<TITLE>Online Shopping</TITLE>
//Variables Globales
var RowsInForm = 4
var ProductsInList = 4
var SalesTaxRate = 0.12
var TaxableState = "IVA(12%)"
var ProdSubscript = 0
function MakeArray(n) {
this.length = n
for (var i = 1; i<= n; i++) {
this[i] = 0
return this
function BuildZeroArray(n) {
this.length = n
for (var i = 0; i<= n; i++) {
this[i] = 0
return this
function prodobj(name, unitprice) {
this.name = name
this.unitprice = unitprice
function ordobj(prodsub, qty, unitprice, extprice) {
this.prodsub = prodsub
this.qty = qty
this.unitprice = unitprice
this.extprice = extprice
function strToZero(anyval) {
anyval = ""+anyval
if (anyval.substring(0,1) < "0" || anyval.substring(0,1) > "9") {
anyval = "0"
return eval(anyval)
function updateRow(rownum){
var exec = 'ProdSubscript = document.ordform.prodchosen'+rownum+'.selectedIndex'
eval (exec)
var exec='tempqty=document.ordform.qty'+rownum+'.value'
eval (exec)
ordData[rownum].qty = strToZero(tempqty)
ordData[rownum].extprice = (ordData[rownum].qty) * ordData[rownum].unitprice
var exec = 'document.ordform.unitprice'+rownum+'.value = currencyPad(ordData['+rownum+'].unitprice,10)'
eval (exec)
var exec = 'document.ordform.extprice'+rownum+'.value = currencyPad(ordData['+rownum+'].extprice,10)'
eval (exec)
function updateTotals() {
var subtotal = 0
for (var i=1; i<=RowsInForm; i++) {
subtotal = subtotal + ordData[i].extprice
document.ordform.subtotal.value = currencyPad(subtotal,10)
salestax = 0
if (document.ordform.Taxable.checked) {
salestax = SalesTaxRate * subtotal * 0.30
document.ordform.salestax.value = currencyPad(salestax,10)
document.ordform.grandtotal.value = currencyPad(subtotal+salestax,10)
function copyAddress() {
document.ordform.ShipName.value = document.ordform.billName.value
document.ordform.ShipCompany.value = document.ordform.billCompany.value
document.ordform.ShipAdd1.value = document.ordform.billAdd1.value
document.ordform.ShipAdd2.value = document.ordform.billAdd2.value
document.ordform.ShipCSZ.value = document.ordform.billCSZ.value
function currencyPad(anynum,width) {
//returns number as string in $xxx,xxx.xx format.
anynum = "" + eval(anynum)
//evaluate (in case an expression sent)
intnum = parseInt(anynum)
//isolate integer portion
intstr = ""+intnum
//add comma in thousands place.
if (intnum >= 1000) {
intlen = intstr.length
intstr = temp1+","+temp2
if (intnum >= 1000000) {
intlen = intstr.length
intstr = temp1+","+temp2
decnum = Math.abs(parseFloat(anynum)-parseInt(anynum)) //isolate decimal portion
decnum = decnum * 100 // multiply decimal portion by 100.
decstr = "" + Math.abs(Math.round(decnum))
while (decstr.length < 2) {
decstr += "0"
retval = intstr + "." + decstr
if (intnum < 0) {
retval = "BsF"+retval
while (retval.length < width){
retval=" "+retval
return retval
<BODY aLink=#8a8a8a bgColor=#ffffff
link=#ff0000 text=#000000 vLink=#215e21>
<H3 align=center><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=+1></FONT></FONT></H3>
//Create a new array named prodlist with six elements.
prodlist = new BuildZeroArray(ProductsInList) //Refers to global variable ProductsInList
//Populate that array with this product info.
