我正在尝试找到this question of mine的解决方案。我通过在A列和B列(借方和贷方)中搜索相同的号码开始尝试。我使用 looping-trough-array 方法来执行此操作,而不是像this question那样使用查找函数,因为我认为它更快。
D e b i t Cr e d i t
20 13
14 13
13 14
14 17
19 19
11 20
17 14
20 12
19 19
20 15
20 12
13 11
12 19
13 20
19 19
20 11
11 16
10 16
19 19
20 11
Public i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, Last_Row As Long
Public DC, Row_Data, ID_Match
Sub Quick_Match()
T0 = Timer
k = 0
Last_Row = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim DC(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 2)
ReDim Row_Data(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
ReDim ID_Match(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
DC = Range("A2:B" & Last_Row)
For i = 1 To Last_Row - 1
If DC(i, 1) <> "" Then
k = k + 1
For j = 1 To Last_Row - 1
If DC(i, 1) <> DC(i, 2) Then
If DC(i, 1) = DC(j, 2) And DC(i, 2) = DC(j, 1) Then
Call Row_Label
Exit For
Row_Data(i, 1) = "No Match"
End If
If i <> j Then
If DC(i, 1) = DC(j, 1) And DC(i, 2) = DC(j, 2) Then
Call Row_Label
Exit For
Row_Data(i, 1) = "No Match"
End If
End If
End If
Next j
End If
If Row_Data(i, 1) = "No Match" Then
k = k - 1
End If
Next i
Range("C2:C" & Last_Row) = Row_Data
Range("D2:D" & Last_Row) = ID_Match
InputBox "The runtime of this program is ", "Runtime", Timer - T0
End Sub
Sub Row_Label()
Row_Data(i, 1) = j + 1
ID_Match(i, 1) = k
Row_Data(j, 1) = i + 1
ID_Match(j, 1) = k
DC(i, 1) = ""
DC(i, 2) = ""
DC(j, 1) = ""
DC(j, 2) = ""
End Sub
虽然它的性能有点慢,但它运行正常。它在我的机器上大约25秒完成,用于处理10,000行数据(可以下载数据集文件on this link以测试代码和我的代码的运行时间)。所以我想知道是否有更有效的方法来做到这一点。任何人都可以提出更短版本或更快版本吗?请分享你的尝试。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Sub DebitCreditCrossMatch()
Dim dictKeys As Object, dictRows As Object
Dim DebitKey As String, CreditKey As String
Dim arrDebit, arrCredit, arrMatchRow, arrMatchID, items, keys
Dim ID As Long, rw As Long, x As Long, lastRow As Long
lastRow = Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
arrDebit = Range("A1", "A" & lastRow).Value
arrCredit = Range("B1", "B" & lastRow).Value
arrMatchRow = Range("C1", "C" & lastRow).Value
arrMatchID = Range("D1", "D" & lastRow).Value
Set dictKeys = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For x = 2 To lastRow
arrMatchRow(x, 1) = "No Match"
arrMatchID(x, 1) = "No Match"
DebitKey = arrDebit(x, 1) & ":" & arrCredit(x, 1)
CreditKey = arrCredit(x, 1) & ":" & arrDebit(x, 1)
If dictKeys.Exists(CreditKey) Then
Set dictRows = dictKeys(CreditKey)
items = dictRows.items
keys = dictRows.keys
rw = CLng(items(0))
ID = ID + 1
arrMatchRow(x, 1) = rw
arrMatchRow(rw, 1) = x
arrMatchID(x, 1) = ID
arrMatchID(rw, 1) = ID
dictRows.Remove keys(0)
If dictRows.count = 0 Then dictKeys.Remove CreditKey
ElseIf dictKeys.Exists(DebitKey) Then
Set dictRows = dictKeys(DebitKey)
dictRows.Add x, x
Set dictRows = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dictRows.Add x, x
dictKeys.Add DebitKey, dictRows
End If
Range("C1", "C" & lastRow).Value = arrMatchRow
Range("D1", "D" & lastRow).Value = arrMatchID
Set dictKeys = Nothing
Set dictRows = Nothing
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Sub test()
'/ Assuming that on Sheet1 starting at A1, four headers are : Debit Credit Row ID Match
Dim lCtrRow As Long
Dim lCtrRow2 As Long
Dim lmatchCount As Long
Dim arrResult
arrResult = Sheet1.UsedRange
'/ Loop through first column Rows
For lCtrRow = LBound(arrResult) To UBound(arrResult)
lmatchCount = 0
arrResult(lCtrRow, 3) = "No Match"
'/ Re-Loop but this time match if A&B = B&A
For lCtrRow2 = LBound(arrResult) + 1 To UBound(arrResult)
If arrResult(lCtrRow, 1) & arrResult(lCtrRow, 2) = arrResult(lCtrRow2, 2) & arrResult(lCtrRow2, 1) Then
'/ If no match then only put down the row number. Avoids overwriting.
