使用Dotnetopenauth从Azure AD获取授权令牌

时间:2016-07-26 14:33:57

标签: azure oauth-2.0 access-token dotnetopenauth azure-active-directory

我正在尝试通过DotNetOpenAuth库从Azure AD获取授权令牌。我不想使用ADAL,因为我在.net 3.5中有一个庞大的项目,而ADAL不支持.net 3.5(仅限.net> 4)。但是,我无法完全使用Azure AD。我不知道配置什么。到目前为止,这就是我所拥有的:

    private static WebServerClient _webServerClient;
    private static string _accessToken;
    // Client ID (as obtained from Azure AD portal)
    private static string clientId = "here goes my client id guid";
    // Client Secret (as obtained from Azure AD portal)
    private static string appKey = "here goes my secret";
    private static string aadInstance = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{0}";
    private static string tenant = "mytenant.domain.com";
    private static string authority = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, aadInstance, tenant);
    // Azure AD resource I am trying to access
    private static string serviceResourceId = "https://mytenant.domain.com/protectedresource";

    private static void InitializeWebServerClient()
        var authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription
            AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(""/* WHAT TO PUT HERE */),
            TokenEndpoint = new Uri(""/* WHAT TO PUT HERE */)
        _webServerClient = new WebServerClient(authorizationServer, clientId, appKey);

    private static void RequestToken()
        var state = _webServerClient.GetClientAccessToken();
        _accessToken = state.AccessToken;

    static void Main(string[] args) {


AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(“” / *向我们投放的内容* / ),

TokenEndpoint = new Uri(“” / *这里放什么* /

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检查此 GitHub示例是否有助于您进行身份验证。它有3种方法来验证和获取具有详细指令的身份验证令牌。检查app.config以获取样本值和方法注释,以获取有关所需内容的详细信息。

链接到示例:Azure Authentication GitHub Sample

示例的相关博客:Azure Authentication - Authenticating any Azure API Request in your Application

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