//The first item, prodlist[0] must be a "non-product" with
//a unitprice of zero.
prodlist[0] = new prodobj('-none-',0)
prodlist[1] = new prodobj('Apple iPhone ',5200)
prodlist[2] = new prodobj('Pc Laptop',3520)
prodlist[3] = new prodobj('Impresora',4790)
prodlist[4] = new prodobj('TV',8650)
//Create a new array, named ordData, that contains empty Order Objects.
ordData = new MakeArray(RowsInForm)
for (var i=1; i<= RowsInForm; i++) {
ordData[i] = new ordobj(0,0,0,0)}
<FORM name=ordform></P>
<P><! Display the table header></P></CENTER>
<TABLE align=center border=1>
<TH width=192>
<TH width=72>
<TH width=120>
<CENTER><B>Unit Price</B></CENTER></TH>
<TH width=120>
<CENTER><B>Ext Price</B></CENTER></TH>
<P><INPUT type=checkbox value=true>
for (var rownum = 1;rownum <= RowsInForm; rownum++) {
document.write('<TR><TD WIDTH=192>')
document.write('<SELECT NAME="prodchosen'+rownum+'" onChange= "updateRow('+rownum+')">')
for (i = 0; i <= ProductsInList; i++) {
document.write ("<OPTION>"+prodlist[i].name)
} document.write ('</SELECT>')
document.write ('</TD><TD WIDTH=72><CENTER><INPUT NAME="qty'+rownum+'" VALUE=""')
document.write ('MAXLENGTH="3" SIZE=3 onChange="updateRow('+rownum+')"></CENTER>')
document.write ('</TD><TD WIDTH=120><CENTER>')
document.write ('<INPUT NAME="unitprice'+rownum+'" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH="10"')
document.write ('SIZE=10 onfocus="this.blur()"></CENTER>')
document.write ('</TD><TD WIDTH=120><CENTER>')
document.write ('<INPUT NAME="extprice'+rownum+'" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH="10"')
document.write ('SIZE=10 onfocus = "this.blur()"></CENTER>')
document.write ('</TD></TR>')
<P><! Second table holds subtotal, sales tax, grand total></P></CENTER>
<TD width=264></TD>
<TD width=120>
<P>Subtotal: </P></CENTER></TD>
<TD width=120>
<P><INPUT maxLength=10 name=subtotal onfocus=this.blur()
<TD width=264>
<P><INPUT name=Taxable onclick=updateTotals() type=checkbox value=true>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=120>
<P><INPUT maxLength=10 name=salestax onfocus=this.blur()
<TD width=264>
<TD width=120>
<P>Total: </P></CENTER></TD>
<TD width=120>
<P><INPUT maxLength=10 name=grandtotal onfocus=this.blur()
<!--<P><B>Bill To:</B> <! Onto Bill To and Ship To address portions of the form></P>
<TABLE align=center border=1>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=billName size=50></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=billCompany size=50> </P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=billAdd1 size=50></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=billAdd2 size=50> </P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<P>City, State, Zip:</P></TD>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=billCSZ size=50></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=25 name=Phone size=25></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<P>Email address:</P></TD>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=email size=40></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<P><INPUT onclick=copyAddress() type=button value="Copy 'Bill To' info to 'Ship To' blanks">
<P><B>Ship To:</B> </P>
<TABLE align=center border=1>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=ShipName size=50></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=ShipCompany size=50></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=ShipAdd1 size=50></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=ShipAdd2 size=50></P></TD></TR>
<TD width=120>
<P>City, State, Zip:</P></TD>
<TD width=408>
<P><INPUT maxLength=75 name=ShipCSZ size=50></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<P><! In real life, you'd want to omit the whole onclick... thing in the input tag below. ><! Which is to say you want to get rid of... ><! onClick = "alert('I do not really get submitted anywhere. But thanks for trying me!')" ><INPUT onclick="alert('I do not really get submitted anywhere. But thanks for trying me!')" type=submit value=Submit>
<INPUT type=reset value=Reset> <! In real life, you can omit the entire input tag (i.e. the entire line) below ><INPUT onclick="self.location = 'jsindex.htm'" type=button value="All Done">