If arrResult(lCtrRow, 3) = "No Match" Then
arrResult(lCtrRow, 3) = lCtrRow2
End If
'/ Keep track of no. matches found.
lmatchCount = lmatchCount + 1
arrResult(lCtrRow, 4) = lmatchCount
End If
'/ Dump the processed result back on another sheet
Sheet2.Range("a1").Resize(UBound(arrResult), UBound(arrResult, 2)) = arrResult
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
Public Sub matchCreditDebit()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim debit As Range, credit As Range, match As Range, rows As Long
rows = ws.UsedRange.rows.Count
Set credit = ws.Range("A1:A" & rows)
Set debit = ws.Range("B1:B" & rows)
Set match = ws.Range("C1:C" & rows)
match.Offset(1).Clear 'delete previous matched, start with clean slate, offset used to preserve header
Dim foundRanges As Collection, i As Long, r As Range
For i = 2 To rows
If Len(ws.Cells(i, match.Column).Value) = 0 _
And Len(ws.Cells(i, credit.Column).Value) > 0 Then 'check if match is already found and credit has value
Set foundRanges = FindAllInRange(debit, credit.Cells(i, 1).Value) 'first sift, find matching debit with a credit value
If Not foundRanges Is Nothing Then
For Each r In foundRanges
Debug.Print r.Address, ws.Cells(r.Row, credit.Column).Value
If ws.Cells(r.Row, credit.Column).Value = ws.Cells(i, debit.Column) Then 'second sift, match for found credit in debit
ws.Cells(r.Row, match.Column).Value = i
End If
Next r
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Function FindAllInRange( _
ByRef searchRange As Range, _
ByVal FindWhat As Variant _
) As Collection
Dim result As Collection
Set result = New Collection
Dim nextFound As Range
Set nextFound = searchRange.Cells(searchRange.rows.Count, 1)
Set nextFound = searchRange.Find( _
What:=FindWhat, _
After:=nextFound, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
If nextFound Is Nothing Then Exit Do
If collectionContainsRange(result, nextFound) Then Exit Do
result.Add nextFound, nextFound.Address
Loop While True
Set FindAllInRange = result
End Function
Private Function collectionContainsRange(ByRef result As Collection, ByRef rng As Range) As Boolean
collectionContainsRange = False
Dim r As Range
For Each r In result
If StrComp(r.Address, rng.Address, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
collectionContainsRange = True
Exit Function
End If
Next r
End Function
答案 3 :(得分:1)
Sub Matching()
Dim rng, arr, r1 As Long, r2 As Long, nR As Long
Dim sortId As Long, rwTrack(), s1, s2
'get the input range
With Range("a1").CurrentRegion 'assumes no blank columns/rows
Set rng = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1)
End With
arr = rng.Value
nR = UBound(arr, 1)
ReDim rwTrack(1 To nR) 'for matching row numbers to sortId
' (should be more like nR/2 but lazy...)
sortId = 1
For r1 = 1 To nR
For r2 = r1 + 1 To nR
If arr(r1, 1) = arr(r2, 2) And arr(r1, 2) = arr(r2, 1) Then
s1 = arr(r1, 4)
s2 = arr(r2, 4)
If Len(s1) = 0 And Len(s2) = 0 Then
'new match - assign new Id
arr(r1, 4) = sortId
arr(r2, 4) = sortId
rwTrack(sortId) = r1 & "," & r2 'capture the rows
sortId = sortId + 1
'already matched: copy the existing Id and track rows
If Len(s1) > 0 And Len(s2) = 0 Then
arr(r2, 4) = s1
rwTrack(s1) = rwTrack(s1) & "," & r2
End If
If Len(s2) > 0 And Len(s1) = 0 Then
arr(r1, 4) = s2
rwTrack(s2) = rwTrack(s2) & "," & r1
End If
End If
End If
Next r2
Next r1
'populate all of the matched row numbers
For r1 = 1 To nR
If arr(r1, 4) <> "" Then arr(r1, 3) = rwTrack(arr(r1, 4))
Next r1
'dump the data back
Range("a1").Offset(1, 0).Resize(nR, UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr
End Sub
答案 4 :(得分:1)
为了加快匹配,可以提高通过算法。 假设你的代码工作正常。
Row A B
2 20 13
3 20 12
4 20 11
