
时间:2016-07-27 15:15:30

标签: php mysql angularjs facebook ionic-framework

我正在使用一个Ionic应用程序来实现本机Facebook登录(遵循本教程 - > https://ionicthemes.com/tutorials/about/native-facebook-login-with-ionic-framework)。正如您所看到的,Facebook数据现在存储在本地存储中。我需要将这些数据保存在MySql数据库中。



我应该提一下我已经设置了一个后端(用bootstrap,html,css,js php和mysql编写)。



app.controller('LoginCtrl', function($scope, $state, $q, UserService, $ionicLoading) {
  // This is the success callback from the login method
  var fbLoginSuccess = function(response) {
    if (!response.authResponse){
      fbLoginError("Cannot find the authResponse");

    var authResponse = response.authResponse;

    .then(function(profileInfo) {
      // For the purpose of this example I will store user data on local storage
        authResponse: authResponse,
                userID: profileInfo.id,
                name: profileInfo.name,
                email: profileInfo.email,
        picture : "http://graph.facebook.com/" + authResponse.userID + "/picture?type=large"
    }, function(fail){
      // Fail get profile info
      console.log('profile info fail', fail);

  // This is the fail callback from the login method
  var fbLoginError = function(error){
    console.log('fbLoginError', error);

  // This method is to get the user profile info from the facebook api
  var getFacebookProfileInfo = function (authResponse) {
    var info = $q.defer();

    facebookConnectPlugin.api('/me?fields=email,name&access_token=' + authResponse.accessToken, null,
      function (response) {
                console.log('logging facebook response',response);
      function (response) {
    return info.promise;

  //This method is executed when the user press the "Login with facebook" button
  $scope.facebookSignIn = function() {
      if(success.status === 'connected'){
        // The user is logged in and has authenticated your app, and response.authResponse supplies
        // the user's ID, a valid access token, a signed request, and the time the access token
        // and signed request each expire
        console.log('getLoginStatus', success.status);

            // Check if we have our user saved
            var user = UserService.getUser('facebook');

                    .then(function(profileInfo) {
                        // For the purpose of this example I will store user data on local storage
                            authResponse: success.authResponse,
                            userID: profileInfo.id,
                            name: profileInfo.name,
                            email: profileInfo.email,
                            picture : "http://graph.facebook.com/" + success.authResponse.userID + "/picture?type=large"
                    }, function(fail){
                        // Fail get profile info
                        console.log('profile info fail', fail);
      } else {
        // If (success.status === 'not_authorized') the user is logged in to Facebook,
                // but has not authenticated your app
        // Else the person is not logged into Facebook,
                // so we're not sure if they are logged into this app or not.

                console.log('getLoginStatus', success.status);

          template: 'Logging in...'

                // Ask the permissions you need. You can learn more about
                // FB permissions here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/v2.4
        facebookConnectPlugin.login(['email', 'public_profile'], fbLoginSuccess, fbLoginError);


angular.module(' Challenger.services',[])

.service('UserService', function() {
  // For the purpose of this example I will store user data on ionic local storage but you should save it on a database
  var setUser = function(user_data) {
    window.localStorage.starter_facebook_user = JSON.stringify(user_data);

  var getUser = function(){
    return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.starter_facebook_user || '{}');

  return {
    getUser: getUser,
    setUser: setUser

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我的建议是简单地使用JavaScript中的JSON ajax PUT或POST。例如,假设后端主机为 example.com

在Ionic HTML中添加CSP,例如:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src http://example.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'">

将域添加到Cordova config.xml中的whitelist

<access origin="http://example.com" />

然后你可以在你的角度控制器中使用ajax从JavaScript调用PHP(我在这里使用jQuery,但你可以使用任何JavaScript ajax库):

var data = {
        authResponse: authResponse,
                userID: profileInfo.id,
                name: profileInfo.name,
                email: profileInfo.email,
        picture : "http://graph.facebook.com/" + authResponse.userID + "/picture?type=large"

$.post( "http://example.com/login.php", data, function(returnData, status) {
   console.log('PHP returned HTTP status code', status);

最后,在PHP方面 - 例如login.php - 使用$_POST['userId']$_POST['email']等访问帖子数据

答案 1 :(得分:0)
