我正在侦听来自另一个JS文件的消息,当它进来时,我想要获取“用户配置文件”对象(请求)并将属性添加到它,称为“visitedLinks”。 visitedLinks应设置为空对象。
我在整个代码中执行了3个console.logs,在所有三种情况下,console.logs都将“visitedLinks”设置为空对象,但是当我推送到Firebase时,“visitedLinks”不是属性。 / p>
//Relevant 3 console statements are the following
//console.log('request.accountData = ', request.accountData)
//console.log('userObject test #1 = ', userObject)
//console.log('userObject = ', userObject)
var rootRef = new Firebase("https://search-feed-35574.firebaseio.com/");
if (localStorage.userIsAuthenticated) {
console.log('user is authenticaled')
//listen for messages
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
//url is coming in from a content script, use localStorage.uid to make database call
if (request.url) {
console.log('message coming from content script')
var uid = localStorage.uid;
var url = request.url;
var userRef = rootRef.child(uid);
newLinkRef = userRef.push(url);
//otherwise, we're getting a message from popup.js, meaning they clicked it again, or they've signed in for the first time
} else {
console.log('message coming from popup')
//here we're passing in all the data from the person's Google user account
var googleUID = request.accountData.uid
//then we make a new object with the key as their google UID and the value all the account data
request.accountData.visitedLinks = {}
console.log('request.accountData = ', request.accountData)
var userObject = {};
userObject[googleUID] = request.accountData;
console.log('userObject test #1 = ', userObject)
//here were checking to see if the UID is already a key in the database
//basically, if they've ever logged in
rootRef.once('value', function(snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasChild(googleUID)) {
//user has authenticated before, they just happened to click the popup again
console.log('already authenticated, you just clicked the popup again')
} else {
console.log('users first DB entry');
//if they're not in the database yet, we need to push userObject to the DB
//and push their current url to the publicLinks array
rootRef.set(userObject, function(error) {
console.log('error = ', error);
console.log('userObject after DB insert = ', userObject)
//figure out if this user has entries in the DB already
//just push the link information onto the "links" node of the db object
//if not, push a ref (to the right place)
// console.log(sender)
} else {
console.log('user isnt authenticated')