Java - 无法实现ArrayStack toString方法需要在每隔一行打印

时间:2016-07-27 20:53:36

标签: java arrays stack tostring

我在实现这个toString方法时遇到了困难。问题是我需要将ArrayStack的每个值(到控制台)打印到最小的最大索引,并且每个值都需要在不同的行上。问题是值(显然)不是整数,因为它实现为通用堆栈而不是int []数组。必须有一个简单的方法来实现这一目标。我是Java的新手,所以我的工作知识非常有限。我已经粘贴了下面的toString方法,并跟进了完整的代码。

        public String toString(){
            String test = "";
            int tester;
              for( int i=size()-1;i>-1;i--){

                test+= Integer.toString(stack[i]) + "\n";  
              test = " This stack is empty";
          return test;


import java.util.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Miller_A05Q1 {

     * Program entry point for stack testing.
     * @param args Argument list.
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ArrayStack<Integer> stack = new ArrayStack<Integer>();

        System.out.println("STACK TESTING");


        System.out.println("The size of the stack is: " + stack.size());
        System.out.println("The stack contains:\n" + stack.toString());        

     * An array implementation of a stack in which the bottom of the
     * stack is fixed at index 0.
     * @author Java Foundations
     * @version 4.0
    public static class ArrayStack<T> implements StackADT<T>
        private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100;
        private int count;
        private int top;  
        private T[] stack;

         * Creates an empty stack using the default capacity.
        public ArrayStack()

         * Creates an empty stack using the specified capacity.
         * @param initialCapacity the initial size of the array 
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //see p505.
        public ArrayStack(int initialCapacity)
            top = 0;
            stack = (T[])(new Object[initialCapacity]);

         * Adds the specified element to the top of this stack, expanding
         * the capacity of the array if necessary.
         * @param element generic element to be pushed onto stack
        public void push(T element)
            if (size() == stack.length) 

            stack[top] = element;

         * Creates a new array to store the contents of this stack with
         * twice the capacity of the old one.
        private void expandCapacity()
            stack = Arrays.copyOf(stack, stack.length * 2);   

         * Removes the element at the top of this stack and returns a
         * reference to it. 
         * @return element removed from top of stack
         * @throws EmptyCollectionException if stack is empty 
        public T pop() throws EmptyCollectionException
            if (isEmpty())
                throw new EmptyCollectionException("stack");

            T result = stack[top];
            stack[top] = null; 

            return result;

         * Returns a reference to the element at the top of this stack.
         * The element is not removed from the stack. 
         * @return element on top of stack
         * @throws EmptyCollectionException if stack is empty
        public T peek() throws EmptyCollectionException
            if (isEmpty())
                throw new EmptyCollectionException("stack");

            return stack[top-1];

         * Returns true if this stack is empty and false otherwise. 
         * @return true if this stack is empty
        public boolean isEmpty()
            if (size() == 0){
                return true;

            return false;

         * Returns the number of elements in this stack.
         * @return the number of elements in the stack
        public int size()

        {       count = 0;
                for(int i = 0;i<stack.length;i++){
                if(stack[i] != null){
                return count;

         * Returns a string representation of this stack. The string has the
         * form of each element printed on its own line, with the top most
         * element displayed first, and the bottom most element displayed last.
         * If the list is empty, returns the word "empty".
         * @return a string representation of the stack
        public String toString(){
            String test = "";
            int tester;
              for( int i=size()-1;i>-1;i--){

                test+= Integer.toString(stack[i]) + "\n";  
              test = " This stack is empty";
          return test;

    public static class EmptyCollectionException extends RuntimeException
     * Sets up this exception with an appropriate message.
     * @param collection the name of the collection
    public EmptyCollectionException(String collection)
        super("The " + collection + " is empty.");
    public class LinearNode<T>
    private LinearNode<T> next;
    private T element;

     * Creates an empty node.
    public LinearNode()
        next = null;
        element = null;

     * Creates a node storing the specified element.
     * @param elem element to be stored
    public LinearNode(T elem)
        next = null;
        element = elem;

     * Returns the node that follows this one.
     * @return reference to next node
    public LinearNode<T> getNext()
        return next;

     * Sets the node that follows this one.
     * @param node node to follow this one
    public void setNext(LinearNode<T> node)
        next = node;

     * Returns the element stored in this node.
     * @return element stored at the node
    public T getElement()
        return element;

     * Sets the element stored in this node.
     * @param elem element to be stored at this node
    public void setElement(T elem)
        element = elem;
    public interface StackADT<T>
     * Adds the specified element to the top of this stack. 
     * @param element element to be pushed onto the stack
    public void push(T element);

     * Removes and returns the top element from this stack. 
     * @return the element removed from the stack
    public T pop();

     * Returns without removing the top element of this stack. 
     * @return the element on top of the stack
    public T peek();

     * Returns true if this stack contains no elements. 
     * @return true if the stack is empty
    public boolean isEmpty();

     * Returns the number of elements in this stack. 
     * @return the number of elements in the stack
    public int size();

     * Returns a string representation of this stack. 
     * @return a string representation of the stack
    public String toString();


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Java中的每个对象都有一个toString()方法,当您使用String运算符将其连接到+时,也会隐式调用该方法,或者更好的是,当您将其附加到StringBuilder运算符时一个@Override public String toString(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (size() > 0) { for (int i = size() - 1; i > -1 ; i--) { sb.append(stack[i]).append(System.lineSeparator()); } return sb.toString(); } return "This stack is empty"; } 。所以你可以这样做:

public String toString(){
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    if (size() > 0) {
    return "This stack is empty";

话虽如此,请注意Java 8的流可以节省大量锅炉板代码:

in_file = open(from_file).read()