我从客户端获得了Microsoft Access MDB文件。它有大约10个表,我只需要其中一个。为了进一步使用,我必须将该表转换为JSON文件。有没有办法实现这一点(免费软件或在线工具高度赞赏)?
我在OS X 10.11上并且没有选择Windows。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我知道为时已晚,但对于其他需要在线Access数据库转换器(mdb,accdb)的人来说,我已经构建了一个在线工具,可以将几乎所有版本的Access数据库转换为JSON,MySQL转储文件或SQLite。 / p>
答案 1 :(得分:3)
这是一个Microsoft Access数据库模块函数,用于导出表或查询(作为字符串传递)并在与Access数据库相同的文件夹中创建带有JSON日期时间戳的文本文件:
Function toJSON(PassTblQry)
Dim mydb As Database, rs As Recordset
Dim VarField(255), VarFieldType(255)
Dim fld As DAO.Field, VarDat As String
Set db = CurrentDb
fn = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & PassTblQry & " " & Format(Now(), "YYYY-MM-DD HHMM") & ".json" ' define export current folder query date/time
Open fn For Output As #1 ' output to text file
Recs = DCount("*", PassTblQry) ' record count
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & PassTblQry & "]")
Nonulls = True ' set NoNulls = true to remove all null values within output ELSE set to false
fieldcount = 0
' Save field count, fieldnames, and type into array
For Each fld In rs.Fields
fieldcount = fieldcount + 1
VarField(fieldcount) = fld.Name
'Debug.Print VarField(fieldcount)
VarFieldType(fieldcount) = "TEXT"
Select Case fld.Type
Case 4, 5, 6, 7 ' fieldtype 4=long, 5=Currency, 6=Single, 7-Double
VarFieldType(fieldcount) = "NUMBER"
End Select
Set fld = Nothing
Print #1, "[" ' start JSON dataset
' build JSON dataset from table/query data passed
Do While Not rs.EOF
Print #1, "{" ' START JSON record
' build JSON record from table/query record using fieldname and type arrays
For looper = 1 To fieldcount
VarFT = VarFieldType(looper)
If VarFT = "NUMBER" Then QuoteID = "" ' No quote for numbers
QuoteID = Chr(34) ' double quote for text
If IsNull(rs(VarField(looper)).Value) Then ' deal with null values
VarDat = "Null": QuoteID = "" ' no quote for nulls
If Nonulls = True Then VarDat = "": QuoteID = Chr(34) ' null text to empty quotes
If Nonulls = True And VarFT = "NUMBER" Then VarDat = "0": QuoteID = "" ' null number to zero without quotes
VarDat = Trim(rs(VarField(looper)).Value)
End If
VarDat = Replace(VarDat, Chr(34), "'") ' replace double quote with single quote
VarDat = Replace(VarDat, Chr(8), "") ' remove backspace
VarDat = Replace(VarDat, Chr(10), "") ' remove line feed
VarDat = Replace(VarDat, Chr(12), "") ' remove form feed
VarDat = Replace(VarDat, Chr(13), "") ' remove carriage return
VarDat = Replace(VarDat, Chr(9), " ") ' replace tab with spaces
jsonRow = Chr(34) & VarField(looper) & Chr(34) & ":" & QuoteID & VarDat & QuoteID
If looper < fieldcount Then jsonRow = jsonRow & "," ' add comma if not last field
Print #1, Chr(9) & jsonRow
Next looper
Print #1, "}"; ' END JSON record
If Not rs.EOF Then
Print #1, "," ' add comma if not last record
Print #1, ""
End If
Print #1, "]" ' close JSON dataset
Close #1
End Function
答案 2 :(得分:0)
import * as adodb from "node-adodb";
import * as fs from "fs";
// write to a new file named 2pac.txt
const connection = adodb.open('Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=db.mdb;');
async function toJSON(filename:string,sql:string) {
try {
const data = await connection.query(sql);
const dataString=JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
fs.writeFile('data/' + filename, dataString, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(filename + ' saved!');
} catch (error) {
console.log(filename + ' error !');
答案 3 :(得分:-1)
是的,有一个解决方案,你可以把mdb访问数据库文件带到一个有Windows的人,并在该文件上使用该程序提取或转换MS Access .mdb文件到json文件你可以在这里找到proram链接以及如何在youtube上的此剪辑中使用它
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6adHmSfWs-o 该程序 http://konbrand.com/DownLoads/