我有一个名为NoteEntity的核心数据实体(类型)。它有一个名为noteDocument的托管变量,它是自定义类型NoteDocument(我的NSDocument的子类)。我更改了自动生成的NoteEntity + Core Data Properties类,使其读取
import Foundation
import CoreData
extension NoteEntity {
@NSManaged var noteDocument: NoteDocument? // changed
@NSManaged var belongsTo: NSSet?
因此noteDocument的类型为NoteDocument而不是NSObject。 NoteDocument类确实实现了NSCoding,如下所示:
required convenience init(coder theDecoder: NSCoder)
let retrievedURL = theDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("URLKey") as! NSURL
self.init(receivedURL: retrievedURL)
func encodeWithCoder(theCoder: NSCoder)
theCoder.encodeObject(fileURL, forKey: "URLKey")
var request = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "NoteEntity")
let notePredicate = NSPredicate(format: "noteDocument == %@", theNote)
request.predicate = notePredicate
print("Text in the NoteEntity with the NoteDocument for "+theNote.filename+":")
let notesGathered = try context.executeFetchRequest(request) as? [NoteEntity]
for n in notesGathered!
print (n.noteDocument!.filename)
print (n.noteDocument!.noteText)
catch let error as NSError
print("Could not run fetch request. \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
编辑:NoteDocument类包含的内容远远多于NSCoding。正如我所说,它是一个NSDocument子类。 NSCoding使用URL作为其密钥,因为它是"主键"对于NoteDocument类 - 它是初始化类的原因。这是本课程的其余部分,不包括上面的NSCoding:
import Cocoa
class NoteDocument: NSDocument, NSCoding
var filename: String
var noteText: String
var attributes: NSDictionary?
var dateCreated: NSDate?
var dateString: String?
init (receivedURL: NSURL)
self.filename = ""
self.noteText = ""
self.fileType = "net.daringfireball.markdown"
self.fileURL = receivedURL
// Try to get attributes, most importantly date-created.
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
attributes = try fileManager.attributesOfItemAtPath(fileURL!.path!)
catch let error as NSError
print("The error was: "+String(error))
if let dateCreated = attributes?.fileCreationDate()
// print("dateCreated is "+String(dateCreated!))
// Format the date-created to an appropriate string.
dateString = String(dateCreated)
print("Did not find the attributes for "+filename)
if let name = self.fileURL?.lastPathComponent
filename = name
filename = "Unnamed File"
noteText = ""
noteText = try NSString(contentsOfURL: self.fileURL!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as String
catch let error as NSError
print("Error trying to get note file:"+String(error))
// MARK: - Document functions
override class func autosavesInPlace() -> Bool
// print ("autosavesInPlace ran.")
return true
override func dataOfType(typeName: String) throws -> NSData
var outError: NSError! = NSError(domain: "Migrator", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
// Post: Document is saved to a file specified by the user.
outError = NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
if let value = self.noteText.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false) {
// Convert noteText to an NSData object and return that.
return value
print("dataOfType ran.")
throw outError
override func readFromData(data: NSData, ofType typeName: String) throws
// Currently unused; came free with NSDocument.
throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
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