998 13 20
999 12 20
1000 11 20
基于上述假设,我们可以减少约1000次循环。 (在实际情况下,它可能更多/更少)。 Application.Match()
4)使用Application.ScreenUpdating = False
然后我们在第7行找到匹配的记录,检查记录是否与Debit&amp;信用,如果没有将searchRng的大小减小到C8:C10000则继续重复逻辑Sub Match ()
For nRow = 2 to lastRow 'Loop for each row in Column A
set searchRng = Range("C1:C10000")
debitVal = Cells(nRow, "B")
Do until searchRng is Nothing
If IsError(Application.Match(debitVal, searchRng, 0)) then
'No Match
Exit Do
N = Application.Match(debitVal, searchRng, 0)
'Do something to check if Record match, and assign ID Match
If IsRecordMatched Then
'Assign ID
'Matching Range - Cells(nRow,"B")
'Matched Range - Cells(searchRng.Cells(1).Offset(N,0).Rows, "B")
'Resize the searchRng
nSize = searchRng.Cells.Count - (N + 1)
if nSize < 1 then Exit Do
set searchRng = searchRng.Resize(nSize,1)
set searchRng = searchRng.Offset(N + 1,0)
End If
End If
Next nRow
End Sub
答案 5 :(得分:1)
以下代码的平均完成时间小于 2.4秒。它比前一个快两倍,也更短。
Sub Quick_Match()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, Last_Row As Long
Dim DC, Row_Data, ID_Match
Last_Row = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim DC(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 2)
ReDim Row_Data(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
ReDim ID_Match(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
DC = Range("A2:B" & Last_Row).Value2
For i = 1 To Last_Row - 2
If DC(i, 1) <> vbNullString Then
k = k + 1
For j = i + 1 To Last_Row - 1
If DC(j, 2) <> vbNullString Then
If DC(i, 1) = DC(j, 2) And DC(i, 2) = DC(j, 1) Then
Row_Data(i, 1) = j + 1: ID_Match(i, 1) = k
Row_Data(j, 1) = i + 1: ID_Match(j, 1) = k
DC(i, 1) = vbNullString: DC(i, 2) = vbNullString
DC(j, 1) = vbNullString: DC(j, 2) = vbNullString
Exit For
End If
End If
Next j
End If
If Row_Data(i, 1) = vbNullString Then
Row_Data(i, 1) = "No Match": k = k - 1
End If
Next i
Range("C2:C" & Last_Row) = Row_Data
Range("D2:D" & Last_Row) = ID_Match
End Sub
[旧答案]取得了一些进展。以下代码在我的机器上处理10,000行数据时,平均完成时间小于 5.2秒。不仅速度更快,而且比前一个更短。我改变了循环算法以改善其性能。我也使用一些加速技巧,比如使用.Value2
而不是零长度字符串(&#34;&#34 ;)找到匹配或标记为&#34; No Match&#34;的数组元素。这样循环程序不会再次处理它。
Public i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, Last_Row As Long
Public DC, Row_Data, ID_Match
Sub Quick_Match()
T0 = Timer
k = 0
Last_Row = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim DC(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 2)
ReDim Row_Data(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
ReDim ID_Match(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
DC = Range("A2:B" & Last_Row).Value2
For i = 1 To Last_Row - 1
If DC(i, 1) <> vbNullString Then
k = k + 1
For j = 1 To Last_Row - 1
If DC(j, 2) <> vbNullString Then
If DC(i, 1) <> DC(i, 2) Then
If DC(i, 1) = DC(j, 2) And DC(i, 2) = DC(j, 1) Then
Call Row_Label
Exit For
End If
If i <> j Then
If DC(i, 1) = DC(j, 1) And DC(i, 2) = DC(j, 2) Then
Call Row_Label
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next j
End If
If Row_Data(i, 1) = vbNullString Then
Row_Data(i, 1) = "No Match"
DC(i, 2) = vbNullString
k = k - 1
End If
Next i
Range("C2:C" & Last_Row) = Row_Data
Range("D2:D" & Last_Row) = ID_Match
InputBox "The runtime of this program is ", "Runtime", Timer - T0
End Sub
Sub Row_Label()
Row_Data(i, 1) = j + 1
ID_Match(i, 1) = k
Row_Data(j, 1) = i + 1
ID_Match(j, 1) = k
DC(i, 2) = vbNullString
DC(j, 1) = vbNullString
DC(j, 2) = vbNullString
End Sub
答案 6 :(得分:1)
public function getActiveProducts() {
$all_products = $this->hasMany(Product::className(),['product_category_id' => 'id'])->select(['id'])->where(['status'=>1])->all();
return $all_product;
public function getProductsCount() {
return sizeof($this->activeProducts);