServer() {
        this.started = new AtomicBoolean();

     * Start the server.
     * @param initializer the channel initializers. they will be called when a new client connects to the server.
     * @return instance of tcp server
    public final MFTcpServer<R, W> start(ChannelInitializer<Channel> initializer) {
        if (!started.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Server already started");

        return this;

     * Start the server and wait for all the threads to be finished before shutdown.
     * @param initializer the channel initializers. they will be called when a new client connects to the server.
    public final void startAndAwait(ChannelInitializer<Channel> initializer) {

     * Shutdown the server
     * @return true if successfully shutdown.
    public final boolean shutdown() {
        return !started.compareAndSet(true, false) || doShutdown();

     * Wait for all the threads to be finished before shutdown.
    public abstract void awaitShutdown();

     * Do the shutdown now.
     * @return true if successfully shutdown
    public abstract boolean doShutdown();

     * start the server
     * @param initializer the channel initializers. they will be called when a new client connetcs to the server.
     * @return instance of tcp server
    public abstract MFTcpServer<R, W> doStart(ChannelInitializer<Channel> initializer);

     * @return the port where the server is running.
    public abstract int getPort();

MFNetty4TcpServer.java 实际服务器实施

public class MFNetty4TcpServer<R, W> extends MFTcpServer<R, W> {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MFNetty4TcpServer.class);
    private static final int BOSS_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 2;

    private int port;
    private ServerBootstrap bootstrap;
    private ChannelFuture bindFuture;

     * The constructor.
     * @param port port where to listen
    protected MFNetty4TcpServer(int port) {
        this.port = port;
        final NioEventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(0, new DefaultEventExecutorGroup
        final NioEventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(0, new DefaultEventExecutorGroup

        bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap()
                .group(bossGroup, workerGroup)

    public MFNetty4TcpServer<R, W> doStart(ChannelInitializer<Channel> initializer) {
        bootstrap.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {

            protected void initChannel(Channel ch) throws Exception {

                if (initializer != null) {

        try {
            bindFuture = bootstrap.bind(port).sync();
            if (!bindFuture.isSuccess()) {
                // Connection not successful
                throw new RuntimeException(bindFuture.cause());
            SocketAddress localAddress = bindFuture.channel().localAddress();
            if (localAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress) {
                port = ((InetSocketAddress) localAddress).getPort();
                logger.info("Started server at port: " + port);

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            logger.error("Error waiting for binding server port: " + port, e);

        return this;

    public void awaitShutdown() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            Thread.interrupted(); // Reset the interrupted status
            logger.error("Interrupted while waiting for the server socket to close.", e);

    public boolean doShutdown() {
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            logger.error("Failed to shutdown the server.", e);
            return false;

    public int getPort() {
        return port;

     * Creates a tcp server at the defined port.
     * @param port port to listen to
     * @param <R>  data to be read
     * @param <W>  data to be written back. Only in case of duplex connection.
     * @return instance of tcp server.
    public static <R, W> MFTcpServer<R, W> create(int port) {
        return new MFNetty4TcpServer<>(port);


JsonProducerConfig.java 此处设置了管道。

 * Spring Configuration class of the application.
public class JsonProducerConfig {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonProducerConfig.class);

    public static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2;

    public static final String TCP_SERVER = "tcpServer";
    public static final String CHANNEL_PIPELINE_INITIALIZER = "channel_initializer";
    public static final String MF_KAFKA_PRODUCER = "mf_kafka_producer";
    public static final String JSON_AVRO_CONVERTOR = "jsonAvroConvertor";

    private String tcpServerPort;

    @Bean(name = TCP_SERVER)
    public MFTcpServer nettyTCPServer() {
        return MFNetty4TcpServer.create(Integer.parseInt(tcpServerPort));

    @Bean(name = MF_KAFKA_PRODUCER)
    public MFKafkaProducer pushToKafka() {
        return new MFKafkaProducer();

    @Bean(name = JSON_AVRO_CONVERTOR)
    public JsonAvroConvertor jsonAvroConvertor() {
        return new JsonAvroConvertor();

     * This is where the pipeline is set for processing of events.
     * @param jsonAvroConvertor converts json to avro
     * @param kafkaProducer     pushes to kafka
     * @return chanenl initializers pipeline.
    public ChannelInitializer<Channel> channelInitializers(JsonAvroConvertor jsonAvroConvertor,
                                                           MFKafkaProducer kafkaProducer) {
        return new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() {
            protected void initChannel(Channel channel) throws Exception {

                if (log.isInfoEnabled())
                    log.info("initChannel - initing channel...");

                channel.pipeline().addLast(new NioEventLoopGroup(0, new DefaultEventExecutorGroup(THREAD_POOL_SIZE)));
                channel.pipeline().addLast(new JsonObjectDecoder(1048576));

                if (log.isInfoEnabled())
                    log.info("channel = " + channel.toString());


