
时间:2016-07-25 10:07:09

标签: wpf xaml user-interface infragistics xamdatagrid

我想知道如何在XAML代码中获取列摘要。我可以使用附件或图片中提到的代码获取行摘要。 但我不知道如何添加“a1”,“b1”和“c1”中的内容以仅在XAML代码中获取“摘要”而不使用代码隐藏。我正在使用Infragistics xamDataGrid

please refer this

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您需要library("shiny") library("shinydashboard") # header header <- dashboardHeader(title = "Changing the font size of valueBoxes", titleWidth = 450) # sidebar sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE) # body body <- dashboardBody( valueBox( value = "90k", subtitle = "some long descritptive text", icon = icon("car") ), valueBox( value = tags$p("90k", style = "font-size: 150%;"), subtitle = tags$p("some long descritptive text", style = "font-size: 150%;"), icon = icon("car fa-lg") ), valueBox( value = tags$p("90k", style = "font-size: 200%;"), subtitle = tags$p("some long descritptive text", style = "font-size: 200%;"), icon = icon("car fa-2x") ), valueBoxOutput(outputId = "mybigbox") ) # server server <- function(input, output) { output$mybigbox <- renderValueBox({ valueBox( value = tags$p("90k", style = "font-size: 300%;"), subtitle = tags$p("some long descritptive text", style = "font-size: 300%;"), icon = icon("car fa-3x") ) }) } shinyApp(ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body), server = server) MultiBinding。下面的示例计算Num1和Num2属性的总和,并显示它们的总和。



            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Sum">
                    <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource SumCnvKey}">
                        <Binding Path="Num1"/>
                        <Binding Path="Num2"/>