我已经破解了一些符合其目的的代码,但感觉非常笨重/低效。从许多条目的表中,每个条目都有一个与之相关的月份+年份字符串:" 2016年9月"从这些开始,我创建了一个按时间顺序排列的月份及其频率数据,用于下拉选择表格:[' Novemeber 2016(5)',' 2016年9月(5)&# 39;]
@months = []
banana = Post.pluck(:month)
#array of all months posted in, eg ['September 2016', 'July 2017', etc
strawberry = banana.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)){|key,hash| hash[key] += 1}
#hash of unique month + frequency
strawberry.each { |k, v| strawberry[k] = "(#{v.to_s})" }
#value into string with brackets
pineapple = (strawberry.sort_by { |k,_| Date.strptime(k,"%b %Y") }).reverse
#sorts into array of months ordered by most recent
pineapple.each { |month, frequency| @months.push("#{month}" + " " + "#{frequency}") }
#array of formatted months + frequency, eg ['July 2017 (5)', 'September 2016 (5)']
答案 0 :(得分:1)
['September 2016', 'July 2017', 'September 2016', 'July 2017']
.group_by { |e| e } # .group_by(&:itself) since Ruby2.3
.sort_by { |k, _| Date.parse(k) }
.map { |k, v| "#{k} (#{v.count})" }
#⇒ [
# [0] "July 2017 (2)",
# [1] "September 2016 (2)"
# ]