// Read data in chunks from the original file [originalFile seekToEndOfFile]; NSUInteger fileLength = [originalFile offsetInFile]; [originalFile seekToFileOffset:0]; NSUInteger chunkSize = 100 * 1024; NSUInteger offset = 0; while(offset < fileLength) { NSData *chunk = [originalFile readDataOfLength:chunkSize]; offset += chunkSize; // Convert the chunk to a base64 encoded string and back into NSData NSString *base64EncodedChunkString = [chunk base64EncodedString]; NSData *base64EncodedChunk = [base64EncodedChunkString dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; // Write the encoded chunk to our output file [encodedFile writeData:base64EncodedChunk]; // Cleanup base64EncodedChunkString = nil; base64EncodedChunk = nil; // Update progress bar [self updateProgress:[NSNumber numberWithInt:offset] total:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fileLength]]; }
因此看起来大于100 KB的文件会被扰乱,但100 KB以下的文件很好。显而易见,我的缓冲区/数学/等等有些东西已经关闭,但我在这个问题上迷失了。可能是时候把它称为一天,但我很想睡觉,这个解决了。
NSFileHandle *originalFile, *encodedFile; self.localEncodedURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-base64.xml", self.localURL]; // Open the original file for reading originalFile = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:self.localURL]; if (originalFile == nil) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateStatus:) withObject:@"Encoding failed." waitUntilDone:NO]; return; } encodedFile = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:self.localEncodedURL]; if (encodedFile == nil) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateStatus:) withObject:@"Encoding failed." waitUntilDone:NO]; return; } // Read data in chunks from the original file [originalFile seekToEndOfFile]; NSUInteger length = [originalFile offsetInFile]; [originalFile seekToFileOffset:0]; NSUInteger chunkSize = 100 * 1024; NSUInteger offset = 0; do { NSUInteger thisChunkSize = length - offset > chunkSize ? chunkSize : length - offset; NSData *chunk = [originalFile readDataOfLength:thisChunkSize]; offset += [chunk length]; NSString *base64EncodedChunkString = [chunk base64EncodedString]; NSData *base64EncodedChunk = [base64EncodedChunkString dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; [encodedFile writeData:base64EncodedChunk]; base64EncodedChunkString = nil; base64EncodedChunk = nil; } while (offset < length);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
chunkSize = 3600
一旦我这样做,腐败就消失了。但后来我遇到了内存泄漏问题,所以我添加了从这篇文章中获取的自动释放池评论: http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?ReadAFilePieceByPiece
// Read data in chunks from the original file
[originalFile seekToEndOfFile];
NSUInteger fileLength = [originalFile offsetInFile];
[originalFile seekToFileOffset:0];
// For base64, each chunk *MUST* be a multiple of 3
NSUInteger chunkSize = 24000;
NSUInteger offset = 0;
NSAutoreleasePool *chunkPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
while(offset < fileLength) {
// Read the next chunk from the input file
[originalFile seekToFileOffset:offset];
NSData *chunk = [originalFile readDataOfLength:chunkSize];
// Update our offset
offset += chunkSize;
// Base64 encode the input chunk
NSData *serializedChunk = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:chunk format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:NULL];
NSString *serializedString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:serializedChunk encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSRange r = [serializedString rangeOfString:@"<data>"];
serializedString = [serializedString substringFromIndex:r.location+7];
r = [serializedString rangeOfString:@"</data>"];
serializedString = [serializedString substringToIndex:r.location-1];
// Write the base64 encoded chunk to our output file
NSData *base64EncodedChunk = [serializedString dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
[encodedFile truncateFileAtOffset:[encodedFile seekToEndOfFile]];
[encodedFile writeData:base64EncodedChunk];
// Cleanup
base64EncodedChunk = nil;
serializedChunk = nil;
serializedString = nil;
chunk = nil;
// Update the progress bar
[self updateProgress:[NSNumber numberWithInt:offset] total:[NSNumber numberWithInt:fileLength]];
// Drain and recreate the pool
[chunkPool release];
chunkPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[chunkPool release];
答案 1 :(得分:1)