JsonProducer.java 主程序

public class JsonProducer {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonProducer.class);

    private static MFTcpServer tcpServer;

     * Main startup method
     * @param args not used
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.setProperty("solschema", "false");

        try {

            // the shutdown hook.
            Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(
                    () -> {
                        if (tcpServer != null) {

            AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new

            tcpServer = (MFTcpServer) context.getBean(JsonProducerConfig.TCP_SERVER);

            ChannelInitializer<Channel> channelInitializer = (ChannelInitializer<Channel>) context.


        } catch (Exception t) {
            log.error("Error while starting JsonProducer ", t);

MFKafkaProducer.java 作为管道中的最后一个渠道。请注意channelRead方法中的ctx.writeAndFlush(msg),我理解应该启动响应。但那后呢。运行此channelFuture.isSuccess()时计算结果为false。响应对象是对String响应的尝试。

public class MFKafkaProducer extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MFKafkaProducer.class);

    ApplicationContext context;

    @Resource(name = DatabusConfig.ADMIN)
    Admin admin;

    private Map<String, IProducer> streams = new HashMap<>();

    public void stop() {
        removeAllStreams(); // then stop writing to producers

     * @param clickRecord the record to be pushed to kafka
     * @throws Exception
    public void handle(GenericRecord clickRecord) throws Exception {
        Utf8 clientId = null;
        try {
            clientId = (Utf8) clickRecord.get(SchemaUtil.APP_ID);
            stream(producer(clientId.toString()), clickRecord);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Could not push click data for clientId:" + clientId;
            log.warn("handle - " + message + "!!!", e);
            assert clientId != null;

     * removes all the streams
    private void removeAllStreams() {
        Set<String> strings = streams.keySet();

        for (String clientId : strings) {

     * removes a particular stream
     * @param clientId the stream to be removed
    private void removeStream(String clientId) {
        IProducer producer = streams.get(clientId);

     * @param producer    the producer where data needs to be written
     * @param clickRecord teh record to be written
    private void stream(IProducer producer, GenericRecord clickRecord) {

     * This will create a producer in case it is not already created.
     * If already created return the already present one
     * @param clientId stream id
     * @return the producer instance
    private IProducer producer(String clientId) {
        if (streams.containsKey(clientId)) {
            return streams.get(clientId);
        } else {
            IProducer producer = admin.createKeyTopicProducer(SchemaUtil.APP_ID, "test_" + clientId, new ICallback() {
                public void onSuccess(long offset) {
                    if (log.isInfoEnabled())
                        log.info("onSuccess - Data at offset:" + offset + " send.");

                public void onError(long offset, Exception ex) {
                    if (log.isInfoEnabled())
                        log.info("onError - Data at offset:" + offset + " failed. Exception: ", ex);

                public void onStreamClosed() {
                    log.warn("onStreamClosed - Stream:" + clientId + " closed.");
            streams.put(clientId, producer);
            return producer;

    public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
        log.debug("KafkaProducer - channelRead() called with " + "ctx = [" + ctx + "], msg = [" + msg + "]");

        if (msg instanceof GenericRecord) {
            GenericRecord genericRecord = (GenericRecord) msg;
            try {
                log.debug("channelRead sending response");
                Charset charset = Charset.defaultCharset();
                ByteBuf response = Unpooled.copiedBuffer("Just a response", charset);
                ChannelFuture future = ctx.writeAndFlush(msg);
                future.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
                    public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture channelFuture) throws Exception {
                        if (channelFuture.isSuccess())
                            log.info("channelRead - future.operationComplete - Response has been delivered to all channels");
                            log.info("channelRead - future.operationComplete - Response has NOT been delivered to all channels");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error("Something went wrong processing the generic record: " + msg + "\n ", ex);
        } else {
            log.debug("KafkaProducer - msg not of Type Generic Record !!! " + msg);

    public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) {
        // Close the connection when an exception is raised.
        log.error("Something went wrong writing to Kafka: \n", cause);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


ByteBuf response = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(genericRecord.toString(), charset); 
ChannelFuture future = ctx.writeAndFlush(response);

